bible project 1 peter podcast

But there was, actually a very small tribe among us who actually know what I was doing right, there, right? Its notits very general. Tim: I add lots of little introductions to "And in the power of the Spirit, Jesus went to this. Book of Isaiah Summary: A Complete Animated Overview (Part 1) BibleProject 3.52M subscribers Subscribe 3.4M views 6 years ago #BibleVideo #BibleProject #Isaiah Watch our overview video on the. Day One. It's remarkable that you and I, are sitting right here having this conversation right now about these things. begin to talk about Jesus. The question is, is that their question? We treat it as though it were a contemporary text. The other, thing is, every single one of those sentences comes from somewhere in the book of, Isaiah. Rather, its precisely because, Christianity is a historical religion. Its regular, its, coherent, and it creates the potential for meaning in our lives. who are the gods and how do we relate to them? The, Pillars of the Earth stands on pillars and will not be shaken. So we could slow down, but I think Acts can, be grasped. Jon: We had a lengthy discussion about that in Luke podcast about why is that a valid, Tim: Correct. They're a symptom of humanity's violence and attempts to protect themselves instead of trusting God. And in Baal, its likeis Israels contemporary, neighbors have a cosmology about Baal fighting the same God of the Sea except, in their words, its called Yam. Tim: My sense is that we're only going to be in the scene for 60 seconds, but I feel like, every second matters here, in this scene because it's both transitioning from the, earlier video, it's recalling the whole upside-down kingdom of God restoring exiled. The book of Acts. God formed Adam from the dust of the, ground and breathe into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a. living being. Whats the idea? Those early chapters of Genesis are a. Hebrew Israelite author talking and addressing to their Babylonian, Egyptian, Canaanite neighbors. Peter offers hope to persecuted Christians and guides them with practical instruction on living life consistent with following Jesus. helps us understand the meaning of the events. And it's not a cityit's a woman. God Q+R 3: Questions About Jesus' Identity. We just stepped into. The First Epistle of Peter (The New International Commentary on the New Testament). This episode is our preparation for making a video series that walks through the entire life of Jesus as told by Luke in his Gospel. At multiple points in the book of Acts, he'll tell a story about the trial and, execution of Stephen. No, no, stop, stop. No, God is ruling in control of the world. If you compare the first sentences, of Luke and the first senses of Acts, they're both little notes from the author to the. 1 Peter 3. Now the Bibles not just a human word. God comes to rest in His temple. Hes, creating as John Walton says, weve posted here before, his book is on sale. . We believe the, Bible is a unified story that leads to Jesus. Here's the narrative about a. large group. Thats what I want to tackle in the session here today because I think really, what this gets to is a much larger confusion, not about what the Bible says about, world origins, but about what the Bible is, and about what the Bible is for, and. Well whats up there? So lets do a. little thought experiment here to kind of flush this out. Tim Mackie, creator of The Bible Project [1] So lets see. In this episode, Tim and Jon finally (finally!) Thats ancient, Hebrew. Tim: It was a New Testament scholar named N.T. going to claim being unbiased. It's where the. So just four times in the heart of the book, which isn't a ton. The ancient Hebrews, and they have no categories for thinking of the universe as, being nothing and then God creating something out of nothing. There's a crossover to Paul, his first letter to the Corinthians, where he talks, about he appeared to the apostles, to Peter, to James, to me." He has a seven-day dedication, feast, and a seven-day inauguration ceremony. And kings come into being. Paul and Barnabas challenge the disciples . You can see our entire library of videos, podcasts . How and when and by, what processes did all that happen. 1 Peter: A Living Hope in Christ purchase Publication 1 Peter: A Living Hope in Christ Jen Wilkin Our inheritance through Christ is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading. The Bible Project. It was fine. Right close, so please say with me, Hello. Did. It was designed as a two-part work. But, then here they are in university, and theyre taking Biology 101 and theyre, learning about the evolutionary development and mechanisms by which species, develop and diversify, and how does all this go together? Like, "Cool, he died, you came back, we're talking about the kingdom still, but when's Israel going to be, free from Rome and when are we going to lead this nation the way that God wants, Tim: There you go. Tim: "The Acts of Jesus Through the Holy Spirit," which is still rewording. We all learned a ton. Tim and Jon dive into Pauls understanding of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. motivation behind this, right. Then remember Luke had that long journey section in the middle, and it was just a, string of event. and Roman title for an early biography, "The Acts of Aristotle" or something like that. Then the next thing the disciples ask is a question about the, kingdom. So in no instance of, the Bible does God choose to update the ancient science of the Bible. Take your choice and walk away. And I cannot tell you how many cups, of coffee during my seven years of being down on campus everyday. Actually, the first, sentences give you a map of the whole book. Its the first clue. You're like, "Wait, that hasn't happened yet. 2 days ago Jesus' Disciples Are a City - The City E10 The city of Jerusalem, established by David to be the home of God, is a glimpse of what a divine city could look like, but even Jerusalem. Origin of Spiritual Beings and a Mini Q+R. He's so weaving them into the texture of his argument. What did people call it? It's a. clever way of uniting the two books that if Volume One is what Jesus began to do. Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. One the one hand there is the scientific account of the origins of life and then there is the story of universal origins told by the bible. Then what story does Luke place next? We talked about the sky, and the land, now in our English translation, the next thing here is whatsin, many of our English translations, the phrase called formless and void. wrapping it together versus a historical way of wrapping it together. "Wait here for power, from on high so that you can go out and announce repentance for the forgiveness. Follow discussions between Tim & Jon as they prepare to write the theme video on "God." In 1 Peter, a man of faith and flaws and eyewitness to the life of Christ challenges us to look beyond our current circumstances to a future inheritance. 2:10)? Its by two pastors actually. That the world has order, and coherence the way our world came into being was through coherence and, meaningful order not violent conflict, but beauty, and meaning, and order. And thats how the story goes until the, humans make too much noise and then they get mad at them so they send. Im committed to perceived tension and, not a real one. But we rarely think through the implications of what that really, means because any act of communication by nature has to be done in a, particular language, in a particular culture and historical context. You can read. Theres evening, theres morning, one day. This basic, worldview statement transcends its ancient cultural setting and commands the, attention of Gods people in all places and all times. other resources. And not just to be fancy, there's a theological claim being made there, that when Jesus's followers are faithful, their life story will follow the arc of the Jesus, Jon: So interesting that something that important to communicate is just embedded in, Jon: The architecture in the story. I think Luke's goal at Theophilus, wherever he lives, Rome or something, that here's, Theophilus, who knows, he was born whatever a Macedonian or something and. And every ancient Near Eastern cosmology is make a good claim about all those, questions. Day and night is part of our construct of how the, world functions and His meaning. something deep and meaningful about what it means to be a follower of Jesus. That was a cultural reference to what I think was one of the most, brilliant and absurd movies of the early 2000s, right? Tim: The vocabulary. So the purpose of the Bible must be to, do something else. He's instructing them for 40 days about the, kingdom of God. Respond. "Power will come upon you.". And its the narrative of what modern scientific research tells us, about world origins or human origins. What is this whole thing about? Peter is hopeful that their imitation of Jesus and demonstration of his upside-down Kingdom will give power to their words as they bear witness to God's mercy and show people the beautiful truth about Jesus. Wright. Tim: We'll have the visual style of videos be the same. Read Isaiah 9:2-7 aloud carefully. Makes perfect sense. void. The world is the, result of a violent conflict which creates all this in the president. Who ordained this rhythm of the world? There's a German scholar who pioneered the argument, his, name is Martin Hengel, that he thinks the titles, the singular Gospel according to, Matthew, or according to Mark, he thinks that those are early but they reflect the. What does it mean to say, heavens? The, opening paragraphs, the closing paragraphs are modeled on really important, transitional stories and episodes in Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice". Its a different way of seeing world origins. The words that, begins the Bible is the word, reishit. But how exactly that, works out, theres actually quite a lot confusion among most people about what, that means. Here, Tim and Jon will be covering the first two, God's name and his glory or "*kavod*." 34min September 24, 2018. But the core value underneath it is that when Jesus's followers are faithfully, representing him in the world, their story will look like his, which means sometimes, its awesome and great impact and sharing, and the poor are fed, and people find, new families, and love, forgiveness. English word beginning mean. In this episode, we focus on the apparent tension between science and faith. Tim: It's happened. No Romans. Lets just stop right here again. So we always hold our interpretations loosely because, human knowledge is always growing and understanding. culture speaks, and we need to respect it, and this raises the big question then. Peter offers hope to persecuted Christians and guides them with practical instruction on living life consistent with following Jesus. The apostle addressed the letter's recipients as "aliens" (1:1), a word indicating that Peter was speaking not just to Jews or just to Gentiles but to Christians who were living their lives in such a way that they would have stood out as aliens among the surrounding culture. They discuss Gods Spirit, Gods wisdom, and Gods word. At some point a year ago or so, we were going to do a video on Luke, and we had a, conversation on Luke, which is on the podcast. imagery is all connected here in these first sentences of the Bible so God speaks. Next, Im convinced that most of us, while we say we recognize, the Bible as an ancient text, the reality is, is most of us do not treat the Bible like, an ancient text. ancient Jerusalem. One the one hand there is the scientific account of the origins of life and then there is the story of universal origins told by the bible. The, moment you translate this into English, the meaning will change. Speaks. So you can read this in the Bible when, Solomon built a temple, he built it in seven years. Tim: That's right. So okay, lets step into the cultures shoes. Light is not a thing. 1 Peter 4. In part 2 (19:20- 24:40) Tim makes a point that the title of the book is The Acts of Jesus through the Holy Spirit because Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the only two characters that are consistent throughout. So its a much wider cultural reference, right? You Are a Chosen Race. What does God call the light? Many common motifs within 40-day scenes is testing. So we find darkness, and howling wasteland. We have all the scroll motifs. So whats the rakia? And that was his argument was, there's no way that the scrolls were, conceived of as anonymous or that a missionary would bring one to Ephesus and be, like, "Hey, I got this role. And, I also helped start this thing called, The Bible Project. Thats the height of cultural presumption. And when were stepping into the early chapters of, Genesis, were stepping into an ancient Near Eastern culture. Tohu wa-bohu in Deuteronomy 32, it gets translated as howling. Get Started. And then the sixth day, humans are at the pinnacle, any scholars, they tune in to this. Jon: But you've kind of already thought it through and think that there are three videos in, Tim: Yeah. Today we're starting a new series on the book of, Acts. He spends 40 days teaching about it, and then they ask "is the kingdom not Israel?". 1 Peter 1 1 Peter 2 1 Peter 3 1 Peter 4 1 Peter 5. Bible in English, and heres what science says, look theres tension. So what Id like to move towards is, what is that tension and in all the sessions today were going to be flushing out, what that tension is about or ways to recognize that its a perceived tension but, In many ways, thats kind of the burden of what were doing here today. Tim and Jon discussed four. Modern scientific concepts of, big bang, cosmic background or radiation, DNA, its just, theyre not talking to. Start here, then the rest of Judea and Samaria, which, is the equivalent of saying all the historic tribes of Israel. So, lets take one more example here. Like the lips going like this And Marduk shoots an arrow, arrow goes down, pierces her, and this is horribly graphic, and Marduk takes her, sticks in mouth and rips Tiamat in half. "One day, that political kingdom will come, but it's not now. here because were trying to join something that maybe ought not to be joined. An ancient Israelite author. Far as you go, at least youre going to be alive to, make it. In fact, in the second chapter of Genesis, God "builds" something for humanity's protection. The Cross was his enthronement and the resurrection was his, Jon: "Gathering them together, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait, for what the Father had promised, "Which, He said, "you heard of from Me; for John, baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit" not, Tim: "Not many days from now." We're a. nonprofit in Portland, Oregon, and you can find lots of our stuff, videos, study notes. A Digital Ministry of little breadcrumb, allusions, and phrases all the way through that chapter. Now, here it's picking up that theme and filling it out a little bit more. This is our last episode (for now) in our series on the book of Acts and Luke. If you have. BibleProject creates free resources to help you experience the Bible. Do you see, this here? Some Christians have read Jesus's answer as a postponement because, they're in the paradigm of to say the kingdom to Israel means a national Messianic, Kingdom in Jerusalem. Tim: But in this scene, this could be Jesus talking about the kingdom and we could just, summarize these themes from these Isaiah texts here about the restoration of exiles. Like the planet. With all that said, lets dive into the episode for this week. Well lets turn to our English, translations and lets see. New The City E10 Jesus' Disciples Are a City 1hr 3m Subscribe and Listen On: Apple Google Spotify Episodes Series Sort By New The City E10 the other half makes the land. Daniel: I'm Daniel from Raleigh, North Carolina. I mean you get. Episodes. Tim and Jon zoom in on a confusing part of the Bible: Gods attributes. You would never, or at least I hope you will never go to France and start walking around Paris and, assume that everyone is going to speak English to you and want to eat Big Macs, and talk about American Idol. Now lets say we go to the other side of the planet, a hundred years from, now. How would you summarize the main idea of this video in your own words? Its very general. Well in this episode were going to be exploring and focusing on a, specific topic that has been really controversial in modern western culture and, that is the tension or at least the apparent tension between science and religious, faith. The Bible Project 2020 | Listen to Podcasts On Demand Free | TuneIn The Bible Projec Religion & Spirituality Podcas Journey with us through the entire BibleGenesis through Revelation. Gods word reflects various historical moments, in which it was written. But the 40 days, doesn't bring Jesus's teaching through the Holy Spirit to a close. So the crucifixion in Luke Part Four, we have two opportunities with. Alright. Overview. And out of one-half makes the sky, and. of the desert, wasteland. Once you've watched the featured video, take time to reflect on these questions. English words, Beat me up, Scottie. How many of you are tracking with me. Wright did was he structured one whole chapter of that book. Its a narrative of violence and conflict thats. people just try and ignore it, and wish it will all go away. And in this case, the Hebrew word, haaretz. What is that? Here, Tim and Jon will be covering the first two, Gods name and his glory or "*kavod*.

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bible project 1 peter podcast