blessed are those who mourn sermon

Share this Sermon Facebook Twitter Pinterest. Let me give you some examples. Instead, the joy comes from knowing God and His way of life. No fun in mourning! In Matthew 5:4 Jesus said, "Blessed are those who mourn." What did He mean by this Beatitude? As a father who has lost a son in death, I can identify with his deep pain. Sorrow is better than laughter, For when a face is sad a heart may be happy. In order to respond to what Jesus means here, we need to understand three things. The first beatitude confronted us with our deep need. The laughter would end, the penalty of sinful pleasure would have to be paid, and they would be held accountable for all their actions. Sign up to receive the week's latest articles, blog posts andupdates. And tell her that her time of warfare is over, that her punishment is completed. Purpose: The third area of mourning is over the general sin that has affected the world. ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHT NINE Teacher preparation: ; grief, sadness, or regret. Through Christ all will be well at last and the Christian waits the consummation. So, surely when Jesus is talking here, we can safely say it is a part of what He is about and what He says. 158 Myers Corners Road Jesus says they will be comforted. Many people in Florida are grieving over the loss of their homes because of hurricane Opel. It was that which he had to forsake. What are some of the things that hinder people from mourning over sin and receiving Gods comfort? 3) A false view of sin believing that the sins committed are not that serious so there is no need for repentance or confession. You may also like. Maintaining an Enduring Ministry of Faithful Service (2 Timothy 3:10-15) April 2 2023. At least, we have a biblical text for Weep with those who weep, and rejoice with those who rejoice. Jesus identifies with those who are mourning the loss of Lazarus. If they mourn, how can they be blessed? Free Sermons and Sermon Outlines for Preaching : What Small Groups Do Bestand What They Don't, The Power Of Choosing To Be A Touchable Leader. The Holy Spirit has been sent to convict us of sin, righteousness and judgement (John 16:9). In 2 Corinthians 7:5-10, we read: For even when we came to Macedonia, our body had no rest at all, but we were troubled in every way struggles from the outside, fears from within. Series: The Sermon on the Mount Yet, for the Christian, this is a vital truth and part of the message of the gospel of hope that we seek to share with the world. We are coming to the time this morning for our worship service when we are to worship our Lord, and I say to you, Dont lose the mourning dimension, but as we think about our Lord, it is only appropriate that we praise and rejoice in Him.. Christian/Church Of Christ. Luke 6:20-49) For more on what the Bible says, read Crying: What the Bible Says and Godly Sorrow.. The beatitudes 1) Each beatitude has a particular form. Jesus wept over a lost city. This statement is rather paradoxical when you think about it. Jesus then raised Lazarus from the dead (verses 43-44). Considering all this, we can see why Jesus said, Blessed are those who mourn (Matthew 5:4). The Christian Character Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. That happens over and over again in dirty jokes and other ways. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. read more, Scripture: Our citizenship is in heaven according to Philippians 3:20 and Colossians 1:13 makes it clear that God has delivered us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son., Being poor in spirit does not have anything to do with finances or material wealth. Our marketing culture tries to convince you that some product or service will do this for you. "Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.". Somehow Ham shows up, and it seems as though Canaan may be involved in that (because the curse falls upon him). The first beatitude confronted us with our deep need. But Jesus doesnt say, Blessed are those who mourn, for they will rejoice. Matthew doesnt say that. Now, if you think Im fishing a little bit, remember in the Gospel of Luke when Jesus comes to Nazareth and presents Himself there in the synagogue, He takes the scroll, and He reads these verses (Luke 4:18,19). This was not due to the loss of friend because He knew He was about to raise Lazarus from the dead. Matthew 5:4. 1. Matthew 5:4, Isaiah 61:1-3, Denomination: Matthew 5:1-12, Denomination: in 1971. Holding on to sin will freeze and harden any heart. Again, Jesus mourning is over the effects of sin, or I should say more accurately, His mourning is over sin and its effects in the lives of people, and even as it relates to Him. We repent from that, ask for Gods forgiveness, and on the basis of His mercy and grace alone, He wonderfully saves us from sin through faith in Jesus Christ and changes us so that we are born again to a new life. Procrastination simply puts it off, but this is dangerous because you do not know the future and you do not know A) the damage being done by the procrastination, and B) when your life will end and it will be too late. The book is a critique of our media culture that has turned even what should be educational and help us to live responsibly into entertainment and amusement. It was used to describe Jacobs grief when he thought Joseph had been killed by wild animals (LXX Genesis 37:34). They probably have some dust, but thats a symbol, and they proudly wear it as a badge. "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." (Cf. I walked a mile with Pleasure, she chatted all the way, But left me none the wiser for all she had to say, I walked a mile with Sorrow and not a word said she, But oh, the things I learned when sorrow walked with me., Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. (Matthew 5:4 NKJV). The religious leaders were already against Jesus because He did not follow their traditions and He had already rebuked them for their false righteousness. What is the relationship between being poor in spirit and mourning? I told you the story about my response to Mr. Davidsons death and his funeral. The second of the Beatitudes is, Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted (Matthew 5:4). It was completed by more than twenty biblical scholars who worked directly from the best currently available Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. read more, Denomination: It involves our emotions, not just our intellect, and I would say it involves intense emotion. Holiness, This is a sermon on the second beatitude. But looking back on his life, he said, Better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting, for that is the end of all men; and the living will take it to heart. It is a scourge to be shaken off as quickly as possible. If repent means to turn around, then it seems to me that we have to acknowledge that the first thing we must see is not only that the direction we are going is wrong, but that it is ugly, and it is something we loathe. Let me give you another example: Mrs. Doubtfire. Thats a sermon in and of itself, so let us move to Isaiah 40:1. They wear their sin with pride; they dont just practice sin in some dark, murky closet. We see this in Jesus when He laments over Jerusalem in Matthew 23:37, O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! About the Text: 1) This passage begins the famous Sermon On The Mount. He says, Tears stream down from my eyes, because they do not keep Your law. Hosea 4:3 tells us that the land mourns because of Israels sin and because of the consequences that have come upon the land as a result of that. Theres an imaginary line because thats where in Luke 4:19 Jesus stops, but lets read on. You have GAINED your kingdom. Over 250 years ago, David Brainerd, a missionary to the American Indians wrote, In my morning devotions my soul was exceedingly melted, and I bitterly mourned over my exceeding sinfulness and vileness., Let there be tears for what you have done. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time There are several ways in which the world tries to bring comfort. "Blessed" really means "happy." Happy are those who mourn. And you are proud! In verse 38 Jesus is again deeply moved when He arrives at the tomb. read more, The Perfect Standard For Life Goal Now, of the different words translated to mourn, Jesus uses the strongest one. Once someone reaches that point, then he or she is capable of looking at everything with a new set of eyes. Tozer wrote an article once entitled, That Incredible Christian in which he sets in contrast some of the paradoxes of the Christian life. When one looks in the face of death, should he not see the connection between that death and sin that produced it in the ultimate sense? Those entrapped in sin are our mission field. Funeral Service for | Mrs. Mojirola Julianan Adewusi | Friday 16th June 2023 | 10am Why Is the Sermon on the Mount So Important. I imagine it as spoken, by Jesus. It does not seem as if mourning would be the way to achieve happiness and comfort. Now I rejoice, not because you were made sad, but because you were made sad to the point of repentance. Were they right in reaching the conclusion that Jesus mourning was really tied to and a direct result of His love for Lazarus? If Satan can get us to laugh about sin first, were one step down that pathone long step down that path toward the acceptance of sin. 1 2 3 4 Next Blessed are those who mourn Matthew 5:4 - Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. You remember the outcome of that mourning was not good because they then tried to go into the land and were defeated. What will prompt you to mourn over sin and draw near to God? It would be wrong to experience and confront sin and not mourn, but it is just as wrong to come face to face with the perfections of God and not worship. God has a fabulous plan that will allow everyone who is willing to repent and be saved. 2) consolation for grief or anxiety. Let us understand where true happiness comes from. Do we weep with others in their sorrow and pain. Even in this, the Lord tells us, we are blessed because He will draw close to bring comfort. Jesus knew what He was going to do and even proclaimed to Martha in verse 25, I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die, yet He weeps after talking with Martha (vs. 35). Jesus ministry was now well underway and the people are wondering if He could indeed be the Messiah. It is used for the worlds business leaders mourning over the destruction of their system of commerce during the tribulation period (Revelation 18:11,15).The strength and emotion of the word is seen in its usage in conjunction with the death of a loved one or for something that has ceased to exist, but it is not limited to that. When Jesus says, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted" (Matthew 5:4), He is talking about certain people and certain kinds of mourning. Concentrates on the second beatitude with brief comment on teh first. The Holy Spirit begins His work of sanctification within us at salvation, but He will continue to convict us of sin afterward as part of the on going work of sanctification. Even in laughter the heart may ache, and joy may end in grief. (Proverbs 14:13 NIV). 2. There is a lot of mourning today with which Jesus probably would not concur. Christians have at least three things that cause them to mournthat touch their hearts to such an extent that they sorrow and may be brought to tears. Matthew 5:3-16 Were they right? Here are three: Through the fulfillment of Gods plan, those who mourn shall be comforted.. There are multiple aspects of that plan that serve to comfort followers of Christ even now as they go through mourning. Guys and girls are sold all sorts of stuff to solve that problem. You can find an overview of all the Beatitudes and links to them in our article Beatitudes: Keys to Real Happiness.. It seems that he was about the only one who literally wept over the persistent sin and the coming destruction because of that sin. The homosexual who is dying in a hospice with AIDS. So Jesus knows, cares and will comfort us in our time of mourning. David feels that loss deeply. Mourning is the appropriate response to sin, and the appropriate manifestation of mourning is repentance. It is upon this foundation that we come to the next statement of Jesus in this sermon in Matthew 5:4, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." The Comfort of the World. Isaiah 55:7 says, Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the Lord, and He will have compassion on him; and to our God, For He will abundantly pardon. No pardon is offered to the unrepentant, presumptuous person who refuses to forsake his sin. Be miserable and mourn and weep; let your laughter be turned into mourning, and your joy to gloom. However it is the first step in becoming a blessed person. Further, the prophet Isaiah says that He was like us in that He was despised and rejected, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, Isaiah 53: 3-4. He has most after he has given most away and has least when he possesses most., He may be and often is highest when he feels lowest and most sinless when he is most conscious of sin. All rights reserved. I think it was Martyn Lloyd-Jones who made a heavy point of saying (and I dont know how many times Ive heard people say), Jesus had a great sense of humor. I think Ive said it, and it may well be true, but Martyn Lloyd-Jones says we have a lot of instances where Jesus wept. Blessed Are Those Who Mourn This sermon is on the second beatitude, "Blessed are those who mourn." It looks at the process of mourning and how we can experience God's comfort during these times, such as realizing God's with us, our need to release the hurt, and more. The word poor there means destitute, impoverished, begging poor. These are people that realize their utter spiritual bankruptcy. Confession is one thing, contrition (or repentance) is another.. We will look at the beatitudes in Matthew 5:1-12, keys to happiness. This morning we are going to look at Matthew 5:4, Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. The paradox of this beatitude is that the Christian cannot be happy unless he is first sad. Surely that must start with our Lord Jesus. Woe to you who are well satisfied with food now, for you will be hungry; Woe to you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep (Luke 6:25). Regarding humiliation, what do mourners look like? Those expressions of mourning were inappropriate, and so not all mourning is good. For sadness as intended by God produces a repentance that leads to salvation, leaving no regret, but worldly sadness brings about death (2 Corinthians 7:5-10). The Beatitudes reveal the best keys to happiness. What Joab was trying to say to him was, You have lost your perspective. Its bad enough realizing that the world is a sad place. Most of life today is spent avoiding sorrow and pain. What is this mourning that Jesus says is blessed without qualification? King Solomon had been down the path of seeking pleasure and found that it too was futility (Ecclesiastes 2:1). .Samuel did, however, mourn for Saul. God is basically saying to Samuel, You need to really get this figured out. Was it a loss for Israel to lose Saul and to gain David? It is an emotional response to loss. The comfort, therefore, must be the comfort that comes in Messiah, where He bears mans punishment and where He provides the deliverance and the rescue so that our comfort is in Jesus ultimately, and in His sacrifice for us. Jesus says these are those who are truly blessed. the Christian appears at his best in the heavenly places but does not fit well into the ways of the very society into which he was born., For the Christian to be victorious he must live in a pattern contrary to the common pattern of mankind. It is one of the reasons why over the years I have said repeatedly I would far rather do a funeral than a wedding because the reality is, apart from the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ, there is no comfort. But if this was Messiah, when would He establish His kingdom? INTRODUCTION: Matthew 5:4: Blessed are they who mourn A. The passage of anticipation from Isaiah makes clear the condition, by its opposites. 3) Citizens of God's kingdom should study and understand the contents of this great sermon. Ask a soilder and they will tell you Memorial "Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted." read more. 3. Today we move on to the second Beatitude: "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted" (Matthew 5:4). To start saving items to a SermonFolder, please create an account. A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time to dance. Amnon wrongfully mourned because he could not have Tamar, his sister. Thus, in our mourning, is it characterized by humility and humiliation over sin? Someone may prove me wrong on this, but as I understand it, every time I see mourning in the Scriptures, I see a deep sense of loss of something. Once again the world considers this as utterly ridiculous. I was fascinated by what was on the other side of the road, but the reality is that I, like most of us, do not really like mourning. You are going to lose your kingdom if you dont get your mind straightened out. One day as he saw the crowds gathering, Jesus went up on the mountainside and sat By way of some background, mourning is noted throughout scripture beginning with Abraham mourning the death of his wife, "And Sarah died in Kirjath-arba . Nothing has been solved, and in fact the problems may become worse because of the drinking or drugs, but at least you did not have to think about the distress and misery for a while. Our text is in the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5:4: Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.160 How is it possible for mourners to be blessed and comforted? (845)-298-8481, Better is a Poor Man Biblical Integrity and What it Looks Like, The God Who Reveals Mysteries Daniel 2:1-30, The Character of Godly Teens Daniel 1:1-21. People do not mourn and receive Gods comfort because: 2) Falling into ______________ rather than mourning, 3) Believing sin is _____that serious so there is no need for repentance or confession. Sorrow distress caused by loss, affliction, disappointment, etc. He cried over and over "O my son Absalom-my son, my son Absalom-if only I had died in you place! (view less). b. It is better to go to the house Charles Colson who was put into jail for his part in the Watergate scandal in America so many years ago now, subsequently found Jesus in prison and today he heads up an international ministry to people in I get the impression he is looking straight on, pointing, and saying to his brothers, What do you think of this? And his brothers come in backwards, carrying the garment, covering their fathers nakedness so that they dont even look upon it. They understand that they are without spiritual merit or means to gain it on their own so they cannot earn spiritual reward or heaven. Lets play a word association game for a minute. Beatitudes Lesson Three: Blessed Are Those Who Mourn Main idea: When we mourn over our sins, God gives us the comfort of salvation, the comfort of getting to spend all of forever with him. The mourning we are talking about is the mourning when you come to an emotional realization, as well as an intellectual one, of the ugliness and the filthiness of sin, and you turn from it. Mark 16:10 _________________. Living in a society such as ours can easily desensitize you to sin because it becomes overwhelming. The writer of Hebrews tells us that He sympathizes with us because He went through the same things, Hebrews 4:15. It is not just those who, from time to time, have an experience of mourning; there is an ongoing sense. read more, Scripture: It says He wept at Lazaruss tomb. That means Hes not promising that all of the pain will go away. Godly sorrow leads to repentance, and repentance leads to forgiveness, and forgiveness is Gods comfort. .read more Scripture: Matthew 5:4, Isaiah 61:1-3. One thing that ought to be very apparent is that somehow Ham does not have the appropriate sense of sobriety and sense of grief at that occasion. As we meditate on this verse, I want us to look at mourning from at least three different directions. This day is not a day of mourning; it is a day of rejoicing. read more, Denomination: It is something they need to set aside. The Bible never tells us that Jesus laughed. I. He goes down to get up. Christian is both a confirmed pessimist and an optimist the like of which is to be found nowhere else on earth. read more, Scripture: Those who are blessed are those who mourn. This is consistent with Romans 8:18 and following, where Paul talks about the sufferings and the groanings of life exist because we are a part of a fallen world. We are studying the Sermon on the Mount. What Is the Narrow Gate Jesus Talked About? Matthew 5:4, Denomination: Having trouble logging into your account? Even when we get bad news, some people will say something funny to lighten the mood.

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blessed are those who mourn sermon