enlightened buddhist monk

In the Sutta Pitaka several types of Buddhist practitioners are described, according to their level of attainment. Presently, opinion among scholars is divided as to whether nanda's cult among bhikkhuns was an expression of their dependence on male monastic tradition, or the opposite, an expression of their legitimacy and independence. [147][148][note 13] However, Findly argues that nanda's duty to memorize the Buddha's teachings accurately and without distortion, was "both a gift and a burden". [13] When nanda did become ordained, his father had him ordain in Kapilavatthu in the Nigrodhrma monastery (Sanskrit: Niyagrodhrma) with much ceremony, nanda's preceptor (Pali: upajjhya; Sanskrit: updhyya) being a certain Daabla Kyapa. [158] nanda's late spiritual growth is much discussed in Buddhist texts, and the general conclusion is that nanda was slower than other disciples due to his worldly attachments and his attachment to the person of the Buddha, both of which were rooted in his mediating work between the Buddha and the lay communities. According to the Vinaya Pitaka texts, he persuaded the Buddha, much against the Buddha's own inclination, to allow women to become nuns. "Let me help you wrap your robes." Andy stood still while staring at the old monk with glittering eyes. By day he was at hand forestalling the slightest wish of the Buddha. [88] After the Buddha's death, nanda recited several verses, expressing a sense of urgency (Pali: savega), deeply moved by the events and their bearing: "Terrible was the quaking, men's hair stood on end, / When the all-accomplished Buddha passed away. When a monk takes a monastic vow to enter a monastery, they follow the Buddha's path of leaving his home to pursue enlightenment. He also requested that the Buddha allow him to accept invitations on his behalf, allow him to ask questions about his doctrine, and repeat any teaching that the Buddha had taught in nanda's absence. Just like in the traditional account, Prakti falls in love with nanda, after he gives her self-esteem by accepting a gift of water from her. the Pli and Mahsaka textual traditions portray a Mahkassapa that is more critical of nanda than that the Sarvstivda tradition depicts him,[61][125] reflecting a preference for discipline above discourse on the part of the former traditions, and a preference for discourse for the latter. The Pli Canon is the most complete Buddhist canon surviving in a classical Indian . The meaning of the term ' Bhikkhuni '. But what does that mean? Some monks meditate for hours at a time. In some Buddhist circles you might hear that only monks or nuns can become enlightened. Most of the texts of the early Buddhist Sutta-Piaka (Pali: ; Sanskrit: -, Stra-Piaka) are attributed to his recollection of the Buddha's teachings during the First Buddhist Council. He accompanied the Buddha for the rest of his life, acting not only as an assistant, but also a secretary and a mouthpiece. I tried to listen to his Dharma talk. Because of this and other reasons, it could be inferred that establishment of the bhikkhun order actually took place early in the Buddha's ministry. He also taught other disciples to memorize Buddhist doctrine. [200], Between 1856 and 1858 Richard Wagner wrote a draft for an opera libretto based on the legend about nanda and the low-caste girl Prakti. [8] [121] With regard to not requesting the Buddha to continue to live, many textual traditions have nanda respond by saying he was distracted by Mra,[122] though one early Chinese text has nanda reply he did not request the Buddha to prolong his life, for fear that this would interfere with the next Buddha Maitreya's ministry. The monk was an enlightened meditation master who approached death consciously and with intention, who died in meditation, in posture, sitting up." . [1], According to the texts, in a previous life, nanda made an aspiration to become a Buddha's attendant. . Among the Buddha's many disciples, nanda stood out for having the best memory. He then attained enlightenment right there, right then, halfway between standing and lying down. Because of this long trajectory and great efforts, however, his enlightenment would be extraordinary and with great splendor. A traditional account can be drawn from early texts, commentaries, and post-canonical chronicles. By the 13th century, in Japan a cult-like interest for nanda had developed in a number of convents, in which images and stpas were used and ceremonies were held in his honor. nanda designed a standard robe model, based on the rice fields of Magadha, which were divided in sections by banks of earth. [170] Through a supernatural accomplishment, he therefore surged into the air to levitate and meditate in mid-air, making his body go up in fire, with his relics landing on both banks of the river,[4][2] or in some versions of the account, splitting in four parts. [8] Furthermore, nanda considered these the real advantages of being an attendant, which is why he requested them. . He became known as the Buddha, meaning 'the enlightened one.' Many. [57][58] According to Indologist Oskar von Hinber, nanda's pro-bhikkhun attitude may well be the reason why there was frequent discussion between nanda and Mahkassapa, eventually leading Mahkasapa to charge nanda with several offenses during the First Buddhist Council. In recent times, the composer Richard Wagner and Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore were inspired by stories about nanda in their work. [25], nanda often acted as an intermediary and secretary, passing on messages from the Buddha, informing the Buddha of news, invitations, or the needs of lay people, and advising lay people who wanted to provide gifts to the sagha. [17][97] The Mlasarvstivda tradition adds that Mahkassapa initially allowed nanda to join as a sort of servant assisting during the council, but then was forced to remove him when the disciple Anuruddha saw that nanda was not yet enlightened. [4] Some sources add that nanda passed the Buddha's message on to him. [48][45] Scholar of Asian religions Reiko Ohnuma argues that the debt the Buddha had toward his foster-mother Mahpajpati may have been the main reason for his concessions with regard to the establishment of a bhikkhun order. Among the Buddha's many disciples, nanda stood out for having the best memory. [145], Moreover, because of his ability to remember the many teachings of the Buddha, he is described as foremost in "having heard much" (Pali: bahussuta, Sanskrit: bahuruta, pinyin: Duowen Diyi). My interest is what is it like being myself from my own point of view. 'female mendicant'), when he requested the Buddha on behalf of the latter's foster-mother Mahpajpati Gotam (Sanskrit: , Mahprajpat Gautam) to allow her to be ordained. enlightened buddhist Crossword Clue The Crossword Solver found 30 answers to "enlightened buddhist", 5 letters crossword clue. Arhats are described in the Dhammapada : Although the early texts do not agree on many parts of nanda's early life, they do agree that nanda was ordained as a monk and that Pua Mantnputta (Sanskrit: , Pra Maitryaputra) became his teacher. [8] However, after these twenty years, when the Buddha was aged 55,[20][note 1] the Buddha announced that he had need for a permanent attendant. [8] He then pointed out to nanda that all conditioned things are impermanent: all people must die. In Buddhism, the goal of the Buddhist path is to reach enlightenment, a state free of mental suffering and characterized by . The ideal of Theravada Buddhism is the arhat (Pali: arahant ), or perfected saint, who attains enlightenment as a result of his own efforts. nanda is mentioned more often than any other disciple: he is named foremost in conduct, in attention to others, in power of memory, in erudition and in resoluteness. [132] Nevertheless, many scholars, from the late 19th century onward, have considered the historicity of the First Council improbable. [17] Other textual traditions list slightly different charges, amounting to a combined total of eleven charges, some of which are only mentioned in one or two textual traditions. Later, nanda did make the request, but the Buddha replied that it was already too late, as he would die soon. As for a percentage of awakened monks it's probably very low, not because those awakened are few, but because many monks are just 16-20 yo kids who couldn't care less about the dharma and are more interested in watching tv, gambling and cigarettes. The Pli commentaries state that nanda did this out of devotion, but also because he was "not yet free from the passions". A TRUE Dhamma follower is not an attention addict. Because of that, a fellow monk Udy (Sanskrit: Udyin) ridiculed nanda. Ananda -- Buddha's friend, cousin, and favorite disciple, and the monk who remembered the Sutras. Bhikkhuni in Buddhism. Thailand. He [nanda] was able to retain it/them all; for this reason the offerings [to him] surpass [all others]"body of dharma here referred to the Buddha's teachings as a whole. The name means 'the doctrine of the elders' - the elders being the senior Buddhist monks. [30] nanda was often given important teaching roles, such as regularly teaching Queen Mallik, Queen Smvat, (Sanskrit: ymvat) and other people from the ruling class. The school's adherents, termed Theravdins, have preserved their version of Gautama Buddha's teaching or Buddha Dhamma in the Pli Canon for over two millennia.. [4], nanda was born in the same time period as the Buddha (formerly Prince Siddhattha), which scholars place at 5th4th centuries BCE. I am no. [128] In conclusion, Bareau, Przyluski and Horner argued that the offenses nanda were charged with were a later interpolation. The Pli Mah-parinibbna Sutta related the last year-long trip the Buddha took with nanda from Rjagaha (Sanskrit: Rjagha) to the small town of Kusinra (Sanskrit: Kuingar) before the Buddha died there. The Buddha then taught Prakti to reflect on the repulsive qualities of the human body, and eventually Prakti was ordained as a bhikkhun, giving up her attachment for nanda. He continued that disputes about, the four main places of Buddhist pilgrimage, Bulletin de l'cole franaise d'Extrme-Orient, "Did King Ajtasattu Confess to the Buddha, and did the Buddha Forgive Him? [55], There are some chronological discrepancies in the traditional account of the setting up of the bhikkhun order. In early Buddhism, an arhat (Sanskrit) or arahant (Pali) -- "worthy one" or "perfected one" -- was the highest ideal of a disciple of the Buddha. This led him to gain the epithet Videhamuni (Sanskrit: Vaidehamuni), meaning 'the silent wise one from Videha'. Buddhists believe a person can become enlightened by following the Middle Way; the Middle Way is not too extreme in either . According to the Mlasarvstivda tradition, nanda was born at the same time the Buddha became enlightened, and was therefore younger than the other leading disciples. [162][163] Mahkassapa made a prediction that later would come true that another of nanda's future pupils, Savs (Sanskrit: akavs, akavsin or vasika), would make many gifts to the sagha at Mathur, during a feast held from profits of successful business. The concept means different things even to Buddhists Share Flipboard Email Jon Binalay Creations / Getty Images By Barbara O'Brien Updated on July 25, 2018 Most people have heard that the Buddha was enlightened and that Buddhists seek enlightenment. [161] Several pupils of nanda became well-known in their own right. Even though nanda regularly practiced meditation for long hours, he was less experienced in meditative concentration than other leading disciples. nanda later expressed his debt to Pua. [50] However, some scholars interpret the Buddha's initial refusal rather as a test of resolve, following a widespread pattern in the Pli Canon and in monastic procedure of repeating a request three times before final acceptance. [117][103] Besides this, he was charged for having forgotten to request the Buddha to specify which offenses of monastic discipline could be disregarded;[note 10] for having stepped on the Buddha's robe; for having allowed women to honor the Buddha's body after his death, which was not properly dressed, and during which his body was sullied by their tears; and for having failed to ask the Buddha to continue to live on.

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enlightened buddhist monk