hoi4 byzantine themata

This sub-branch forms a Democratic government in Greece, Create Hellas or recreate the Byzantine Empire and turn Fascist. Fascism is the greatest threat to the creed of Marxism it represents an ideological challenge that can only be crushed on the battlefield. Our army will likely never been the biggest in the Balkans, but it shall certainly be the most efficient. Cyprus exists description 150 pp, get Pitsos as Electronics Developer (-7% Consumer Goods). Your debt should be paid by now. Metaxas has engineered a brilliant plan to industrialize Greece. Electronics done, proceed with mechanical computing. There are three ports, and I have never seen the Romanian AI garrison all three. Our place is not to contest the great powers of the world as they duke it out with each other in the fields and seas. They have no shred of honor or respect, they are completely devoid of morals, and we shall drive them out of Greece like the vermin that they are! By providing additional funds and room for expansion, we shall greatly increase the utility of the institute to the state. Between 1924 and 1935 we have had twenty three changes of government, thirteen coups, and a dictatorship! We will proceed with the focus Lignite Liquefaction. War is in our blood - we have waged it against others and had it waged against us since time immemorial. I suggest taking on another target, whichever you prefer, I preferred Iraq, since Italy is about to conquer Yugoslavia, I'm not ready to turn against Britain or Italy, or conquer Soviets, and I can't attack Spain since they are a puppet of Soviet Union. The Prussia of the Balkans they were called how quaint. Your next focus will be "Nenikikamen" all the way down to "Byzantine Themata". Our armed forces are decent enough for our current national situation, but we remain the weakest of the Balkan Pact members militarily and have been criticized often for the lack of modernization across our armed forces. Greece is a nation of farmers and luxury goods, and there is no shame in this. The Bulgarians have threatened the safety of Greece time and time again. Latest HOI4 province summary spreadsheet (HOI4v 1.12.5 Avalanche). Democrats will take over. Greece: one of the following must be true: The collapse of the Ottoman Empire was a great relief to us, but the Republic of Turkey is an even greater threat to Greece than the Ottomans who came before it. Byzantine Themata . Italy will constantly send naval invasions into Greece and Anatolia. Push them out of Albania. We seek to solve problems on the other side of Europe yet ignore the threat right here on our doorstep. We have fought and bled each other for so many centuries that nobody thought to consider the wonders that we could achieve together! It was a failure that can be avenged in only one way: the conquest of Constantinople. Arresting the king will follow the current pathing of bringing home the Republicans and compromising with the Monarchists and starting the Megali chain. Academy of Athens is complete. For the Revolution! By the time Italy falls, it's likely early or mid 1940, and Germany has attacked Poland. The Worker comes before everything else; if we as a government put in power by and made up of workers cannot represent the best interest of the workers, then who could? Train to level 3 (shift+click on training). Check Turkey, Turkey is MOST likely being guaranteed by Romania. At the Battle of Thermopylae, it is said that four thousand Spartans were able to slay twenty thousand Persians as they blocked Xerxes' further passage into Greece. Finally, once Yugoslavia falls, you now have your own land border with the Italians, and can bypass the Alps entirely! Cookie Notice Somehow, the impossible has happened! We have surpassed all expectations in the construction and staffing of factories, but there is no doubt that we are expanding slower than the rest of our European compatriots. Queue construction: Infrastructure of Epirus to 10, then Thessaly to 10, Then max military factories on Epirus. We shall set aside more of the country's capital to paying our debts so that we may be free of our foreign fiscal overlords sooner. We shall organize the agrarian sector into efficient communes, freeing up talent for other fields such as manufacturing or military labor. Now we can continue paying our debts, only large debts, doesn't matter which you pick first. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. More people are coming to the Kingdom of Greece from abroad than in any other point in recorded history! We stand in solidarity with our comrades in Moscow. Archived post. These dreams of self-rule are delusional to the point of arrogance; surely the Cypriots must see that they are safest nestled as an integral part of the Greek nation. Taking the Entrenchment expert, Infantry expert, and Division Defense advisor will help with this. Germany will send a few divisions to the Romanian beachhead you've made, and station their air force over the Balkans. I ran out of places to build at this point, so I will be building Infrastructure until I get Dispersed 3. Fascism is the rallying cry of a generation; a generation that has had enough of foreign bullying! Democracy is one of the manyfruits of our genius, and it is only right that we should defend it against Roman and Teuton inspired tyranny! Our pilots are willing, capable, and competent - it is time that we finally give them the respect that they are due. Isn't it weird that it's called Central Macedonia but south of it is Aegean Sea? Communist sub-branch of the Greek national focus tree.Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row. For the Heraklion Convention, pick the option to get Italy join as well, since neither Britain nor France will attend, and if you pick the first option, you will get -10% stability. We were promised the Megali Idea in 1919, but after the subsequent Greco-Turkish War that dream was almost dashed forever. The sooner we are free of our debts, the sooner we can begin truly transforming this country. Proceed down the political tree and just beeline to Horror and Fear. Plus, it's more fun to play with tanks than with infantry. We shall take the rest of the Balkans with us kicking and screaming if that is what it takes Cooperation with the Turkish government was desirable, but let it be known that Greece's new government is not afraid to take action when the situation demands it. Discussions. Another payment to the British (50% left). Note: Bulgaria may have a NAP with the faction leader Germany at this point - this NAP gets dropped when Germany goes to war (i.e: Danzig or War). The security of our nation is paramount above all else. What am I missing? We have begun a transition that shall fundamentally reshape Greece and the Greek people, though we cannot expect the Greek people to fully catch on for a few decades yet unfortunately. Monarchist or foreign alliance sub-branch of the Greek national focus tree.Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row. Your initial air force is *also* enough to gain air supremacy, and the extra CAS you've built will help out immensely. - New Exarchate and Themata vassal state types. Long have we been dependent on the capital and industrial capabilities of nations bigger than ours, and this era is no exception. Imagine that! Resistance Decay Speed in our states occupied by the enemy: If the date is between 1 Jan, 1936 and 1 Jan, 1937 for 1460 days: If the date is between 1 Jan, 1937 and 1 Jan, 1938 for 1095 days: Random owned controlled state (Prioritize Peloponnese (186)): Must either have partially or entirely paid off the. We will hunt them on the streets, we will hunt them in the alleyways, we shall hunt them to the very ends of the earth! Ignore Bulgaria, you won't get factories from them when you are a Democracy. Why stop with Turkeys coasts when we can reclaim all the lost territories of the Empire? Jump to navigation Jump to search. The Fhrer is gone and the Kaiser is back! By this point, you should have 6 military factories. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Remember that we need to Annex Turkey to get Byzantium, and puppet Italy, Romania and Soviet Union. Their speed, armor, and strength were awed by all! We have begun a transition that shall fundamentally reshape Greece and the Greek people, though we cannot expect the Greek people to fully catch on for a few decades yet unfortunately. We shall take action, so that when the Italian does finally embark upon our shores they shall be forced back into the seas from which they emerged by the joint effort of millions of Greeks! All in all, non-historical is better imo. Our reliance on more traditional forms of manufacturing used to make us dependent on the heavy industry of larger powers for construction projects, but with all the farms organized under a collectivization scheme we can better prepaire for future and more ambitious projects. Our natural geography affords us many natural defenses against invaders, we merely need to learn to take advantage over our own terrain! Switch the artillery production to Artillery 2. We will not complete this focus anyway, but we must start it. You can deploy units when they are 80-90% training. if you also befriend them (decision) and do not choose the advisor that gives dem. As you get manpower, train more infantry. Technology has given us the way, now all that is left is to find the will. We must invest in a strategy of strategic bombing against enemy targets. Their existence shames the country, as do their occupants by shirking their duties to the nation. Thus, we need at least 5 armies with 24 divisions of 20 widths. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. While you're still at war with Italy, and while they continue to fail at navally invading your territory, why not gobble up the rest of the Balkans? Redirect page. We have won! The lines have been drawn, and Greece will have a say in how the coming conflict ends! In order to keep the peace in occupied territory and in our own country, we have been forced to form security batallions made up of the most ardent fascists our nation has to offer. Do your best I guess :), Push from North, you will get through. Bulgarian Border. We Greeks know our strengths, and if we stick to them then we will be just fine. Stop building Infra, build more military factories. The time for struggle is over. The Monarchist tree is where the biggest changes would happen. The Schachtplan has for some time been a cornerstone of Greek central planning, but it is clear that the Schachtplan has been blatantly written in Germany's favor. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. By the time I had gotten to this point, Italy was hovering at 500k+ casualties from all of their failed naval invasion and losses in Albania. Remembering the Anatolian Catastrophe is complete, proceed with Venerate the Ancient Hellenes.

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hoi4 byzantine themata