how does scout relate to aunt alexandra

She mocks Atticus by calling him a good for, Throughout the book Scout is a character of great change. She began acting more grown up in situations like Aunt Alexandras dinner party. What makes a good father? Miss Maudie is the Finchs neighbour, and becomes Scouts friend when she is left out of games by Jem and Dill. The objective is obviously to refine the classes and keep them pure. He often criticizes her for Acting like a girl. She takes part in all the right activities, such as hosting missionary circles, joining clubs and gossiping with a passion. As she grows up, she has to begin attending the local school. Miss Maudie is continuously optimistic, and sees the bright side of every situation. Jean Louise, stop scratching your head, Aunt Alexandra sternly demands. Over time parenting has changed and grown in many different ways. Although Scout prefers to socialize with men rather than women, she tries to make her aunt proud of her by acting properly. Dill returns to Meridan for the school year, and Jean begins to think about starting first grade. Scout reflects upon her Aunts attitude and says. This bildungsroman, a coming of age novel, makes interesting observations about many aspects of Scouts life and surroundings, but perhaps the most astute are about her existence as a young girl expected to conform to societal standards for women. Summary and Analysis Someone who was stoic and mean changed. On the surface, Tom's death goes virtually unnoticed except for a short obituary in the "Colored News." The roles of Miss Maudie and Aunt Alexandra are the most significant in Scouts upbringing and perspective of the world. For this reason Scout grows up far away from the typical way daughters are raised. . Perhaps the most significant example of Aunt Alexandras care for her children occurs after Tom Robinsons trial. Gender Roles And Stereotyping In To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee comments on the prejudices intertwined in the fabric of Southern society in the USA during the 1930s, in the aftermath of the. Something people might also say is that back in the old days a women would get nowhere without acting like a part of society. The children's manufactured fear of Boo is a stand-in for their general fear of the unknown. The way Atticus Finch acts at home and on the streets provide a good role model for Jem and Scout. The story was told by an adult Scout. Admitting that Tom's arrest, conviction, and death are a travesty would cause a shift in power that whites aren't willing to accept. He stops Scout from killing a bug because the bug isn't hurting anyone. Scout asks Atticus if she can visit Calpurnia on Sunday, but Aunt Alexandra forbids it. How does this relate to Scout? The sad irony of this conversation is that neither woman can understand why Maycomb's black community is dissatisfied. However, building a relatable, thought-provoking and informative feminist platform requires a lot of time, effort and money. You can order a unique, plagiarism-free paper written by a professional writer. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. Scout understands the importance of doing so, even though she can't explain it. So quiet you can hear a pin drop1. The fact that Miss Gates offers no recognition of the terrible treatment that blacks in Maycomb endure is amplified by her statement outside the classroom, "'it's time somebody taught 'em [African Americans] a lesson, they were gettin' way above themselves, an' the next thing they think they can do is marry us.'" But in spite of the sudden lure of being with women, Scout admits that she prefers the company of men, and readers are left believing that Scout will never become "a lady" in the sense that Aunt Alexandra would most like. As a single father, character Atticus Finch stands out the most. When Scout asks Atticus if she can visit Calpurnia at her house next Sunday, Aunt Alexandra tries to intervene. Scout helps Calpurnia serve refreshments and tries to join the ladies in conversation. . Anyone. Hypocrisy is the "moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess." Maycomb was a safe, small community. Continuing the tradition of persecution in the Finch family, Uncle Jack reprimands his niece for saying a swear word. While the identity is a persons understanding about himself or herself and it is influenced by the culture. They see racism throughout their town and have to navigate how they want to live their lives or follow their town. She isnt condescending and makes Scout feel comfortable. She also supports Scout and helps her to stand up against forces that try to push Scout into stereotypical assumptions and judgments about others. Scout does not understand her Aunts obsession with her clothing. These are the things that makes us unique. Aunt Alexandras vision of my deportment involved playing with small stoves, tea sets, and wearing the Add-A-Pearl necklace she gave me when I was born; furthermore, I should be a ray of sunshine in my fathers lonely life. Throughout the book, Scouts father, Atticus, tries his best to raise her and her brother, Jem, the right way as a single parent. Throughout the novel Scout changes in many ways. Miss Maudie and Calpurnia are the two women in Scout's life who never expect her to act in a particular way. All in all, she comes across as a likeable and high-spirited character, who readers can easily empathize with. What is shown about Aunt Alexandra's character? In this novel a lot of characters had an impact, some big and some small. He is a parent who always does the right thing and stays true to himself and to his children at all times. For example, Aunt Alexandra teaches the children how to act when she first arrives at the house. Atticus Finch Atticus Finch is the father of Jem and Scout. Authors tackle the ideal parent and different parenting actions and views. 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I could not possibly hope to be a lady if I wore breeches; when I said I could do nothing in a dress, [Alexandra] said I wasnt supposed to be doing things that required pants (Lee 67). . Atticus Finch is portrayed as great parent in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. She is at the other end of the spectrum, with her conventional beliefs and constant disapproval of Scouts tomboyish behavior. However, it is regarded as timeless for a reason- Lees skilful character development and narration creates a powerful and relatable story, one that is both informative and thought provoking. I didnt think it wise in the first place to let them (go), Aunt Alexandra utters bitterly to Atticus when he returns home from the trial. Aunt Alexandra didnt like how she didnt act like a proper lady, and would ask Scout to act more ladylike. Boo, who fears talking to others, Aunt Alexandra, who is against people of other, Atticus said one time the reason Auntys so hipped on the family is because weve gots background and not a dime to our names (Lee 302) Aunt Alexandra compares her family, the Finches, as the best family. Also her Aunt Alexandra influences her on how to portray herself in society. Many neighbors and relatives put the blame on Atticus for not raising her right. 2022 Feb 17 [cited 2023 Jul 7]. In fact, she corrects Scout soon after she steps through the door. She enforces this and tries to get Scout to conform to gender roles despite seeing how resistant she is to them. Alexandra removes Scout's costume and hands her Scout's infamous, un-ladylike overalls to put on. He enlightens Scouts thinking by suggesting that You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view Until you. It can go from a peaceful taciturn summer morning to all hell broken loose. Yes, at one point we all need to grow up, but they are kids. Shes growing up in the way where she is being able to think things through herself. The ladies are genuinely concerned about "'The poverty . Aunt Alexanda was a strict lady like I said, but while Scout and Jem was hurt and in danger, her loved showed. Scout is unlike many girls in her town. So Aunt Alexandra wanted to make sure the finch family streak had a good one. and more. She takes a lot of pride in the social class of the Finch family in Maycomb. The novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, is the story of the childhood of a young girl named Jean Louise Scout Finch. Lee creates characters brimming with complexity, personality and most importantly, human flaws and struggles. She feels that they have far too much freedom to play and state their opinions. Aunt Alexandra feels that people are born into a certain class, and should, therefore, behave accordingly. She irks Scout and her father through her racial prejudices, her insistence of showing Calpurnia the door, and her antipathy of poor whites. Aunt Alexandra has moved in with the Finches to have more of a girly influence on Scout. Scout dislikes her, as Aunt Alexandra takes great offense to Scout's tomboyish nature and desperately wants Scout to wear dresses and act more feminine. Scout and Jem both learn most of their knowledge from, their father Atticus, their maid Calpurnia, and their neighbors. FII Media Private Limited | All rights reserved. Aunt Alexandra feels that Scout, in particular, does not act like a proper young lady. Privacy Policy Later in the book Scout, and Jem had the privilege of Aunt Alexandra living with them at their house. Alexandra tells Scout that she. These more real fears make the fear of Boo from earlier summers seem trivial by comparison. When Miss Maudie was angry her brevity was icy. Aunt Alexandra is very judgemental and is putting the people of Maycomb into there own little category, almost like social classifying them. . Her aunt, being of the stubborn population, attempts to control what Scout wears. Therefore, she decides to come live with the family for a while. 623 Words3 Pages. Throughout the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, many characters develop and mature in unique ways. In Chapter 9, Scout states, "I suggested that one could be a ray of sunshine in pants just as well, but Aunty said that one had to behave like a sunbeam, that I was born good but had grown progressively worse every year." (Lee 108). Aunt Alexandra was a fickle creature, insisting things be done in a proper manner, done with such etiquette, such precision. Scout does not understand her Aunts obsession with her clothing. Scout grows up in the small town of Maycomb, a fishbowl where everyone knows everyone and privacy and secrets are unheard of. She nearly faints when Calpurnia finds Jem and Scout at the trial. When her house is half burnt down in a fire, she comments, Always wanted a smaller house, Jem Finch. and any corresponding bookmarks? To them, having high blood is seen as sacred and there, Narcissists, perhaps some of the most hated people today. First, Atticus and Aunt Alexandra debate "Southern womanhood." Later, when facing the mob at the jail, Scout acts like anything but a Southern woman when she kicks one of the men for insulting Jem. We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs. She is portrayed as judgmental and is quick to create prejudices in her mind about others. Scout is used by Lee to demonstrate how societal expectations of feminine behavior are pushed upon girls right from a young age. Their opinions differ greatly. Aunt Alexandra was fanatical on the subject of my attire. from your Reading List will also remove any There are times where you have to tell a little lie. Scout was led to believe this because Atticus was a good man unlike Aunt Alexandra from what she thought. She is starting to have knowledge and think about how things are going to. On the other hand, Aunt Alexandra has also shown the reader signs that she values her familys reputation. Some examples of hypocrisy and hypocrites in the book are Aunt Alexandra, Miss Gates, and Mrs. Merriweather. Scout is used by Lee to demonstrate how societal expectations of feminine behavior are pushed upon girls right from a young age. But in her first true attempt to purposely evolve into a young lady, she follows Aunt Alexandra's lead and continues serving refreshments, saying "If Aunty could be a lady at a time like this, so could I.". Put these on, darling, she said, handing me the garments she most despised, (Lee 354) Once Aunt Alexandra put herself in Scouts shoes, she knew that giving her her overalls were going to comfort her after Bob Ewell tried to kill her. The influence of Scouts family help mold her into the young lady she becomes at the end of the. Society evolves because of change without it we would be no where. Jack and Alexandra dont understand her mind and dont put themselves in her situation like Atticus. Ill not have you around him, picking up bad habits and learning Lord-knows-what (Lee 301). The children have been used to quite a relaxed way of life under the care of Atticus and Calpurnia. From the text above, we can infer that Aunt Alexandra defined "fine folk" by their lineage. family history. Alice Pungs collection of enticing and enlightening autobiographical stories Growing Up Asian in Australia discusses similar, Scout is a very strong and independent character who believes in who she is. Someone would say that Atticus, letting Scout run around with the boys , and wear overalls and such is dishonorable. To Kill a Mockingbird covers several themes that are often uncomfortable to encounter and explore, such as racism and loss of innocence. Aunt Alexandra highly disapproves of the way Atticus is raising his children, and steps in in an attempt to raise them correctly. Scout needs to liusten more and Aunt Alexandra needs to stop forcing things upon Scout. To Kill a Mockingbird covers several themes that are challenging and often uncomfortable to encounter and explore, such as racism and loss of innocence. Atticus had gone out, the children were nowhere to be seen, and even Calpurnia was away visiting family claiming they could live a day without her. Alexandra plays a big part in this and sits Scout down to chat. I don 't see any problem in letting her go"(182). Miss Maudie is continuously optimistic, and sees the bright side of every situation.

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how does scout relate to aunt alexandra