international commission of jurists annual report

Our Annual Report for 2021 provides a summary of all the work we did to safeguard human rights and uphold the rule of law in that year. justify modifying well-established international Sub-regional and regional hearingshuman rights law and practice. rights violations antagonizes the security forces and some politicians. REGIONAL PROGRAMMESThe ICJ further developed its presence and work in the regions, deepening its work in Asia, including SriLanka, opening a regional office in Central America, starting an intensive programme of work in Venezuelaand in several MENA countries, and by recruiting staff to open its regional office in South Africa in 2008.Asia Pacific Regional Increased capacity of the Nepali legalProgramme communityJustice and Human Rights in Nepal Several instruments were used for capacity- building including training, training of trainers,As Nepal proceeds through a period of transition to and direct support to lawyers working onpeace and democracy, the judiciary will have an specific cases.essential role to play in creating a country in whichhuman rights and the rule of law are respected and The ICJ supported lawyers of Advocacy Forumenforced. CIJ - Comisin Internacional de Juristas As one of only three NGOsRule of Law Programme. In November, the ICJFederation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and gave an address at the United Nations in NewTransgender Rights. The Review process, to press for effective protectionMoscow Bar Association dismissed thedisbarment proceedings against her. These threats are serious but over the past seven decades the ICJ has learned how to face dark times effectively. Read the Text Version Pages: 1 - 50 51 - 64 The ICJ called on government.both Fatah and Hamas to respect basicprinciples of the rule of law and human rights In the same month, the ICJ also called on theespecially with regard to the human rights abuses Iranian authorities to put an immediate end tocommitted during the events in the summer. Gaza and the West Bank, the ICJ missionThe mission met with representatives of the concluded that the establishment of two separatedismissed Hamas government, senior judges, and conflicting legal systems in the Occupiedlawyers, local NGOs and representatives of the Palestinian Territory, one under the control oflegal community. International Commission of Jurists | 9,417 followers on LinkedIn. the Polish President not to approve nine recommendations for judicial appointmentsMorocco made by the independent National JudicialIn November 2007, the ICJ held a conference Council.on the independence of the judiciary and the ruleof law in Morocco. Judges & Lawyers ProgrammeFrom 2005-2007 the ICJ integrated most of its work on judges and lawyers work into its regionalprogrammes. While notable progress has been made over the years, sadly we are now in a period of regression, facing new challenges that are neither East/West nor North/South in origin but are rather global and endemic. Priority countries/regionsICJ Annual Report 2007 5 Our new strategy must be flexible enough to allow us to continue the essential task of bolstering the rule of law at the global, regional, and national levels, while also preparing for the known and unknown challenges to human rights in the future, Sam Zarifi, ICJ Secretary General. - European regional work Work at the European Union and regional institutionsEurope is a high priority for the ICJs work oncounter-terrorism and human rights. - The paper aimed to provide background in support of the CommissionersThe ICJ contributed to the shaping of the expected call for the establishment of anstrategies of some individual countries and the OHCHR office in Sri Lanka. The report is intended as a guide forhumanitarian law. Theof legal protection in the North Caucasus. 48056 Author (s) ANON Date Published 1977 Length 38 pages Annotation THE PROPOSALS, ISSUES ADDRESSED, ADVOCACY ACTIVITIES, AND OTHER FUNCTIONS AND OPERATIONS OF THE BRITISH SECTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF JURISTS (JUSTICE) ARE REPORTED FOR THE YEAR 1977. Rue des Buis 3 Judges, public prosecutors, The ICJ intervened following the suspension oflawyers, academics and representatives of local the Chief Justice of Gibraltar in September 2007.NGOs participated Planning for 2008 and beyondInterventionsIn 2007, several MENA Governments The ICJ aims to develop its leadership in thiscontinued to harass human rights defenders and area by reviving the ICJs Centre for thelawyers. These may include Strategic litigation and interventionsstepping up support for strategic legalinterventions around the world and better At the invitation of the Nepal Supreme Courtintegration of an ESCR perspective into the judges, the ICJ wrote and orally presented anwork of other ICJ international and regional amicus brief that addressed five key points in aprogrammes. Commission on Human Rights require resoluteThrough this program, the ICJ lobbied for the action by the Council to address both suddenCouncil mechanisms to address rigorously and and chronic human rights crises.regularly both sudden and chronic human rightscrisis. Box 1740 In 2016, the ICJ's mission gained new urgency as the organization countered a global assault on the concept of the rule of law and respect for the international human rights legal order. In the context of the UNDP Project on parallel event at the 6th session of the HumanStrengthening the Rule of Law in the Arab Rights Council entitled The need to maintain theStates- Modernization of Public Prosecution mandates of the Special Rapporteur on Sudan and theOffices, the ICJ participated in the regional Group of Experts on Darfur. The Panel support the development of independent andmembers had meetings in Jerusalem with Israeli impartial judiciaries which defend andGovernment officials and NGOs. // -->, Bangkok Office: +66 261 984 77 The ICJ submitted to the Human RightsIn 2007 the ICJ, together with members of the Committee a communication on follow-up inICJ network of experts, has laid the ground for a the case of Nydia Erika Bautista v. Colombia,constant presence and timely submission of legal Communication No 563/1993analysis and positions before the various bodies. Rather, itappeared that the suspension was related in partto the Chief Justices public comments on theindependence of the judiciary and on proposedconstitutional and legislative changes affecting it.Planning for 2008 and beyondFor 2008, the ICJ is now ready to draw on itsnetworks to implement analyses of internationaland national law with reference to Europe. At the same time, the war on terror Committee of the European Parliament onhas led to expansion of the role and powers of Alleged use of European Countries for theintelligence services in Europe and elsewhere with Transportation and Illegal Detention ofinadequate accountability. Contributions to addressing impunityAdvocacy at the Human Rights Council The ICJ provided information and legal opinions on impunity to the Commission of InquiriesThe ICJs international advocacy on Sri Lanka (CoI) and the International Independent Groupwas focused particularly on the Human Rights of Eminent Persons (IIGEP), and Sri LankanCouncil, as this is the only inter-governmental activists were introduced to IIGEP members.body that can engage on the full range of humanrights abuses taking place in Sri Lanka. In some countries the war on terror has beenused to confer greater legitimacy on long-standing human rights violations carried out in the name of nationalsecurity.Aims and achievements In partnership with other leading human rights organisations, the ICJ continued advocacy of itsThe ICJ Global Security & Rule of Law positions on counter-terrorism and human rightsProgramme works to ensure that the rule of law at the European Union, the United Nations andand international human rights standards are the Council of Europe as well as at a number ofrespected in the fight against terrorism in its conferences. Everyone should be equalbefore the law and should be protected from human rights violations by the law and in practice. Thesubmitted written recommendations to improve Group deals with a range of issues such asthose provisions of the Act which contradictinternational standards. Judicial systems and processes can only be effective if they are accessible and the ICJ has been working to strengthen access to justice for particularly vulnerable and marginalized groups. The ICJ and OHCHR various national NGOs and INGOs. Russian Federation, the European Union, the Middle East and North Africa, South East Asia,Planning for 2008 and beyond South Asia and Colombia.The launch of the report of the Eminent Jurists Following the positive response to the seminarPanels is planned for autumn 2008 and will be on human rights and the role of the intelligencebacked up by a dissemination plan. Rue des Buis 3 system, the ICJ worked closely with a range of actors including local lawyers, judges,Sri Lanka prosecutors and NGOs to gather testimoniesThe ICJ has contributed to increased from victims in the camps for Internallycoordination of national and international Displaced People and refugees. monitoring the rule of law, human rights and the independence of the judiciary, the ICJThe ICJ network was consolidated in 2007 by interventions in Israel and the Occupiedthe election of a new Commissioner from Egypt: Palestinian Territory will also focus on theJustice Hisham Bastawisi, Vice-President of the applicability of international humanitarian lawEgyptian Court of Cassation. Tunis Office: +216 71 962 287, Commissioners from Middle East & North Africa, Part Three: from the 1990s into the 21st century, Americas: ICJs presence in Central America, Sri Lanka: acquittal emblematic of the States failure to ensure accountability, Namibia: Attacking judges for upholding human rights threatens judicial independence and the rule of law, Uganda: The enactment of the Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2023 will foster further stigma, discrimination and violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons, Tunisia: seminar highlights the countrys independence of the judiciary crisis, Lesotho: Joint submission to the UN Human Rights Committee by ICJ and partners highlights numerous human rights concerns, Chad: Still No Reparations for Hissne Habrs Victims. Such commonstandards would underline the responsibility of governments to ensure business respects human rights andwould constitute a yardstick by which companies could assess their own rules and actions, and by which theycould be assessed in the public domain.Aims and achievements The Panel, launched in 2006, was established to develop the legal and public policy meaning ofIn 2007 the Programme aimed to conclude the the concept of corporate complicity in thework to shape and explore the concept of worst violations of international human rightscorporate complicity in international crimes of and humanitarian law. The bi-monthly E-Bulletin on (Ireland); Stefan Trechsel (Switzerland); E. RalCounter-Terrorism and Human Rights now Zaffaroni (Argentina). Click the button below to download the report and read more about our work in 2021: ICJ International Commission of Jurists

international commission of jurists annual report