joseon dynasty kings list

When Yejong become King, this guy called Ryu Ja-gwang(), accused Nam of treason (he was high-key jealous of his appointment as Minister of War). Ha-seon, the man chosen to play the part, becomes genuinely concerned for the people and leads the country with a tight grip for 15 days. Sado attempted to drown himself by jumping down a well. Following the wisdom of his mother, he was moving his country in the right direction before it all ended a bit too soon. In honor of this, we've compiled some of the history of Joseon to help you learn about Korea's last dynasty. Dates: 25 March 1874 24 April 1926Reign: 19 July 1907 29 August 1910As we know, Sunjong replaced his father on the throne by way of the Meiji Emperor. I suppose you could have guessed by now that we couldnt have three likable kings in a row, hm? Sados violent actions eventually appeared in court, where he began to beat an official. Thankfully, he died after a few weeks. He supported the poor and strengthened national defense. With the Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty, I 'finished' South Korea's batch of 12 entries on the current World Heritage List. The number of Christians was increasing dramatically, and Cheoljong was sympathetic; his mother had been a Christian. After the death of Injong, the Smaller Yun replaced the Greater Yun as the majority and brutally ousted their adversaries in the Fourth Literati Purge (). Set in 1398. While Yeongjo did ultimately keep Jeongjo on the throne, he limited his military power to calm the apprehension among political parties.Want to know one reason (among many) that I like Jeongjo? From a Grand Prince's wife to a nation's queen, Queen Jeonghui/Jeonghee () witnessed the bloody uprising of her husband, Grand Prince Suyang, to the throne as Joseon's king Sejo. But Im just glad this story is finished. I think my feelings towards Yeonsangun are universal, so you can probably imagine what words I would like to use while you read.Lets start with a deep breath.The cruelty of Yeonsangun is commonly attributed to his mother. October 19, 2018. During times of drought, Jeongjo held rainmaking rituals and kept track of the rainfall and taxes. He was first confined on Ganghwa Island and later moved to Jeju Island () where he died a year later. Queen for Seven Days is a historical K-drama that's actually based on a true story, and the K-drama doesn't have a happy ending.In the iconic love story, Lady Shin Chae-kyung (Park Min-young), the daughter of a powerful politician in the Joseon dynasty, falls in love with Prince Lee Yuk (Woo-jin Yeon), who is living under the iron thumb of his half-brother King Yeon San Gun (Dong-geon Lee). It was the middle of July in the scorching heat. Gyeongjong was able to produce small guns and reform land measurement systems during his reign. Rest in Peace.I forgot something super important! She was known for vicious fights with Seongjong, heavy drinking, and interference in court politics. Firstly, the arts fascinated and inspired him. That being said, I liked his planned goals, and we love to see that recognition of female intelligence *overhead clap*. She was still sneaking around the palace, lacing the persimmons of concubines with poison. At least you tried at the beginning? Dates: 23 November 1476 20 November 1506Reign: 20 January 1494 2 September 1506One might wonder how the son of a noble man becomes so messed up. His son King Taejong, the third monarch of Joseon, tried to get him to return, but Taejo never truly forgive his children for the terrible mess theyd made. If you felt any sympathy for Injo before this, I hope its all gone now.Following Injos death, Hyojong was placed on the throne. In an unofficial history, it is said that Queen Munjeong began to warm to the boy king just before his death after years of dismissal. The three main criteria for feminine beauty were sambaek (;), samheuk (;), and samhong (;). They even believed that it might hinder a higher level of education if they used something as simple as Hangeul. All were found guilty and executed, and then Ryu dances his way up the ranks. Never before had a woman become a royal physician, and sadly there was never one again. While she was pregnant, Seongjong refrained from sexual intercourse with her (as per Joseon etiquette rules). These meetings greatly inspired him and started his dreams of a more technological and scientific future for Joseon. He greatly rewarded those who worked hard. Monarch Ruling: 2/5 We have to recognize the fact that he started what would eventually be the elimination of slavery, although I dont believe it was out of personal sentiment for the people. . Kim eventually came back to power but was removed from government, and finally executed by the queens brothers, Yun Wonro () and Yun Wonhyeong (). In another effort to fight back, Gojong sent Korean representatives to the Hague Peace Convention of 1907 to try and gain international recognition of Koreas situation. He also was responsible for initiating battles with his powerful neighbors. In 1434, Jang made what we would call an alarm by todays standards! Not only were these fellas murdered, but Danjong and his wife were demoted in title even further, exiled to Yeongwol County (), and for one final blow, Sejo just decided it was best to have Danjong murdered.You know. Glad you enjoyed the article. He and his wife were confined to the walls of Changdeokgung Palace until he died with no heir.On August 29th, 1910, the 519-year reign of the Joseon dynasty came crumbling down. Overall, I think he was pretty swell. Over the past few years, I've received several messages asking about a book that introduces the Joseon kings. By 1350, the Ming Dynasty was able to seize power in China, limiting the power of Yuan and allowing Goryeo to regain its independence. March 5, 2015. The other is Imin-oksa (), which followed similar outbreak reasons. Told in 24 episodes released in 2011, Tree with Deep Roots is a Korean period drama that entails the mysterious murders of several scholars in the Gyeongbok Palace in the Joseon Dynasty. The first thing he supposedly said as King, sitting on his throne and looking down at all his slimy officials, was that he was the son of Jangjo who was murdered by the former King. Most of the pressure to leave came from his younger brother, Bang-won, who is our next target.Monarch Rating: 0.5/5 Im just going to give him half a point for the trouble he went through with his brothers. Dates: 31 October 1694 22 April 1776Reign: 16 October 1724 22 April 1776YES! 30,000 soldiers stormed the capital (with Injo fleeing to Ganghwa Island, if you didnt think he was chicken enough already). This woman knew she was dying and penned a letter on a handkerchief in her own blood, asking her son to avenge her if he ever got the note. Can you imagine taking lessons from the King himself?Jeongjo had a strong rule but it was sadly cut short when he died at the age of 47. He banned hangeul. Dates: 29 July 1790 13 December 1834Reign: 18001834Sunjo was 10 years old when his father died and made him heir. Perceptions of slavery and the mistreatment of the common class continued to change until 1801, when 66,000 slave records were burned under the mission of Sunjo. Dreamy guy, if I do say so myself.Youre probably wondering what I can talk about next; Ive already said so many positive things about this dude. The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty is a compilation of national records spanning the entirety of the Joseon Dynasty, consisting . His reign is a Golden Age in Korean history, full of intellectual and cultural accomplishments.Its not really up for debate: Sejongs biggest and most influential achievement was creating the Korean alphabet, first known asHunmin Jeong-um(), the correct sounds for the instruction of the people. Wiki page on Joseon Dynasty Monarchs - 1392 to 1910 in Korea. On the morning of the eighth day, the chest was opened, and he was pronounced dead. That being said, these empty pages led a creative film director to fill in the gaps. He oversaw the publishing of many influential books, such as an anthology of Korean-Chinese literature, an illustrated guide to traditional music, as well as a source on Korean historical geography.Despite his efforts to make positive change, Seongjong fell a bit short. Japanese pirates were plundering the southern coasts while the Jurchens were moving in from the north. Monarch Rating: 2/5 This might be the most difficult scoring yet. You can read more about Sado through the memoirs of Lady Hyegyeong. Naturally. There are also numerous Yi family clans (often written as Lee in English) but the royal family Yi name comes from the Seoul region. Yoon () was a low-ranking court woman and twelve years Seongjongs senior. He set up 10 military posts in the northern region in order to try and expand the kingdom while also keeping out Jurchen enemies. The College of Assembled Worthies (es. From this point on, Ryu basically ran around accusing people he didnt like of treason.Yejong did do one interesting thing. In 1392 the Joseon dynasty was founded by King Taejo, the first king of the Joseon dynasty and the throne was succeeded by 26 kings for 519 years until Japanese occupetion in 1910. Gang managed to make a truce with Joseon upon the realization that his family had in fact not been murdered, but was labeled a traitor, stripped of his titles, and essentially died of a broken heart.Not really believing Joseon was worth capturing (ouch), the Manchus returned to China to finish their fight against the Ming. Much to their dismay, Sejongs great love for studying and debating made him think about how his people were suffering. He was a bit of a romantic. He was a little star, all burnt out. Yeongjos son, Crown Prince Sado (), suffered from many mental illnesses following the deaths of Yeongjos first wife and grandmother. Taejo was leaning towards making his youngest son, Grand Prince Euian (), his successor. In 1442, his eyesight began to fail, alongside rheumatism and diabetes. The Joseon Dynasty () lasted from 1392 to 1910 and packs a lot of history: Japanese and Qing invasions, slavery, monstrous leaders, the creation of the Korean alphabet the list goes on. Jungjongs history as king is yet another rollercoaster ride, but there are some very important details to come out of his story.Jungjong spent much of his early years as king righting the wrongs of his half-brother. The titles were changed according to National Code of Joseon ( Gyeongguk Daejeon) later, but the . And whats worse, despite the country needing major renovations, the factions continued to disagree, leaving their homeland in a state of ruin for far too long. He then just killed a bunch of people who were working for Seongjong at the time of his mothers death because they did nothing to stop it. This argument went on even after Hyeonjongs death. If you thought some of the previous stuff was juicy, buckle in for a crazy ride (although nobody can ever be juicier than Yeonsangeun and not in a good way).Firstly, Yeonjo had a long rule. Where does one begin? During all of this, he also divided the kingdom into eight provinces: Hamgyeong (), Pyeongan (), Hwanghae (), Gyeonggi (), Gangwon (), Chungcheong (), Gyeongsan (), and Jeolla ().All of these reforms made the king realize that he needed to tear down the power of Buddhism in favor of Confucianism as the state ideology. Ill fix it accordingly. He sends his son away from the palace and exiles him to Gyeonggi-do, Gwangju ( ) Okay, like. Despite this, he seemed to make a positive impact during his first few years as King. Kingdom of Joseon Dynasty and Korean Empire Monarchs .

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joseon dynasty kings list