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$(selector).each(function() { Mental Health Resources; Calendar; Gateway STEM High School; Class Calendar; McMahon, Miranda. ["Hausa", "Hausa", "ha"], $("#gb-footer-links-outer").remove(); ["Spanish", "Espaol", "es"], $(".footer-extra-link.accessibility").creativeIcons({ $("#gb-logo").append("
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MBK & MSK Visit Washington D.C. 6 / 13 / 2023. . this.JsMediaQueries(); $("body").addClass("video-overlay-open"); Safe School Tip Line. e.preventDefault(); Mission Statement. "text": "", case "June": "transitionSpeed": .5, // SECONDS }); "width": descContWidth + "px" }, $(thisApp).find(".ui-read-more").appendTo($(thisApp).find(".ui-widget-footer")); McMahon, Jackie - 2nd Grade; Peiffer, Andrea - 2nd Grade; Pyles, Jason - Psychologist; Reese, Britnee - Guidance Counselor; Ross, Alyssa - 1st Grade; . var descContWidth = windowWidth - photoWidth; if($(".ui-widget-detail > ul.site-shortcuts > li:first-child", this).length) { $(".mmg-desc-inner", this).slideToggle(300); ["Ukrainian", "", "uk"], "show": false, }); } ["Basque", "Euskal", "eu"], } if(haveLinks) { switch(this.GetBreakPoint()) { ["Myanmar", "", "my"], We honour and respect the history, languages, ceremonies and culture of the First Nations, Mtis and Inuit who call this territory home. $(window).resize(function() { }); // CONSUME LEFT AND UP ARROWS To register your 3-5 year old for the pre-school we offer through Newport County Regional Special Education Program for students ages 3, 4 and 5, please contact Early Childhood Coordinator Anne Marie McAndrews at 401.847.3916 or 401.379.3931 or amcandrews@mpsri.net.. Students will go through a screening process first and then submit registration paperwork at Wilbur McMahon School. "fullScreenRotator" : false, var videoLeft = photoWidth / 2; $(".sw-calendar-block-date", this).wrapInner('