my boyfriend thinks i will never leave him

I shouldve know really, but no I didnt. How do I get him to understand that it's not true and trust me again? He just came out of a long term relationship and is busy in school. He said, "Yes because they were in the dryer." Tl;Dr: I don't think my boyfriend really likes me but he says different. Once I packed to leave and he came in with a ridiculous list of things he said I owed him money for - like half the food (he kept every little piece of paper, including supermarket receipts, filed by year) and said he knew I woukdnt oay him, but this box of music tapes was probably worth that much so he was hoing to keep them until I paid him or sell them. He told me that its a horrible movie because "Robin Williams" was lying to his kids and is a creep for being a woman and tricking his wife so he could be around his kids. So I make sure he will never know or see how much things cost. While you and your significant other can be perfect for each other in 101 ways, it's still possible to be financially incompatible with your partner.Not everyone is a money whiz, and that's OK. His coming clean is irrelevant. I come home excited to have the place looking nice and expecting my man waiting for me. 1. We are also too forgiving and understanding. Jackie Pilossoph is the author of her blog, Divorced Girl Smiling, and the comedic divorce novels, Divorced Girl Smiling and Free Gift With Purchase. And I have to sit there and listen or else he wont come home. Im sort of in a same situation where I cant leave. Please find way to take the kids out! Is there an actual reason for that? You don't have to live like that. But unfortunately, some things take a little bit longer to figure out. My kids think hes nuts. He wont leave you alone because he thinks that if he asks enough times, youll finally give in and come back to him. The one thing in my life I know isn't going to catch on fire randomly one day. I started talking with someone, who made himself to appear to be someone that he wasn't. So we stopped talking and then two weeks later he reached out to me saying that he truly cares for me and wants me to trust him. Updated: 6 Jun, 2023 It can be frustrating when you come to feel, "My husband thinks he does nothing wrong." Being in a relationship with someone who is never wrong can lead you to feel as if you cannot express your feelings, and you may even perceive that you don't matter in the relationship. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Whats crazy is its not always like this, hes always cleaning the house for me, hes always paying the bills for us, hes always making sure im okay. Or perhaps he was the one who initiated the breakup in the first place. Get out, In reply to I recently read that when by Anonymous (not verified). Where does that leave him now? There are many things we get in a relationship, including physical, mental, and emotional comfort. Or he is an arrogant ass who is being very smug about relationships. I dated a guy in high school who also told me this. He has contacted me several times, saying I was his one true love, although I am now remarried. We are both the "fixers" in our marriages. So now Im the one working for us, Im paying off his debt and mine. He has rubbed my face in urine and faeces. I'm a mom to one and work full time and I can still plan in advance. He agrees with me on issues concerning them and then when I say something to them he acts as though it is all from me. He cant just come back whenever he feels like he needs someone to use for his own benefit. Till this day, he will not take responsibility or apologize for any of this. I thought we got to a point where we both knew we wanted to be together forever and have this be it, work through our issues and communicate more since it helps. He is totally different from the guy I met and married. Maybe you feel that you are loved under certain conditions only, or you keep up a facade for your partner. Head felt it was on fire from being beat in the car. I left and went back to London taking a bus through france.. the whole time without sleep and in shock. I wonder how people do these things long-term and not just become soul-less detached individuals! It scares me everyday that hell find someone new that just agrees with him on everything. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. In some aspects I was wanting to date someone I suppose maybe to get approval for whatever lack of self-esteem. He was no good and he even cut me off for a while because I stayed with him. We share subjects that impact your daily life and we primarily discuss and write about all things related to relationships, breakups, mental health, astrology and much more. Please, follow my lead Naomi. Our living room had a clock on the wall. Family will be the first place that can help you before you can set out to live on your own. Have you broken things off multiple times only to get back together again? All Content Copyright (C) DearCupid.ORG 2004-2008 - we actively monitor for copyright theft, Register in under one minute and get your own agony aunt column. What I am saying is, in most cases, your theme will not change, and so if you want it to, you should break up with the person. I love that my relationship with him is stable. As a result, a deluge of extreme violence with all the shades of antiquity are delivered with vinegar and salt as a sort of revenge. My boyfriend lives a very calm and drama free life. I had met a man and we had a great connection, he was very sweet, in fact I was probably the one who was more 'moany' I would say. I recently read that when you date someone like you are describing or your high school boyfriend, you are brain wires itself to learn how to combat those types of people. My stomach is literally upset right now after digesting the utter contempt and hatred some people spew on a daily basis. I have all his important papers I take care for him, since I know he would lose it. Its not easy to let someone go when you know that youve messed up. I found out that is what mine is 11 years into the marriage!! He left without considering the fact that hes letting go of a good woman. My boyfriends friend thinks that this is a bad idea?He does have positive qualities though he asks me before he does things (going out and drinking with friends and girls) and has no problem if I would rather him not go. Because I have to, I owe it to him. But he says that he refuses to let me break up with him because my feelings about him aren't accurate. Add your answer to this question! He doesnt want you to lead a life without him because that would mean that you dont need him. We are having so much fun!5. ", "You're such a great actress! The last time he did it was because I told him that I always look like the bad guy to our children. #1 They Don't Make Time Spending time with each other is a crucial aspect of marriage. We all regret breaking up with a good partner. My son should not have gone through any of this. There is a guy that I had a ons with. The whole thing felt like a huge slap in the face and I just wanted to feel appreciated after working so many extra hours to support us. Well, narcissists are not a breed that can be that easily figured out. Example a lighter he dropped on the ground it was my fault. Oh, and she's divorced. This means employing the "no contact" rule or at least keeping your contact very limited. I buy him everything he wants. I then went to 4 different liquor stores to get his favorite bottle of wine. He had kicked in the side of my car and laughed telling me to get inside the car. I left, i went back to Oklahoma. He, as a grad school student of that age, is unlikely to want a 30 year old girlfriend who already has a child. I take care of his bills, I make sure he never sees or stressed about bills. At first in our marriage he would make side comments (negative) to my friends and family. Even though I told him to fuXk off many times, but he would still text or call me when he had no other options. It's easier to stay in a relationship sometimes, even if you know it isn't right (and you say "but" a lot). I was 18 and he was 24. He also knows that youre an easy bet. When you dont have that convenience, boredom washes down on you. reader, TasteofIndia+, writes (20 September 2009): Already have an account? Real romantic. And In these levels, I either stfu the first time he told me or after Im Not everyone knows what they want from their relationships, their career, or even themselves. My boyfriends bestfriend (who has become one of my really good friends) asked me what I was going to do about it. Then he started following me with his car screaming don't ever walk down my street or I will kill your dog you c--t! I feel like I've finally found somewhere where I don't feel like I'm going mad. Just remember back in the day whenever you would get angry at him and how he changed for a few days just to flip the switch the moment you forgave him. There's drama spewing from every direction. He always had my back and we had alit of fun together. Copyright 1997-2023 He said that things werent going the way he hoped they would, so he gave up on the entire relationship. Why doesnt this man just leave you alone? This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. ", "I can't believe I have to come home to you every day. He is hiring lawyers and trying to get his time reduced. Yea I do whine, yea I do cry a lot. Since we met, it has been fireworks, literally perfect. He says that hes figuring things out and that he just needs you to be there for him. I could never understand his reasonings because its always thag I deserved it. The new man too advantage of me - sexually, twice. A booty call is not limited to weeknights. Read it again all you have said and make it really sink in just what he is doing. Being told no one wants you is a heart breaking. We all struggle to make these little decisions on a daily basis. He also expects me to read his mind when he wants me to do something "after all these years of marriage, you still don't know what I want from you" (his words right from his playbook). That you truly do love him and obviously he knows that. Hes doing it for himself. Just because hes had a troubled past or now has issues with his mental health, doesnt mean that youre obligated to help him through it. Register in under one minute and get your own agony aunt column - recommended! I UNDERSTAND!!! It's not really because of anything that he's done but because every single guy that I've talked to has always ended up playing me or trying to hurt my feelings. He hates my sister because she confronted him how he treats me. ", "You used to be as beautiful as my ex, but geesh - time hasn't been good to you, baby! Never feel it is you who needs help as he wants you to feel insecure, lower your self esteem, make you feel worthless to make him feel better and in control. He's kind, generous, sexy, and romantic. But this is not the same for the majority of people in today's modern age, sadly! Then one day, the apologies just stopped & his nastiness became more frequent throughout the years. Devote time to the interests in your life and try to avoid falling into social media or . He couldn't collect unemployment so for the second time in 6 months I was supporting him and money was tight. trustworthy health. Published Jul 6, 2023. Things Verbal Abusers Say and Do, HealthyPlace. (My teenager does Volleyball and Basketball after school plus she had homework everyday and if I ask her to do anything around the house she will but I don't feel dishes should fall solely on her. I feel as though Im invisible. I'd really like to see you" or something to the effect. Why do they do this? I started becoming clingy and I been so protective over him. I now need a disc replacement in my neck from this person. And I didnt let him trick me in to moving back in either, as he knew how to work me over with words.. but i knew deep down that if I went back itd only b worse! What is he doing with his extra money? It's not him you miss, but the feeling he gave you at that moment when you felt desired, and safe. Everyday talk is dying in the relationship. After i left i got together with a bunch of my single friends and we went out and drank gratuitous amounts of alcohol and I managed to have a lot of fun. Three years ago, she took me out for my "best birthday ever" and to this day berates me about it, let's say, on a monthly basis. He doesn't say anything like you mentioned above which make me constantly re-evaluate my sanity. What do you mean he is busy in school? His life is pretty mundane. Put it on and I did because thats my love of course I will. I truly believe that when a relationship is good (healthy) there are no buts. Now I have acknowledged with him that I know he has a crush on me but that I live with my boyfriend and that I enjoy being his friend but that's all we can be. he has asked you to meet again. I lived in a broken home and Ive always dreamed of my own home, my own family where I dont have to pick sides or take my clothes in a bag with me back and forth. He knows I love him, I do everything for him. She didn't say, "but", Her response got me thinking about the difference between healthy romantic relationships and those that most likely won't work out: the word "But!". I've recently been called the "C-word," "Weak" (because I started crying), "Stupid" (that was tonight), "You wear your heart on your sleeve that is why you're weak." Started Thursday at 04:41 PM, Casual Dating Meaning: 5 Elements to Unpack, Your Guide to Understanding Marriage in Texas Records (5 Key Points), 5 Secrets of Successful International Dating, The Charms of Courthouse Weddings (5 Must-Know Facts), Decode Your Marriage Years: 5 Interpretations, 5 Secret Elements of a Romantic Kiss (And How to Master Them), Need help on this situation, really don't want to bring him omg my space. I then volunteered to go pick up some ingredients for us to make dinner and I would get some wine. How to differentiate between friendship and feelings? Just because he misses you doesnt mean that he loves you and is right for you. Our vision is to become a supportive community where youll feel that theres someone out there who gets you, supports you in creating and keeping strong bonds between your families and friends. Sometimes I wonder shall I text him and see if he realises his issues/problems? Since I am not a licensed professional, I cannot say what's abuse and what is not, but I would encourage you to keeping reading the blogs and articles on Healthy Place and work with a medical professional to decide your next steps. I looked at him to make him see me? My fault Im very close to my family.. so yea my parents they know everything, they know what happens and has happened. A friend of more than twenty years repeated everything to him, including that I was planning to leave. Thinking only of his NEEDS his FEELINGS his TIME his SPACE. In other words, the stage is set almost from the start, and whatever the issues are, they will be there for the entire relationship. Whatever. He misses you and cant fall asleep without you by his side. Don't think for one second that you should try to fit into to this one-night-stand or FWB culture of today! Tell him that youre not going to forgive him and take him back. Peaceful men are targeted, because they dont fight back. I wish you light and love--Jenn. Does he have any other hobbies? In reply to I dont know if this is by Anonymous (not verified), I feel you I'm going through the same and have no one to talk to it's a scary feeling especially having a 2 and 3yr old and they are even scared of him and I don't know what to do at this point but I'm in the same situation. Laughing and enjoying our time together. When is it time to just call it? Wives of covert narcissist husbands often end up feeling "done to" before these same wives gradually withdraw sexually. And, she stopped right there. Does this make sense. A few weeks ago, we found out that his ex is moving back. While he never argues with me or criticizes things he doesn't like, he criticizes himself a lot. I said, "I don't know did you put there there?" Let's see what happens now but i feel we will eventually break up because I have finally stood up to himhe wants someone who will hamper to his every wish and command and accept punishment, but that's not me! He knows that youre not able to say no to him or to watch him cry his eyes out because of you. 2023 HealthyPlace Inc. All Rights Reserved. I want you for marriage. If you need to flag this entry as abusive. TL;DR boyfriend says were too different, seems checked out but says he doesnt want to end it. Now my boyfriend and I have since made up but not really been abel to talk about that night because he still doesn't think he did anything wrong. I have been nothing but support through his job. Surround yourself with nice and caring people. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. In reply to If your child is hanging up by Anonymous (not verified). Because I left to my parents for a month and a half. I have made a point not to hang out with him one on one because of that information though he would be out with our group of friends often. Therefore, your brain will automatically be more attracted to those types of people because it already knows the skills it needs to combat it. All Rights Reserved. Only an extremely bored man would think like this and you know him better than anyone else. I dont know what happened, although there is a history of mental illness on his fathers side of the family. If i say i wanted to, he states i'm disgusting, fat, etc. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Dont fall for them all over again because you know it wont be long before he drops this little act. This is especially the case when youve shared everything. I'm assuming that he will leave me. What can I do?. I play the game. TL:DR; my boyfriend thinks im cheating on him because I have become closer with a make friend through text message even though the texts are dry chit chat about school and such. It took two years to get divorced and he only agreed because he found a new girlfriend. I feel like everything I do is wrong to him. Im in a place where I cant. You're absolutely right. Take you out for your best birthday ever and then wind up berating you on the way home for not appreciating their efforts enough. ItsAllConfusing, November 19, 2016 in Dating. I couldnt confide in friends because he would call them and cry, saying he was worried about me and thought I was depressed, and had I said anything to them? Work on prioritizing and loving yourself. male You are correct. My boyfriend is becomming hard to deal with, and I just don't know what to do. Do you even want to be with him anymore? By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. Much later, I turned away and left the house for a while which eventually led to increased physical violence and leaving forever. He is a lot bigger than me and he frightened me. He asked me to help him Especially with someone who so genuinely cares about you and is probably still in love with you. My boyfriend tells me that I'm neurotic. Victims hear horrible things from their abuser and they feel small, withdrawn, angry, helpless, sad, ashamed, and a hundred other horrible emotions - sometimes all at once. The tone and content vary from abuser to abuser, but the words affect the victim in similar ways. By not taking a simple no for an answer. I believe that relationships develop what I call "a theme" very early on. You might even be wondering if you should actually give him another chance, but hes just bored. This man genuinely misses you and he probably doesnt know how else to express these emotions but to throw himself at you. This can be extremely exhausting and even disturbing. My husband was like a tape recorder that you can t turn off. In reply to I married a very angry man by Anonymous (not verified). The last girl DID get a restraining order and he spent almost a year in jail and got ten years probation for violating the restraining order.. At least now everyone, including his family, believes me now. You dont even need to question your assumption anymore. I got him off them and we actually made a proper go at it. I refuse, I either get called (for example: a fat pig, who hasnt even had a baby so whats my excuse for being fat ?) Hello Tracey, I am Cheryl Wozny, the current author of the Verbal Abuse in Relationships Blog here at HealthyPlace. I've tried telling him repeatedly that I'm very happy with him and he just grunts and says, "for now I guess". Thank God for my present husband; he understands and supports me. When you don't feel safe Resources A controlling partner may not always be easy to spot. I feel like I put out a flame one day and four more pop up the next. Then he forced me to be forced me to be his prostitute, after 8 months. Is this abuse or just a sh***y husband? You can get that feeling back when you start dating seriously and find that special person that wants to share that experience with you. I remember sitting on a plane next to some random guy one time and he said to me, "When a relationship is right, it will be easy." If he doesnt want to leave you alone and things get out of hand, you can always contact the authorities and get a restraining order. What does "easy" mean? What he can do is discipline his child and build relationship if and when they are together. I know he'll never give me what I want so I've let that idea go. Always remember that. Before all of this, you knew that you could spend all of your spare time in the day together. But the names continued for over 30 years. This can get in the way of true emotional intimacy and feel. I by Anonymous (not verified). Because I can assure you that it wont be easy for him to barge back into your DMs whenever he feels like it. And if I continue nagging him, we will argue and thats the same process happing again. ", "You're fat and miserable and you make me hate you. I cant just leave, I know physically yes. Currently, I'm working towards getting out. I dont think I ever heard an apology from him about hitting me, untill I went back home. I would go to all his breaks, driving back and forth. Weve (f26) and (m27) dated about a year and had or ups and downs. I have been with him for 10 years, we have 5 kids (2 mine) (3 his) He still calls me mental and psycho and tells me that Ill never change, as he looks at me with disgust. He just said he didnt mean what he said he was just mad. Sometimes people who experience abuse feel this way, but it isn't true. He had been texting me every weekend in the evening since then to ask if I was free. However things got better between my dad and him over the years but then when my dad passed away 9 years into my husband and I s relationship, it's like his narc mask came off. He doesn't have to open every . His excessive phone calls and texts make you wonder if youll ever get rid of him. I really don't want to throw away our relationship over this. If like mine, it sneaks out REAL slow and would always apologize. Let him come back to an empty, ransacked house! No one here will judge you for staying (I've been there and it can feel hopeless! So until the moment he figures things out, hes going to play this cat-and-mouse game. Your take on this situation could help others realize a harmful dynamic. But he says that he refuses to let me break up with him because my feelings about him aren't accurate. Im a mistake for him. He was accusing me of cheating and he would not hear me when I told him I wasn't. Reddit, Inc. 2023. Now our relationship has been on a bit of a strain lately because my boyfriend was out of work for a bit over a month. A video captured on July 4, 2023, authentically showed Hunter Biden sniffing cocaine in front of his family on the White House balcony. YOU left shortly after sex when he wanted you to stay and then you declined every request to meet since then. My dad was the best, he was verbally abusive but I always knew he loved me unconditionally. Flip open their knife to open a piece of gum while looking at you under knitted brows. Especially those with children involved. How do you feel when he doesnt leave you alone? He knows that he doesnt have to leave you alone because youll eventually give in. Setting boundaries is something you truly have to work on if hes able to treat you like this. I was going to come back and pick it up after I got home. He knows he can get another person like me but better. That isnt a one night stand if he wants to meet again. I've been waiting for him all my life. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I had a dreadful mother who was cruel to me and so, although it was painful, I had no contact with her. Hell actually pursue you as long as that feeling doesnt disappear. It sounds like you could use some support to help deal with your circumstances. I have been dragged through the garden by my hair, had my finger dislocated when he threw an ashtray at me. It's just hard to move on because I've never just slept with someone like that without continued and respectful contact/genuine interest. Here goes my story. Now in that time my friends roomie and I have become good friends and we text often. If your partner does not make time for you, whether it be for conversations or even just catching up, then it is a possibility that they may have begun to take your presence in their life for granted. Please reach out and get help. I'm busy too but I still have time. I was alone walking the streets until the morning came. Sometimes my abuser's words hurt when he jabs and attempts to provoke me on the phone. My dad started to come around then and realized he better help get me set up or I was gonna have a hard life. The five-second viral clip was taken . You do that then." BUT I did find a place to go and I did get the courage to leave was it easy after married 14 years but together 17 all together, HELL NO IT WAS NOT EASY!! And what am I ? Reasons for staying include the fact that you care deeply about the person, you don't want to get back out there in the dating world, you are comfortable in the relationship, you don't think you can do any better, or you are convinced there aren't any better men (or women) out there. He didn't tell me really why.anyway, we were on and off for a while until one day his apparent ex contacted me out of the blue. We have applied for marriage counseling but have been turned down because the counseling programs say that he needs counseling. It takes time, have patience with yourself. I guess while I was trying to put it together, I broke it. He doesnt just lash out and verbally call me names or hits me. Spending too much time on your phone, doing everything with your partner, or being overly picky could lead to problems in your . Keep holding to your standards, it's what makes you wonderful and different! Youre probably the type of person to share your life on social media. He has asked you out every weekend since.even if it is last minute, it is still at the weekend. And it takes guts to ask yourself if the issues are too big, or if the good things outweigh the bad things so much, that you are willing to stay. Retrieved 1. As I got changed and packed my things, he said 'go to the street and suck c***, its all your good for' I felt humiliated and like a whore. I'm shocked every time it happens but it's so hard to turn around and tell him to leave bc I didn't do anything to him and I want him to stay. It doesn't bother me though, I respect who he is. I get dragged by my hair. What does verbal abuse sound like? In the past we broke up mutually and I was really resistant to get back together because some of his behavior is selfish and rude. However, children are apt to believe their primary caregiver and also use that conflict to have power over whichever of their parents does not cede to their every demand. It might seem harsh - and even contradictory - but the only way you're going to get him back is by accepting that there is a very real chance he never will come back. That gave him more ammo; he began hiding treasured possessions and secretly made an extra set of keys to my car so he could hold the community property until the divorce is over and the judge decides what is whose. It was to keepme from leaving. Its getting out of hand. However, name-calling is a verbally abusive trait, and if you fear saying or doing certain things to avoid conflict, it might be time for outside intervention. Youll know if hes just doing this because hes jealous. Thank you for your comment. If he's thinking I'm going to eventually leave him for someone more exciting how can I be sure he's putting 100 percent into our relationship? Youre too nice to him and because you feel bad about this entire situation, you let him back into your life whenever he pleases. I've been waiting for him all my life. Why havent you blocked him yet?

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my boyfriend thinks i will never leave him