my mother hates me but loves my siblings

That can impact self-esteem in the future, particularly if establishing boundaries or saying no has produced tantrums or pushback in the past. Is there anything more I can do to help the situation? Its been about 4 months since and he has come a long ways. They would pick on their boyfriends thinking it would be funny and the mother would laugh. Our five year old is our youngest child and she has disabilities. Thank you. Well, to an extent, dogs should be afforded some agency, so it is probably a good idea to think about when you really NEED her to do something and when she should be allowed to do what she wants to do. I am fair and nice to both dogs so I dont understand his behavior toward me. B."My mother hates me." C."I have a very wonderful mother whom I love very much." D."My mom always loved my sister more than she loved me.", A newly admitted client, diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), spends one hour packing and unpacking, folding and refolding personal belongings. Have you tried any of the strategies discussed in the article? I hope that helps. He resource guards sometimes but he also lip curls at my kids when they pet him. He would sleep in my room, I would feed him, take him on walks, bathe him, and everything else. He blames you for the problems in your relationship. I would stand up for myself if things got very nasty, I avoided PDA in front of his mom and I avoided overstepping her authority when it came to her relationship with her son. I dont know what to do, I dont want to get rid of my dog, but I cant have him attacking my disabled daughter. I hate to choose between my dad and dog but its just not letting up. Seek out a positive reinforcement trainer as soon as possible if your dog displays guarding behavior. Therefore, I confronted my boyfriend, for it is impossible that his mother could dislike me but not mention anything about it to him. Ill try some your good cop suggestions, but any other advice would also be much appreciated. Hey there, Bhanisha. Super loving and snuggly and will sit, stay, and come for me- but she is still having trouble with other people. If you think your partners mother still doesnt like you, you also need to accept the mentality she has grown up with, which is difficult to change. As you explained, hes already biting people and that cant be allowed to contiue. For instance, the television show Succession, the play King Lear, and the film Ordinary People are all works of fiction that get their inspiration and core conflicts from the issues of sibling favoritism. About a year ago he growled and bit my brother in law (did not break skin). We have five kids and our five year old the dog has become aggressive with. Help! To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. I obey all her orders and demands. Once you find this out, you can start working on a plan of action that will help you counter these feelings she has for you and re-build a healthy relationship with your boyfriends mom. Unfortunately, this sounds like one of the times thatll simply require the help of a professional trainer or behaviorist. I avoided going to his house when she was around and when I had to go, I ensured that a respectable distance was maintained between my boyfriend and me. On the other hand, they may have favored your sibling due to how naturally the sibling fits with their own personality. Theyre little dogs, Yorkie / Shih Tsu mixes. Its very puzzling and makes me think he doesnt like me for some reason. Sometimes it seems hes barking for attn and my bf will get on his level and pet him and this works while other times he gets more agitated and the behavior gets worse. But other times, it's pretty much all out in the open. Being a rebel here certainly would have given me my way, but at the cost of a troublesome future with my love. Up until yesterday he has been so sweet loving and just a perfect well socialized dog. Then he saw I was watching and ran to his bed. The dog is a small Shitzou/Bichon crossed with a cocker spaniel. Holly seems to be fearful of him, but I dont know if shes just afraid because she sees Charlie is. Im trying to show him everyones isnt a threat to him or me so when hes laying with me and someone comes by and he doesnt react I praise him . But it hasnt helped. They have more training and experience dealing with behavioral issues, and they can help you determine a good solution for your situation. It made me realize how much sadness I'd been holding onto thinking (knowing) my mom didn't like me. If I have to go out, I like to don a cute crop top with jeans. Parents are supposed to love their children without question, so what could possibly cause a permanent rift between a mother and her child? ), you may want to try some of the tips we provide in our article about nuisance barking. If a dog isnt well-socialized with all sorts of men tall, short, big, thin, with and without facial hair, with deep and high voices, of different races and ethnicities, disabled men, etc. meeting someone different could trigger growling. My wonderful dad will try and calm my mom down, but she just screams some more. We saw a dog behaviourist, and on their advice we have mostly managed to manage or avoid such situations. My question is. Why was violence their first choice? Hey Suzanne! So my dad would put him in another room. The dog is a good dog and I dont understand why hes acting this way towards her. Sometimes a parent may spend more money on your sibling, while you get the wrong end of the stick when it comes time to be punished. Wed recommend keeping them separated completely and contacting a canine behaviorist pronto. I have and almost 6 year old German Shepherd that I have had since he was a pup (3 months old). Your email address will not be published. An issue I thought would go away over time but still hasnt. My Dog is Jealous Of The New Puppy! Unseen wounds: The contribution of psychological maltreatment to child and adolescent mental health and risk outcomes. If by going at you mean hes leg humping, then it may help. By this time, I knew that my boyfriends mother had started disliking me less, but she was still taking her time and making peace with the fact that I am not of the same caste as them. Let us know how it goes! Thank you for any advice you may have. Your Brother in Law need to take it slow with the dog. Hey, Monique. He did well. From a safety standpoint, it may very well be wise to consider rehoming him to an adult-only home. That sounds like one chompy canine you have there! He will leave a room with my husband then turn around and run full force back to me, jump on me full force biting. He was meaning serious business and would have attacked me. To be honest, this entire scenario used to give me constant flashbacks of the movie 2 States, where Ananya visits Krishs house, but his mother does not approve of Ananya. Sometimes she even REWARDS her for doing these things. I know this isnt uncommon for dogs, and the behaviourist advised us to teach him to sit and give him a treat etc. Ultimately, you may want to reach out to a certified dog behavior consultant to get some assistance, but in the meantime, you may want to try having your partner do some of the day-to-day tasks with your pup. Occasionally my mom will feed him but its normally me. We have the most wonderful, loving and playful 3 year old little Bichon/ Poodle mix. 1.Why does my mom hate me but love my sister? To use your point about a child hitting a classmate if you were to yell at the child and punish them, what are you really accomplishing? I Dont think he was properly socialized because he barks at the people living on rent in my home, even though he has seen them day in and out, I dont know what happens but sometime he does not bark at all at them, but then all of a sudden he tries to attack them. You may even consider grabbing some super-high value treats and only allowing your exchange student dole them out. I guess the question I am asking is whether this is the right thing to do (working on his behaviour) or thinking about how he might react towards my daughter. She and I were petting him on the back. Hey there! This understanding and acceptance of her irrational behaviour helped me make peace with not only hers but also, my own emotions. Instead, I displayed how much I respect their relationship and how much I adore my boyfriend for being such a good son to her. I am not in a position where I can get him a behavioural trainer or find a way to properly consult a profesional about his behaviour in my family. Anyways any tips I would be grateful for. In terms of your relationship with your mother, obligations may revolve around loving them and behaving in respectful ways. Related Reading: Setting Boundaries With In-laws 8 No-Fail Tips. Sorry we cant provide more help, but we wish you and your pooch the best. Hey there, Pam. More often than not, the reason a dog reacts aggressively toward a family member is due to poor socialization or fear from a past experience. What steps have you taken to address the problem? He still sleeps in my bed, just not beside me anymore, he stays by my feet, and if I try to pick him up, or just go in for a hug he growls, bares his fangs and if dare touch him, he tries to bite me. you are 18 or older, you read and agreed to the, Why does my mom always favor my older sister. Favoritism can manifest itself in a number of ways and isnt always obvious at first. We also know he is getting cataracts so we tried putting the light on so he knew it was me. When a dog has anxiety like that towards me I always get down on my knees on the floor, put my head down and do not look at the dog in the eyes.You can even try having your brother in law get down on the floor and give him the submissive pose. You have successfully joined our pup pack. The Importance of Friendship In Teenage Years. Even a dog that has escalated just once, in a moment of pain for example, may be able to stay in the family with the help of a trainer. Seek out a Balanced Dog Trainer and run run run from pure positive trainers. A much smarter approach would be to talk to the child and try to understand their perspective what is their home life like? Hey, Don. It normally is just growling but it did elevate to a bite. Your approach doesnt seem to take into account the dogs feelings and emotional state. Sorry to hear about the problems with your pooch! Consulting with a certified dog behavior consultant will be essential. I came back 51/2 months later and the Morkie didnt take to me after about a week he realised I was here to stay. He will lay with him, jump on his lap, show love, take treats, and play with him, then randomly bark, growl, and has nipped his leg once. How long have you known him? Females who aren't naturally loving, affectionate and nurturing birth daughters more mature, loving & nurturing than their own mother. Way2tired Feb 16, 2023 So been there !! When dogs have sudden behavior changes like that, it can be due to having pain or increased discomfort. I had to show her that I respected her and I would not take any major decisions with her son without caring about what she feels. However, since last year he has progressively showed aggressive behavior towards me, which started with him growling whenever I tried to pick him up. My dog is 2 and a half. He is getting frustrated and will not help that much in trying to get her to stop barking. I did not visit my boyfriends house regularly, but I still dropped by a few times, like once in two weeks, so that she would know that I am here for the long run and I am not leaving her son but at the same time, I did not mean to come between her and her soon and give them enough space and distance. I always act as "the good girl", but I'm finally kicked. My husband and I adopted a 10 year old Bichon about 6 months ago and all was well. I helped her in cooking, arranging the dishes, cutting salad and anything else that she needed help with. I have a GSD, he is 3 years old, in the last 2 months he tried to attack my brother 5 times of which 3 time he has bitten him , my brother goes to pet him and he starts growling and attacking, we tried keeping my dog and my brother in separate spaces and the least interaction possible but it is not working he is attacking all of a sudden without any prior warning . She has never been able to sit still and not bark whenever he moves or enters the room and it has been a huge annoyance forever. Although unlike Ananya, I knew how to cook well. We adopted a teacup poodle a month ago and she was fine with me at most times. I just dont know what Im doing wrong . I genuinely believe that this was not the reason or time to leave a relationship, so I did everything I could to keep my boyfriend in my life. As Peg Streep, author of Mean Mothers, put it in Psychology Today: "Daughters raised by dismissive mothers doubt the validity of their own emotional needs. He has bit me 7 times. in this scenario. If you've ever thought, "I hate my sister," you're not alone. 2. The transition from love to hate was long, but with these steps, I finally got my boyfriends mother to love me. Have you figured out why the child felt the need to hit their classmate? We tried having my dad take his hat off and Reuben was still aggressive. She will eat a treat left by him and let him pet her and will even lick his face if he looks away. "Its important to remember that growing up with a toxic mom is very difficult," therapist Heidi McBain LMFT tells Bustle. Google search daughters if narcisstic mothers. In a healthy parent-child relationship, talking to your mother about your life and your feelings is anything but "bothering them.". As Tom Bunn, LCSW, wrote in Psychology Today, this kind of toxic mother "sees natural and healthy growth [of her child's independence] as rejection.". Basically, I rescued my basset hound about a year and a half ago. When your dog acts aggressively toward a family member, try to take inventory of the situation: Having a trainer evaluate the aggressive behavior is also a good idea. Hes ok with most ppl now, But my boyfriend who lives with us is an on and off problem. Sadly, there are always terms and conditions that follow. You are not selfish . My dogs bark at my son at night, especially one of them, as my son stays up a lot during the night while I sleep and hes been living with me for a year and half. Follow this advice and you will have a lifetime of bad behavior or end up trying to rehome the dog after he bites someone. Last week our 13 year old daughter had a friend around to visit her. Also, you may want to consider her frame of mind when telling her to do things. You want a happy life. My roommates have 3 dogs: 1 mama dog, and 2 that are from her previous litter, so her babies are about 16 months old now. Let us know all about your experiences in the comments below! Azalea is absolutely obsessed with me (follows me constantly, freaks out when she sees me, wants to be on top of me all the time) and My partner is lucky if she lets her pet her or sit next to her at all. If you think your mother might be toxic, then read on for six of the most common signs. We have done tons of treats and her feeding meals and walks but she doesnt seem to want to warm up. However, if you suffer from rejected child syndrome, you've . It took me a while to realize that this wasnt just an obsession and that she might have genuine reasons for not liking me. 1. Hey, Margaret. We have the fights every couples has at some point, however, no matter how heated the situation got, I made sure we never fought in front of his mom. Weve tried putting him in his kennel when he barks, nothing works. If you dont have anyone in your area you can work with, you may want to consider reaching out to Journey Dog Training. Find Out Why Can you find out why your parents like him more? If I turn around to ignore him he will bite me in the back and has torn many shirts in the process. Just try to do everything you can to demonstrate to her that you arent a threat, and try to (slowly and patiently) develop your bond. Hi we got a new puppy a Morkie two weeks before I left to go out of country. Over the years weve played, taken many walks and he was my companion when I got into jogging. Neglect. I am getting really depressed and am thinking about cutting myself to try and help, though I know it won't, I'm very young, in 7th grade, and I really really need help. Sorry we dont have a better answer best of luck! Hi there, I have an 11-month-old Great Pyrenees/German Shepherd dog mix. We all (two-footers and four-footers alike) have the right to like or dislike whom we choose. He would calmly handle the matter, explain things to his mother and I, very logically, and settle things down. Sometimes there is no answer to how relationships develop over time and the most important thing to do is to take a step back and observe everything from a birds-eye view. Ive never hit him Ive only ever smothered him with kisses. Well, Im sure I wont be the first one to tell you its not going to be an easy journey. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Mothers whose toxicity comes in the form of refusing to allow their child a separate identity are "enmeshed," according to psychologists. Jesse has grown to be very aggressive towards me. You can talk to your kid and you can ground your kid HELLO! Im at a loss. Follow us at: A writer by nature, a baker by heart, and a traveller by soul, Kiranjot feeds her passions with fierce love and undying curiosity. It began as just growling when I would get up to use the bathroom, but now it is every time I move in bed. Method 1 Talking to Your Parents 1 Outline your emotions in a journal beforehand if it helps you plan the conversation. Lean on him. This did impress her since it made her realise thatI acknowledged her efforts and hard work. (2011). Itd probably be wise to reach out to the shelter/rescue/breeder you obtained him from and ask if he has any known sensitivities or anxieties you can try to avoid. At the moment, he is muzzled whenever she is in the room and as a precaution, we have now put him back in a crate when he is sleeping in our room in case our daughter wanders in. We both raised him from 8 weeks and I play with him a lot and am affectionate with him. If youve had your dog since puppyhood it may be easier to figure out the root cause, but for many adopted dogs the cause may never be discovered. Seems like she does not want to see me inside the house after i wake up. My child is at the point where she avoids the dog altogether, she wont even enter a room if she sees him. Aquious 3 yr. ago 7 min read The friend loves dogs and went to pet him, he growled again and snapped without making any contact. Why do i feel no connection to my mother? Regarding the barking problem, we do have an article about dogs who bark at everything you may want to check out, but wed recommend ditching the shock collar its unlikely to help and it will almost certainly increase the pups anxiety (which is potentially part of the reason hes barking in the first place). I couldnt help but wonder why my boyfriends mother hates me so much. Its possible your neighbor was petting him on a part of his body that has really been hurting him! Wed definitely recommend working with a behaviorist at this point. Feeling burdensome, unwanted or disliked by your mother often creates ongoing problems into adulthood, including certain mental health conditions. Unprovoked he will attack me, bite me until I bleed, growl, snarl. Men in particular have a tendency to be scarier to dogs for a number of reasons. If I go to lift him he snarls and bites. If they try to ensnare you in a verbal argument, give them nothing in response except a non-committal reply like, "that's interesting," or "you might be right," or just "hmm.". 3 days in and today for the first time he growled at my dad, the dog was in a completely knew scenario where he was cuddling into me but my dad was at the other side of him. By Something went wrong. Making little to no effort to tend to you physically or emotionally. We have had our rat terrier (dak) since a puppy. Weve had them 4 months and it doesnt seem to be going away. Additionally, while diapers are necessary for some dogs, it sounds like theyre just using them to avoid housetraining the pups. For example, you may have your brother sit in a chair outside. - Quora. For starters, try some of the tips Gem provided especially the ones about turning your daughter into the good cop. Well, first of all, dont panic it takes dogs a while to warm up to new people sometimes. So sorry youre having trouble with your pooch! Of course, meeting the parents and adjusting with your boyfriends family is not an easy transition. Hey Patricia! What do I do? Emotional neglect from mothers can have lasting consequences. I cry a lot because of this. Hi, our Yorkie is 3 years old. They offer a variety of long-distance training solutions. My husband deals with him for walks also as when I take him he lies on the ground and wont budge. So sorry to hear about the issues with your pooch! You should not force your children to be subjected to your toxic mother . When the friend didnt respect that, the dog had few other options. But if a few more weeks pass without improvement, you may very well need professional help. She can ask or do anything, even some really bad stuff, and my mom just doesn't care. If she caught me and her son in an argument, she would definitely believe that I am going to disrupt his life (you know how mothers can be very obsessive towards their sons, right?) I just feel like Im letting this dog down and I feel like she is a part of the family as well. hey, Its hard to say for sure, but considering he only behaves that way in bed, he may be feeling protective over the bed. Over the years, one child may get preferential treatment over the other or might seem as if they are the apple of the parents eye. We think that dogs can be marvelous companions for kids with special needs, but it can still be tricky to pair any kiddo with any doggo. It sounds like you have a really good system with the muzzle and crate use, but dog gates between various rooms might be another thing to consider, as they would be an easy way to keep your dog and kiddo separated. Do You Think Your Mom HATES You? But you must deal with it to make amends and improve your relationship with your boyfriends mom to make things easier for everyone involved. Apathy towards you, your goals, your future, your choices, or your accomplishments. My wife and daughter have had it and they want her out of our house because they are tired of being scared around her and they feel as though Im picking my dog above them. My bfs 10 year old attempted to get involved and even backed him into a corner. When hes not in the house everything runs relatively smoothly. He acts up with my husband sometimes. How do you recommend finding a certified behaviorist for dogs in your area? Definitely reach out to a behaviorist if youre concerned, but wed recommend starting by learning about dog body language and dog consent. They feel unworthy of attention and experience deep, gut-wrenching self-doubt, all the while feeling intense longing for love and validation.". Recommendations? In some cases, such as those involving small children, complete separation may be necessary. How do I get him to stop? Then it turned into barking and growling. If you dont have access to trainers in your area, try reaching out to Journey Dog Training. I moved in with him August 2021 and since then we have made changes to the home where he is no longer allowed on couches or the bed or to get on the kitchen counters. This will mean simply putting him somewhere else when your brother-in-law visits (such as in a closed room or crate). When we have new visitors over with my reactive dog, Ill often give him a tasty chew (like a bully stick), a frozen Kong, or some other kind of exciting puzzle toy to engage in, as that can help break up the dogs attention so that its not hyper-focused on the visitor. Nearly four years ago . Best of luck! Twenty years from now, when you're off with your gf/wife and doing well, I doubt he'll be any better. She always taunted us when we were around and would not enjoy my presence in her company. We are now thinking that the lip incident wasnt an accident and are left unsure of what to do. Plus he was just diagnosed with pancreatitis and we are making his food for the time being. She gets along well with us most of the time, but it really weird that once in a while out of the blue for no particular reason she will have one of these leaching out episodes and bites or attempts to bite like one snap and done kind of thing. Best of luck! Dogs who guard are trying to prevent the loss of their resource and have extremely heightened emotions when they feel the resource is at risk. Get tons of great dog training advice and tips about gear! Since I have never been close to his mother, I couldnt confront her with the problem. She treats you with disrespect, to say the least. She is a rescued retired puppy mill mamma and she has struggled with anxiety since we got her. If you think your mother might be toxic, then read on for six of the most common signs. Are they having social issues with their classmates? They provide long-distance training solutions, which may help. Now today when she left for work he was crying like he didnt want to see her go, but when she arrives home at the end of the day he started growling and lunging at her after she walked in as if she was an intruder. Have you solicited the help of a professional trainer? During the day he is fine and will occasionally jump in my lap for scritchies. We have an 18-month old Sprocker Spaniel. Now after that every time he sees her he starts lunging, growling and going after her. Dak is 6 Daisey is 7 . In the 2011 study Poisonous Parenting: Toxic Relationships Between Parents and Their Adult Children, the authors note that a toxic mother-daughter relationship can lead you to form unhealthy relationships later in life. No two dogs are the same, and triggers of aggression are unique to each and every one. At this point, it is up to you to decide what to do with that information. I started to wail, my heart broken my mommy walked out the door and slammed it on me, because . My brother lives with me my dod growls barks at him he gets aggressive I dont know what to to do he likes my sister I think he dont like men I had him since 8 months hes 3 now. Recognizing what favoritism looks like, 2.

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my mother hates me but loves my siblings