oceania cruises shore excursion packages

We collect this information when you choose to provide it to us or to a service provider or third party such as a travel agent or through the employment application process. NAVIO PEQUENO DE LUXO. Quando voc acessa sites ou recebe Servios de outra natureza, e na medida em que seja permitido pela legislao aplicvel, ns coletamos automaticamente algumas categorias de dados a seu respeito, inclusive dados coletados usando cookies, scripts incorporados e outras tecnologias de rastreamento ("Tecnologias de Rastreamento e Cookies) para realizar anlise de sites a fim de melhorar sua experincia online, analisar o uso do site, fornecer melhor segurana e fornecer marketing personalizado online e offline. NCLH has seven additional ships scheduled for delivery across its three brands, adding over 19,000 berths to its fleet. Podemos usar seus dados pessoais para os seguintes fins: Poderemos publicar depoimentos de hspedes em nossas correspondncias, folhetos, sites e pginas de mdia social. Voc pode encontrar mais informaes sobre como processamos dados pessoais de residentes da Califrnia no nosso Aviso de Privacidade para Residentes da Califrnia, aqui. Thanks to the launch of simply MORE, our guests will enjoy even more value, more choice and more convenience than ever before, said Frank A. Del Rio, President of Oceania Cruises. Please try again or click forgot password below. SMALL SHIP LUXURY. Please connect with us to customize the vacation of your dreams! Esta misso se aplica a todas as nossas atividades, incluindo os produtos e experincias que oferecemos a bordo dos nossos navios, em nossos destinos e portos de escala, e on-line atravs de nossos websites e recursos interativos, inclusive aplicativos, widgets, blogs, redes sociais, "tabs" de redes sociais e outras ofertas on-line ou via celular (que denominamos coletivamente como "Servios"). Entre esses direitos, incluem-se os seguintes: Podemos processar seus dados pessoais de maneiras definidas como vendas ou publicidade direcionada, conforme definido pela Lei de Privacidade do Colorado e pela Lei de Privacidade de Dados de Connecticut. Obrigado pelo seu interesse na Oceania Cruises. About Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd.Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. (NYSE: NCLH) is the leading global cruise company that operates Norwegian Cruise Line, Oceania Cruises and Regent Seven Seas Cruises. Essas medidas tm por objetivo dar integridade e confidencialidade contnuas aos seus dados pessoais. More terms and conditions can be found here. Siga as instrues fornecidas na mensagem, 2. Na Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd., nossa misso proporcionar frias de cruzeiro de qualidade superior para nossos hspedes. SMALL SHIP LUXURY. These include the following rights: For purposes of the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act, while we may process your data for targeted advertising, we do not sell your data or profile you in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning consumers. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Policy to ensure you understand our privacy practices. For certain non-U.S. citizens, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will store your photograph for a longer period. Please try again or recover your password. It also describes your choices regarding use, access, correction, and deletion of your personal data. Please only provide your phone number if you would like to speak to a Personal Vacation Consultant about your future cruise planning needs. Features are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our websites. Both constitute the third phase of the line's ongoing Pillars of Distinction initiative. We operate closed circuit television ("CCTV") cameras on our ships, including at all access points and throughout public areas. We may also retain records to investigate or defend against potential legal claims. If we are made aware that an individual is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, we may evaluate our transaction data and photographs taken during your cruise and may run facial recognition technology on our CCTV footage to notify the persons who were in close proximity with the affected individual and take appropriate action to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Our marketing emails, text messages, and most other electronic messages you receive from us will include specific instructions on how to unsubscribe, and you may unsubscribe at any time from our marketing by taking one the following steps: Our products and Services may be used by, or collect personal data about, children under the age of 16 only with the involvement of and, as needed, consent from the childs parent or guardian. These measures are aimed at providing ongoing integrity and confidentiality of your personal data. When you access websites or otherwise receive Services, and to the extent permissible under applicable law, we automatically collect some categories of data from you, including data collected using cookies, embedded scripts, and other tracking technologies (Cookies and Tracking Technologies), for website analytics to improve your online experience, analyze website usage, provide better security, and to personalize online and offline marketing. We're sorry. To the extent we process personal data about children, we do so for the purposes described in the consent request and to provide the requested services. Na medida em que processamos dados pessoais sobre menores, fazemos isso para os fins descritos no pedido de consentimento e para prestar os Servios solicitados. Your interactions with these Features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing it. EXQUISITELY CRAFTED CUISINE. Your email address was not recognized. We use this information to provide a service you request, such as medical care on board one of our cruises (whether in person or through our telehealth services), or special dietary accommodations, or in connection with your application for employment. Discover your perfect shore excursions and tours below, including Culinary Discovery Tours, Food & Wine Trails Tours, Wellness Discovery Tours by Aquamar and new Go Local tours. apresentar uma reclamao junto sua autoridade local de proteo de dados. Entre esses direitos, incluem-se os seguintes: De acordo com a Lei de Proteo de Dados do Consumidor do estado de Virgnia, embora possamos processar seus dados para publicidade direcionada, no venderemos seus dados ou traaremos seu perfil em prol de decises que produzam efeitos legais ou significativos em relao aos consumidores. The deal applies to all new reservations as of July 1, 2023, for sailings departing October 1, 2023, or later. Entre em Contato com um Consultor Pessoal no, Dados que coletamos diretamente de voc ou de outras fontes, Categorias especiais ou sensveis de dados pessoais, Tecnologia opcional de reconhecimento facial. Please try again later. Para prestar servios de segurana e emergncia: Para prestar Servios para voc e seu grupo: Para publicidade e marketing de nossos Servios: Para cumprir nossas obrigaes segundo a legislao pertinente: Para personalizar a sua experincia e melhorar nossos Servios: Para prevenir fraudes e cumprir obrigaes legais: Para garantir a sade e a segurana dos passageiros e da tripulao: Para avaliar voc visando a possibilidade de emprego: Prestadores de servios e parceiros de negcios: Para proteger os nossos direitos ou os direitos de terceiros: Empresas do grupo Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd.: Gerenciar suas Configuraes de Privacidade, Terceiros que No Possumos ou Controlamos. For more information on how CBP uses your biometric data, please visitwww.cbp.gov/travel/biometrics. Shore excursions are available to book at 365 days prior to sailing and may be booked until seven days prior to sailing based on availability. Such steps may include medical examinations, testing, containment, and/or disembarkation of the affected persons. For more information on how CBP uses your biometric data, please visitwww.cbp.gov/travel/biometrics. Please try again. Personal data is information, or a combination of different types of information, that could allow you to be identified. When deciding how long to keep your personal data after our relationship with you has ended, we take into account our legal obligations, including requirements of regulators and governmental agencies that have authority over us. Bermuda Shore Excursions From easy-going tours that invite you to take in Bermuda's abundant natural beauty to immersions in the local parishes and enriching historical explorations, our Bermuda shore excursions bring you the best of the local attractions, culture and history. Ao clicar em Enviar, concordo com os Termos e Condies. If you have reason to believe that we have collected personal data from someone under 16 years of age in connection with our Services without adequate involvement from the childs parent or guardian, please let us know by contacting us via the methods described under How to Contact Us.. Nossos sites incluem recursos de mdia social, como o boto de "Like (curtir) do Facebook e widgets, como o boto de "Share (Compartilhar) ou miniprogramas interativos (os "Recursos"). Observe que no podemos garantir que voc no seja includo acidentalmente em fotografias. About Oceania CruisesOceania Cruises is the world's leading culinary- and destination-focused cruise line. If there is any information that we are unable, for technical reasons, to delete entirely from our systems, we will put in place appropriate measures to prevent any further processing or use of the data. "Over the past 20 years, we have continued to adapt and evolve to the wants and needs of our valued trade partners and guests. Such steps may include medical examinations, testing, containment, and/or disembarkation of the affected persons. We retain your personal data for as long as we have a relationship with you or in accordance with applicable law, and such relationship includes any request to receive marketing or other promotional materials from us or membership in our loyalty programs. Todavia, no traaremos seu perfil em prol de decises que produzam efeitos legais ou significativos em relao aos consumidores. Crie uma conta para salvar seu cruzeiro e continuar com sua reserva. If, while traveling with us, you allege a personal injury or submit a claim after alleging a personal injury, we may collect personal data concerning the alleged incident, including healthcare information. Cruise vacation planning is an experience. Para certas pessoas sem cidadania americana, o Departamento de Segurana Interna dos Estados Unidos (DHS) armazenar a sua foto por um prazo maior. Temperature readings may be collected via thermal imaging cameras located on the gangway. Oceania Marina shore excursions that are higher quality than cruise line offerings--at substantially lower pricess. As informaes de cobrana so criptografadas e transmitidas usando tecnologia robusta de criptografia. Separately, we may securely provide your disembarkation photograph to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), who uses its own facial comparison technology to match the photograph against images of you that CBP already has on file from your passport, other travel documents or prior CBP border inspections. With headquarters in Miami, Oceania Cruises is owned by Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd., a diversified cruise operator of leading global cruise brands which include Norwegian Cruise Line, Oceania Cruises and Regent Seven Seas Cruises. Please try again. Your interactions with these Features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing it. Prior to posting the testimonial, we obtain guests consent via web form, email, or social media message to post their names, usernames, cruise dates, photos, videos, and travel destinations along with their testimonial, as applicable. We have put in place appropriate safeguards (such as contractual commitments) in accordance with applicable legal requirements to ensure that your data is adequately protected. If you wish to update or delete your testimonial, you can contact us via the methods described under How to Contact Us.. Encounter new ways of looking at the world and travel to the far corners of the globe. Videos. Senha incorreta. e voc tiver algum motivo para acreditar que coletamos dados pessoais de algum com menos de 16 anos de idade em conexo com os nossos Servios, sem o envolvimento adequado de um dos pais ou responsveis do menor, entre em contato conosco usando os mtodos descritos em "Como falar conosco". Ns vamos reter seus dados pessoais enquanto mantivermos um relacionamento com voc ou de acordo com a legislao pertinente, e esse relacionamento inclui qualquer pedido de recebimento de material promocional ou de marketing enviados por ns ou participao em nossos programas de fidelidade. For more information on the appropriate safeguards in place, please contact us at the details below. If you would not like to be photographed, please let our photographers know and they would be happy to take reasonable steps to comply with your request. importante estar ciente de que seu provedor de servios pode cobrar por essas comunicaes de acordo com o plano de servios acordado entre voc e seu provedor de telefonia atual. Experience the world's biggest beer festival with an action-packed 7-day itinerary that takes in the best bits of Oktoberfest, Munich and Bavaria, including accommodation and some meals. While all of our shore excursions offer extraordinary experiences, Oceania Select excursions offer unique, one-of-a-kind experiences to the passionate explorer wishing to delve even deeper into a regions culture and history. Para desativar vendas ou publicidade direcionada, clique aqui. Podemos atualizar esta Poltica de Privacidade periodicamente sem aviso prvio. Ao clicar em Registr", concordo com os Termos e Condies. Overnight and extended stays allow for in-depth exploration in our refreshing mix of popular destinations, boutique ports and seaside villages. Once we receive verification of your identity from CBP, we will delete your disembarkation photograph immediately. For terms and conditions regarding free airfare and free airport transfers, refer here. Please be aware that we have photographers on board taking photographs for guests to purchase. Voc poder exercer o seu direito de apresentar uma queixa autoridade de proteo de dados do seu pas de residncia. By providing us with the personal data of any third party, you confirm that you have the authority to do so on their behalf and have provided them with the information set forth in this Privacy Policy. Recomendamos que examine periodicamente esta Poltica de Privacidade para garantir que compreendeu as nossas prticas de privacidade. Thank you for your interest in Oceania Cruises. For the health and safety of our guests and crew, we may process additional personal data during a pandemic or other global health crises. The British flair of crisp colonial architecture lining the lanes of Bermuda is a delightful contrast to the isles verdant hills and laid-back island vibes on these imaginative voyages. (Credit: Oceania Cruises.). Please try again. Desta forma, os seus dados pessoais podem ser transferidos, armazenados e processados em diversos pases, incluindo os que no so considerados como garantidores de um nvel adequado de proteo dos dados pessoais conforme disposto nas leis de certas jurisdies, como a Unio Europeia, Reino Unido, Japo e Israel. With a combined fleet of 30 ships and more than 60,000 berths, NCLH offers itineraries to nearly 500 destinations worldwide. These include the following rights: For purposes of the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act, while we may process your data for targeted advertising, we do not sell your data or profile you in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning consumers. If you are a U.S. citizen, CBP will maintain your photograph for no more than 12 hours. Please try again or recover your password. So, we asked our key audiences, guests and travel partners, what they wanted, and that was simplicity, choice and value. This Privacy Policy describes what data we collect online and offline and how we use, share, and secure that data. Desculpe, mas o nosso sistema no reconhece esta combinao de e-mail e senha. 7-9 Days: $600 Per Stateroom. We are headquartered in the United States but have global operations and affiliates. To exercise any privacy rights you have under applicable law, please clickhere. Once we receive verification of your identity from CBP, we will delete your disembarkation photograph immediately. Tais medidas podem incluir exames mdicos, testes, conteno e/ou desembarque das pessoas afetadas. CURATED TRAVEL EXPERIENCES. Our websites, applications, including mobile applications, and social media sites include links to other websites whose privacy practices may differ from our practices. Caso residir nos estados de Colorado ouConnecticut, voc tem certos direitos relativos aos seus dados pessoais. We are always seeking to enhance the Oceania Cruises experience and raise the bar in offering the best value in luxury cruising. MIAMI Oceania Cruises' 'simply MORE' perks program includes free roundtrip airfare, free airport transfers, free shore excursions and a free beverage package for all passengers. Oceania Cruises offers more than 8,000 immersive, educational and unique tour choices in its 600-plus ports of call. We respond to the Global Privacy Control. We could not process your form request at this time. If you are a resident of Virginia, you have certain rights regarding your personal data. Quero receber comunicaes de marketing por e-mail. Over the past 20 years, we have continued to adapt and evolve to the wants and needs of our valued trade partners and guests. By submitting this form, you are confirming that you would like to receive email marketing communications. "For me, the cornerstone of this exciting new value promise is the generous credit offered to every guest to be spent on shore excursions of their choice. We are committed to working with you to obtain a fair resolution of any complaint or concern about privacy. Quando voc faz um cruzeiro conosco, se cadastra para fazer um cruzeiro conosco, cria uma conta usando um dos nossos sites, solicita informaes sobre a nossa Empresa, se comunica conosco, visita nossos sites, se candidata a um emprego conosco, se inscreve para as nossas promoes, concursos, sweepstakes ou webinars, ou acessa nossos Servios por diversos outros mtodos, ns coletamos dados a seu respeito a respeito dessas interaes. We collect this information when you choose to provide it to us or to a service provider or third party such as a travel agent or through the employment application process. Some of the categories of data that we collect in connection with the provision of our Services or through the employment application process may constitute special categories of personal data (also known as sensitive personal data). From easy-going tours that invite you to take in Bermudas abundant natural beauty to immersions in the local parishes and enriching historical explorations, our Bermuda shore excursions bring you the best of the local attractions, culture and history. Cruise vacation planning is an experience. We have put in place appropriate safeguards (such as contractual commitments) in accordance with applicable legal requirements to ensure that your data is adequately protected. If you are located in the European Union, the EEA, the United Kingdom, or Brazil, you have certain rights regarding your personal data, subject to local data protection laws. As suas interaes com estes Recursos so regidas pela poltica de privacidade da empresa que os fornece. These collections must be reserved prior to sailing, so be sure to book your collection in advance in order to take advantage of these extraordinary savings. This mission applies to all our activities including the products and experiences we offer on board our ships, at our destinations and ports of call, and online through websites and interactive features, including applications, widgets, blogs, social networks, social network "tabs," and other online or mobile offerings (which we collectively call the "Services"). Sorry, we dont recognize that email and password combination. We retain your personal data for as long as we have a relationship with you or in accordance with applicable law, and such relationship includes any request to receive marketing or other promotional materials from us or membership in our loyalty programs. This product enhancement is in addition to previously announced new beverage packages. The new simply MORE value promise, which replaces OLife Choice, includes a generous beverage package featuring free premium-label Champagnes and wines, and more than 20 American and international beers, during lunch and dinner. While all our shore excursions offer extraordinary experiences, some are so outstanding and awe-inspiring that they merit special recognition. Respeitamos o Controle Global de Privacidade. Para obter mais informaes sobre as salvaguardas apropriadas em vigor, fale conosco conforme detalhado a seguir. When there is a match, you will be able to board the ship or be checked out of your cruise. Whether you love active outdoor adventures, explorations that delve into the regions fascinating history or experiences that offer a taste of the local cuisine and cultural traditions, our shore excursions will introduce you to the best of the destination. The credit may be redeemed against all excursions, offering unparalleled destination experiences including Food & Wine Trails Tours and Culinary Discovery Tours crafted for culinary connoisseurs, sustainability-focused Go Green Tours as well as excursions with a private car and driver, to name a few. A personalized brochure highlighting your voyages shore excursion program will be mailed to you along with your guest vacation documents approximately 75 days prior to your sail date. 10-13 Days: $800 Per Stateroom. For the health and safety of our guests and crew, we may process additional personal data during a pandemic or other global health crises. We may share any of the categories of personal data described above with third parties under the following circumstances, as permitted under applicable laws and regulations: We implement physical, technical, and organizational security measures designed to safeguard the personal data we process. We're sorry. For certain non-U.S. citizens, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will store your photograph for a longer period. O seu endereo de e-mail no foi reconhecido. Reserve your accommodations with a specially reduced single supplement of up to 50% on select categories. Se quiser atualizar ou excluir seu depoimento, voc poder entrar em contato conosco atravs dos mtodos descritos em "Fale conosco". Ao nos fornecer dados pessoais sobre terceiros, voc confirma que est autorizado a fazer isso em nome deles e que lhes forneceu as informaes que constam desta Poltica de Privacidade. Please try again or recover your password. Our shore excursion collections offer insight into the culture, history and cuisine of the fascinating ports of call you visit, all at substantial savings from the customary la carte list price. You can find more information about how we process the personal data of California residents by reviewing our California Resident Privacy Noticehere. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of any sites to which our websites, applications, including mobile applications, and social media sites provide links. Billing information is encrypted and transmitted through SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology. Os dados pessoais so informaes ou uma combinao de diferentes tipos de informao, capazes de permitir a suaidentificao. To learn more, visit www.nclhltd.com, View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/set-sail-and-receive-simply-more-oceania-cruises-new-value-promise-301864366.html, https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/set-sail-and-receive-simply-more-oceania-cruises-new-value-promise-301864366.html. Passengers may be asked to undergo COVID-19 testing and provide us with proof of a negative result, disclose their vaccination status, and/or have their temperature taken. All Rights Reserved, Personal details (e.g., name, salutation, title, date of birth, place of birth, gender, photographs, and images), Contact details (e.g., email address, telephone number, mobile number, address, and emergency contact information), Health details (e.g., past medical history, temperature readings, test results, and vaccination history), Travel/vacation preference details (e.g., flight number, hotel booking, cabin number, special occasion dates, special accommodations, loyalty program information, dietary preferences, travel companions, and family members), Your location and activities (e.g., CCTV footage of public areas and records of your entries and exits from the ship), Details regarding your previous travels, locations you have visited, and contacts, Government-issued documents (e.g., passports, alien resident cards, visas, residency permits, social security numbers, national and state identification numbers, drivers licenses, and redress numbers), Details regarding your use of websites and applications (e.g., usernames, passwords, security answers, geolocation information, details regarding your interaction with websites, applications, and emails, such as whether you opened an email, which may permit us to recognize you across multiple devices, or to know if you watched the health and safety video or viewed certain content on our websites and applications), Financial details (e.g., credit card information, transactional history and purchases, amount paid for Services, bank information, income, and business information), Details of your play and spend at casinos, loyalty rewards, and, if you apply for credit for use at our onboard casinos, credit-related information, Information available via public records and publicly available content on social media platforms, Details regarding your interactions with our team members and call centers, including email communications and recordings of your calls, Employment application details (e.g., name, employment history, telephone number, address, email address, education history, reference details, military service, and immigration status), Follow the instructions provided in any Company message. Voc tambm concorda que qualquer informao fornecida pode ser usada pela Oceania Cruises de acordo com sua. You can find more information about how we process the personal data of California residents by reviewing our California Resident Privacy Noticehere. Cruises depart daily from 10:45 a.m. to 5:45 p.m.) Elbphilharmonie: A project that took nine years and 900 million euros to complete, Hamburg's philharmonic center is impossible to miss in .

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oceania cruises shore excursion packages