presentation of iago in othello

He is so keen to win Desdemona that he follows the army to Cyprus. Cassio is a young Florentine who serves in the army with Othello and Iago. Emilia is dismissed by her husband, Iago. Would the Generals demise have been so sudden and striking? Later, though, he demonstrates his envy of something he believes he can never attain the , that Cassio possesses. Brabantio is Desdemona's father and a senator in Venice. Shakespeare demonstrates how terrifying jealousy can be and that its has perhaps unnatural qualities.Shakespeare often refers to jealousy as a devouring emotion,"O beware, my lord of jealousy!It is the green eyed monster which doth mock,The meat it feeds on."Shakespeare uses this to give the emotion a sense of being devoured or devouring. However, Iago further degrades Othello by referring to him as an old black ram and a Barbary horse, thus equating him to animals with lots of strength but questionable intelligence. Bianca does not see herself as a prostitute or strumpet. Brabantios ominous words in, are a herald to what may come, and have nothing whatsoever to do with Iago. Critics question whether Bianca is in fact a prostitute but Cassio's description . Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. Facts we learn about Bianca during the play: Bianca is upset when she thinks Cassio might be seeing another woman. Desdemona plays a truly innocent and faithful wife while Iago claims that all women are Saints in [their] injuries, devils being offended. Act 1, scene 1 Quotes "When my outward action doth demonstrate The native act and figure of my heart Prejudices and stereotypes are representative of the common eyes that people use to look at someone or something. Why does Othello care about Desdemona's handkerchief How does Iago manipulate Desdemona? Iago Deception In Othello. Act 1 scene 1 begins with an argument between Iago and Roderigo as this was an effective way to start a play as it gets the audience hooked, because they want to find out what they are arguing about. Iago is an instrumental plot device, the key to the poignancy of the tragedy. Usually, Iago does not simple push other characters into courses of action they would have taken anyway, but reshapes their perceptions so that they believe things that are not remotely true. He begins the play as a respected figure in Venice, but as the play goes on Iago makes him believe Desdemona is in love with someone else and he becomes more and more unpredictable. Perhaps it was such comments that drove Othello to his demise, and would have done so even in Iagos absence. so different from other Shakespearean tragedies. He is not only able to convince Roderigo that he is trustworthy, but also arouses a panic in Brabantio so extreme that hefeels the need to rush out in the middle of the night to seek his daughter. Iago Quotes in Othello The Othello quotes below are all either spoken by Iago or refer to Iago. Iago's Jealousy in Othello. Desdemona and Othello have a strong relationship in Act 1. This is an extremely strong essay that shows impeccable analytical skills and a very thorough understanding of the play, the characters and the effects that are created by various techniques employed by Shakespeare. Each thing Iago says is cause for worry. In Act 1, Othello believes Iago is honest and trustworthy. Roderigo begins to lose trust in Iago. Iago then seems to reintroduce the stereotype and play on the judgements people make. , suggesting that without Iago, Othello would have no reason to doubt Desdemonas faithfulness as he takes things at face value. This could be linked to the stereotypes Iago seems to so enjoy fuelling. He accuses Othello of using witchcraft against his daughter and assumes the Senate will support him when he complains to the Duke about their marriage. The duality of Iago is also a vital device used by Shakespeare to illustrate his character Iago is such a gifted actor that no other character even has the opportunity to suspect that he is dishonest. At the end of Act 1, however, Iago tells the audience he only spends time with Roderigo. William Shakespeare is prolific for his plays of love, revenge, deceit and jealousy. Iago influences Othello's actions from the start of the play and continues to do so the whole way through. Iago is an instrumental plot device, the key to the poignancy of the tragedy. (1.1.) Would the Generals demise have been so sudden and striking? He spends time at her house and she wants him to spend more time with her. Is it true that Othello has , , or has Iago convinced himself of this to give himself a motive? The Spartans were a proud, brave and terrible people, while dog implies a lowly, fearful, evil creature. Roderigo is a gullible nobleman who is in love with Desdemona. He is an experienced soldier and has fought alongside Othello for many years. Iago Character Analysis Iago Shakespeare presents Iago as a collection of unsolvable puzzles. 1 / 12 Iago 592 Views Download Presentation Iago. This handbook will help you plan your study time, beat procrastination, memorise the info and get your notes in order. These roots could symbolise the influence of Iago how he has managed to affect everyone around him. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides. A further motif used throughout the play is that of perception, eyes and seeing. In some ways, this is because he is so utterly callous and inhuman that the audience cannot comprehend his motives. Emilia. The move to Cyprus also presents another side of Iago. In some ways, this is because he is so utterly callous and inhuman that the audience cannot comprehend his motives. Othello is performed at Oxford College by the King's Men during a summer tour. At first, Iago is a typical stage villain, delighting in the destruction of character he is bringing about simply , . ). / Ifaith, sweet love, I was coming to your house (Cassio, 3:4), A housewife that by selling her desires / Buys herself bread and clothes: it is a creature / that dotes on Cassio (Iago, 4:1), She was here even now, she haunts me in every place. Characterisation Bianca. / We must not now displease him (Desdemona, 4:3), 'I have very poor and unhappy brains for drinking (Cassio, 2:3), 'Reputation, reputation, reputation! letting us know that he intends to use Roderigo for his own ends. At first, Iago is a typical stage villain, delighting in the destruction of character he is bringing about simply for sport and profit. Many of the characters who mention race/are bothered by it are ones we do not trust anyway, e. Iago, Roderigo and Brabantio, especially in relation to the marriage. They do not seem as much as an affectionate couple as Othello and Desdemona, as Iago seems more hostile in their relationship, 'Do not you chide; I have a thing for you.'. This presents a sharp paradox what makes us human is restraint, but by suppressing ourselves we are denying the very emotions that make us different from animals. The duality of Iagos character is what makes Othellos downfall possible and all the more poignant. Shakespeare could be showing Iagos vital role if it were not for his complete skills in deceiving the other characters, Othello would not believe that his wife could be adulterous. She is clearly very attached to Cassio. Perhaps what makes us human, and better than animals, is that we possess these feelings and flaws but do not act upon them we have restraint. It is now understood to be racist and should not be practised. help. Iago himself is an exercise in contradiction and juxtaposition. you His first of two soliloquies in the first two acts reveal his manipulation of Rodergio: "thus do I ever make my fool my purse. He does not behave civilly and reasonably as a human would, but acts on primal instinct to get what he wants without thinking of others, like an animal. She does not seem close to her husband and does not know his plans. Emphasis is placed on this by way of Iagos soliloquies. Essay, Iago is Shakespeare's villain and the audience almost immediately become aware of this hence he has been taking money from a character named Roderigo. Iago himself is an exercise in contradiction and juxtaposition. Sample response The extract has been taken from Act One Scene Two of William Shakespeare's tragic play Othello. It has been suggested that Iago merely induces what would have happened to Othello anyway. Facts we learn about Iago at the start of the play: Iago plans to keep his feelings hidden so that he can get his revenge. He swears to Roderigo that he will enjoy Desdemona . Emphasis is placed on this by way of Iagos soliloquies. Motivation. Despite this, he still seems to dominate the exchange; he is the only one who knows everything that has happened, and he is now almost the sole topic of conversation. The fact that Iago does not truly understand all the facets of women is really his downfall. LO1 To reflect on Shakespeare's presentation of Iago (AO1/AO2) LO2 To closely analyse Iago's language when manipulating a range of characters across in Act 2 (AO1/AO2) LO3 To consider, plan and write a paragraph in response to an exam question. Bianca defends Cassio when he is stabbed by Roderigo and goes to look after him. In Venice, he was skulking in shadows and calling up at windows, while in Cyprus, he seems free to observe and destroy without hindrance. Othello trusts Iago with his plans to kill Desdemona and also trusts Iago to kill Cassio for him. Iago is the tragic villain of the play. Explore the presentation of Iago in Shakespeare's Othello. The final scene also presents us with new contradictions. Desdemona's death is especially sad - she marries Othello despite race and loves him unconditionally. Shakespeare, as a dramatist, would clearly be closely involved in the production of a play, and may have been alluding to the lie of an actor through Iago playing different roles, forever switching between performances and displaying another facet that is at once separate to and at one with them. On this page students can arrange the characters on the screen, showing the connections between the characters and their relationships. Points are well explored and supported with textual evidence and the essay is well structured and fluent. Several times in the first act he is called honest Iago, and then referred to by Othello as a manof honesty and trust (I.3). 1 Othello has always been a popular play with acting companies and audiences, and over the centuries it has occasioned considerable and varied response among scholars. Iago is presented by Shakespeare as a husband to Emilia. He has led an army and is an experienced general. He believes himself to be ugly, and it is possible that something primitive and instinctive inside him is transforming his shame into vindictive malice. They are necessary in Iagos case because the audience needs an insight into the workings of Iagos mind. Explore the presentation of Iago in Shakespeares, Iago is one of the most central and many-layered of Shakespeares villains, though he is also the subject of some controversy. Iago and Emilias relationship ends when he kills her to silence her and stop her telling everyone what she has done. He also refers to plants when speaking, using the analogy of roots to describe how Cassio supposedly kissed him, he speaks of how neither , will cure Othello, and uses a continued metaphor of a garden when talking to Roderigo (, . Taking this view, Iago would be the selfishness and spite that most people possess but usually do not act upon. His obscurity and rapidly changing faades mean that Iagos real self is difficult to discern. Shakespeare presents a kind of uncertainty within Iago, and the playwrights motives for him are unclear. In some ways, this is because he is so utterly callous and inhuman that the audience cannot comprehend his motives. Iago feeds this, but it is then shown to be untrue. In Venice, he was skulking in shadows and calling up at windows, while in Cyprus, he seems free to observe and destroy without hindrance. Other characters suggest Bianca is a prostitute who has fallen in love with her client, Cassio. If Desdemona appears to be flawed and unchaste, as Iago suggests, the real tragic power of the play may be lost. He married Desdemona in secret, without her father knowing. The way that Shakespeare provides many different motives for Iago could be a technique to confuse the audience and demonstrate that Iagos deception extends to everyone, possibly even himself. There is nothing in the text about how she feels towards him. Facts we learn about Brabantio at the start of the play: Brabantio believes that his fellow Senators will take his side against Othello. Interesting, then, are Roderigos final words: O inhuman dog! She doesnt understand whats happening and keeps talking to him about Cassio, which makes it worse. Among his most celebrated plays is the tragedy Othello, in which the themes of jealousy and deceit play a central role. Iago is possibly what makes Othello so different from other Shakespearean tragedies. If, however, the audience believes that Othellos undoubted faith in Iago is foolish, then they might choose to think that it was Othellos character flaw, not Iagos deception, which is at fault.

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presentation of iago in othello