psychodynamic perspective on aggression

Such longings occur in all of us, but where there has been an early relationship to a narcissistic mother, who prioritises her own needs over her child's, they persist as primitive unconscious persecutory anxieties unmodified by later stages of development. The role of inhibitory control, attention and vocabulary in physical aggression trajectories from infancy to toddlerhood. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2020.00199, Diamond, A. Forms and transformations of narcissism. (1994). 28, 1229. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.53.6.1146, Drisdelle, B. L., Aubin, S., and Jolicoeur, P. (2017). 38:211. doi: 10.1027/1614-0001/a000238. The model also includes a series of feedback processes that indicate how these four components influence each other and contribute to increase or decrease the development of an aggressive personality (Anderson and Carnagey, 2004). Abstract. During this period, the parent is not perceived as a separate entity from the child's self, but rather as a self-object, one that assumes the responsibility of meeting the child's narcissistic needs. Stemming from these studies, a hierarchical classification of DMs was formed, the best known of which was created by Vaillant (1992) and consists of clustering the processes into four groups: psychotic, immature, neurotic, and mature defenses. The work of forensic psychotherapists over the past 25 years has challenged the widely held belief that psychoanalytic therapy is ineffective, if not harmful, for patients who act out in violent ways. Social learning theory of aggression. There was also a significant interaction between the factors of Hostility and Consistency, F(1,31) = 4.62, p < 0.040. In his second model of personality (Freud, 1923), both drives (life and death) belong to the Id, which now comprises sexual and aggressive desires that threaten the Ego. However, if the defense fails to contain the unconscious desires, phantasies, or grandiose self, then the compromise may manifest as a symptom (e.g., the horse phobia of Little Hans, Freud's 5-year-old patient, representing his aggressive desires toward his father and projected onto horses). Ann. Hence, children with poorer effortful control may have more difficulty inhibiting hostile attributions (particularly when in ambiguous social contexts) than children with better effortful control (Choe et al., 2013). Real-time decision making and aggressive behavior in youth: a heuristic model of response evaluation and decision (RED). The approach holds that childhood experience is the basis for adult personality and relationships. Sigmund Freud (1856 to 1939) was the founding father of psychoanalysis, a method for treating mental illness and a theory explaining human behavior. Psychoanalytic concepts such as acting out, containment, transference and countertransference will be explored in relation to understanding the causes and consequences of violence within this framework (Box 1). Research on cognitive processes has primarily focused on cognitive control and inhibitory processes to the detriment of other psychological processes, such as defense mechanisms (DMs), which can be used to modify aggressive impulses as well as self/other images during interpersonal conflicts. 76, 2533. is proposed to have highly accessible aggressive scripts that are carried over into many social situations and essentially hijack interpretive processes, resulting in a HAB. In May 2023, Frontiers adopted a new reporting platform to be Counter 5 compliant, in line with industry standards. Commonly used methods include applying rating scales to clinical interview transcripts (Perry, 1990) or material from projective instruments (Cramer, 1991), as well as using self-report questionnaires (Bond et al., 1983). In part 1, it bridges the gap between socio-cognitive and psychodynamic concepts of psychological processes that influence aggression and, by exploring various associations between them, advances our understanding of factors underlying aggressive behaviors. Glasser (Reference Glasser1998) defined violence as an actual assault on the body of one person by another, involving penetration of the body barrier, the intended infliction of bodily harm on another person. Psychol. The comparative analysis revealed various similarities and differences between socio-cognitive and psychodynamic conceptualizations of sources, motivations, and processes that influence aggression. The compromise that lies between the defense and the drive represents the solution to the problem. Psychol. Inhibit. anger, excitement and anxiety). Using an empirical approach in part 2, we examined associations between defense styles and prepotent response inhibition on their association with reactive aggression and the HIA. Containment has a specific meaning within psychoanalytic theory, referring to the holding of emotions and feelings within the mind. Aggressive behavior can be defined as any behavior intended to hurt another person, and it is associated with many individual and social factors. In psychodynamic models, prohibitions from the Superego and DMs could intervene in this type of conflict, but they do so without the intervention of human awareness. Behav. J. Clin. Front. Human aggression. Rather, Kohut's model posits that the aggressive response toward the provocateur serves a defensive function in that it attempts to restore the archaic grandiose self. doi: 10.1037/0033-295X.108.3.624, Carlson, M., Marcus-Newhall, A., and Miller, N. (1990). J. Psychophysiol. Another similarity between socio-cognitive and psychodynamic models pertains to the assumed presence of a conflict between aggressive impulses and some form of resistance to the realization of these impulses. Envy and Gratitude an Other Works 19461963 (The Writings of Melanie Klein, Vol. Crick and Dodge (1996) proposed that a child's repertoire of response strategies increases as they get older and learn adaptive ways to manage interpersonal conflicts. doi: 10.1037/0096-3445.133.1.101, Gagnon, J., Aubin, M., Carrier Emond, F., Derguy, S., Bessette, M., and Jolicoeur, P. (2016). (2017). With the help of another mechanism called introjection (which is inseparable from projection), the infant now tries to place what is experienced as good (during the interaction with the mother) inside the self. Importantly, cognitive factors represent only part of the puzzle in our understanding of the underlying mechanisms that mediate harmful behaviors. Factor analysis yielded four clusters of defenses, labeled defense styles, conceptualized in a hierarchy from immature to mature level of ego defense: immature, image distorting, neurotic, and mature. The images were taken from the Karolinska Directed Emotional Faces (KDEF), a validated standardized database of facial expression images varying in emotional content (Goeleven et al., 2008). While the SIP model remains vague about the impact of anger [when intense, it typically accompanies the act; Crick and Dodge (1996), p.1000], both the GAM and the ICM models consider it an important individual factor, exemplified in people who are highly prone to anger and who characteristically interpret the behaviors of others as a threat. Psycho-dynamic Approach. (1992). Suicide Res. Do emotional stimuli interfere with two distinct components of inhibition? Freud, S. (1920). (2013). Descriptive statistics were computed on our behavioral variables of interest and among all our participants (n = 32) to obtain the mean (M) as a measure of central distribution and the standard deviation (SD) as a measure of variability. For example, as previously mentioned, the study by Puhalla et al. Executive functions. Freud believed that events in our childhood have a great influence on our adult lives, shaping our personality. Kohut, H. (1972). Event-related potential indicators of the dynamic unconscious. All participants underwent an initial screening interview that included a brief description of the study, followed by a series of questions assessing sociodemographic information and study inclusion and exclusion criteria. Neurosci. The current study used the French translated version of the RPAQ, developed by Gagnon and Rochat (2017). A bimodal distribution of violence has been supported empirically by physiological (Stanford Reference Stanford, Houston and Mathias2003), psychopharmacological (Barratt Reference Barratt, Stanford and Felthous1997) and neuroimaging (Raine Reference Raine, Meloy and Bihrle1998) studies. This allowed for aggressive tendencies to be reduced upstream (i.e., top-down) via the transformation of negative thoughts and feelings into more nuanced, less intense ones. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.04.104. Perspectives on Aggression is a compendium of papers that discusses experimental research on human and group aggression. 29, 559567. Apart from these automatic cognitive processes, the ICM also considers relevant controlled processes that operate to suppress or amplify them. In parallel, processes resulting in a reduction of negative affect would comprise DMs such as repression, reaction formation, and sublimation, as well as cognitive inhibitory processes related to attention (e.g., ignoring salient/aversive features of the situation), emotion regulation (e.g., calming down by exerting control over negative feelings), resistance to proactive interference, and prepotent response inhibition. Brain Sci. There was also a main effect of Location, F(2,30) = 4.18, p < 0.041. 43, 217229. The studies involving human participants were reviewed and approved by the Comit d'thique de la Recherche en Psychologie et en ducation (CEREP) (No. To protect the infant, several DMs are set into motion. The implications of this work could promote a better understanding of some of the psychological processes that influence aggression. Self-preservative violence is more likely to be triggered by persecutory feelings of being engulfed and intruded upon, whereas sadomasochistic violence is triggered by fears of being abandoned by the object. To defend against this annihilatory anxiety, the person retreats to a safe distance from the object. Indeed, using this type of paradigm, Leuthold et al. Also, in light of documented deficits in socio-cognitive processing among aggressive youths that includes the HAB, and that this bias is functionally similar to certain immature DMs, such as projection (Cramer and Kelly, 2004), it was hypothesized that image distorting scores, as well as scores for related DMs such as projection, would be negatively correlated with the N400 effect in the non-hostile condition (violation of hostile intent expectations) and positively correlated with the N400 effect in the hostile condition (violation of non-hostile expectations). Multidisciplin. Gender differences in self-reported defense mechanisms: a study using the new Defense Style Questionnaire-60. However, the term psychodynamic is a broader relational concept encompassing the interpersonal, intersubjective and embodied experience of both the social world and the internal world. Discuss current trends in psychodynamic theory. Following a 2,000 ms interval during which participants again fixated a crosshair, the next sentence (context) was displayed. PLoS ONE 12:e0175651. The investigation of the mediator effect of sexism and defense style in the relationship between homophobia and aggression. 63, 8799. Cogn. Although these authors were not describing forensic patients, their concepts of containment and holding are highly relevant to forensic settings. Aggression proneness: Transdiagnostic processes involving negative valence and cognitive systems. 58, 285288. Moreover, certain individual DMs were significantly correlated with the inhibition index. Given evidence of deficits in socio-cognitive processing among delinquent and aggressive youths (e.g., see Crick and Dodge, 1994), and that certain cognitive biases appear similar to the DM projection (e.g., HAB), the researchers expected higher projection scores for the conduct disorder group, as compared to the adjustment group. Psychodynamic therapy is based on the following key principles: Unconscious motivations such as social pressure, biology, and psychology can affect behavior. Accordingly, repression is a DM that can be used to counteract the pressure of the sexual desires by pulling them back into the unconscious parts of the mind or blocking their access to the conscious mind (which would be unfathomable for the Ego drives, as satisfying their needs are necessary for the person's survival [Freud, 1915b]). This resolves the vicious circle of the core complex, as the mother/object is not destroyed but survives to be manipulated and controlled by the child. RPAQre was strongly negatively associated with the NHN400RC effect (r = 0.526, p = 0.002, two-tailed) and moderately positively associated with HN400RC effect (r = 0.465, p = 0.007). A psychodynamic perspective attempts to understand the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) in terms of excessive, maladaptive efforts to cope with perceived dangers posed by aggressive or sexual impulses and in terms of distorted information processing and rigid cognitive styles that are intolerant of ambiguity. Similar theoretical integrations could be applied to socio-cognitive models of aggression. ERP amplitude data at midline electrodes were analyzed separately from data recorded over lateral sites. Freud suggested that we can understand this by imagining three interacting systems within our minds. This may stem from the distortions of reality caused by immature defenses to protect the self's integrity and result in deteriorating interpersonal relationships (Set and Ergin, 2020). (2020). As a result of having integrated knowledge from socio-cognitive and psychodynamic theories and research, this study provides insights and novel information. Explosions of violent behavior have periodically riveted public attention. New York, NY: Routledge. This latter definition combines two categories of processes have been contrasted by some authors: DMswhich are unconscious, unintentional, automatic, and rigid processes distorting the realityand coping style, which are conscious, intentional, flexible, and adaptative processes (Hann, 1977). Thygesen, K. L., Drapeau, M., Trijsburg, R. W., Lecours, S., and de Roten, Y. Good Evil 4, 168192. In Freud's model, DMs can either increase or suppress aggressive impulses, or maintain their initial level. A similar paradigm, the HEVP, was developed by Gagnon et al. (2021). Aggress. doi: 10.1007/s10608-020-10147-8, Pawliczek, C. M., Derntl, B., Kellermann, T., Kohn, N., Gur, R. C., and Habel, U. Personality disorder, most commonly antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), is overrepresented in offending populations (Alwin Reference Alwin, Blackburn and Davidson2006), particularly among individuals with convictions for violent offences (McMurran Reference McMurran and Howard2009). Inhibitory control and trait aggression: neural and behavioral insights using the emotional stop signal task. Psychodynamic theory is strongly determinist as it views our behavior as entirely caused by unconscious emotional drives over which we have no control. These pioneering analysts laid the foundations for the discipline of forensic psychotherapy the application of psychoanalytic expertise to the treatment of mentally disordered offenders. When assessed individually, the DMs acting out, passive aggression, autistic fantasy and projection were shown to be used more often by attempters compared to non-attempters (Corruble et al., 2004). However, hostile attributions of intent may be associated with factors other than inhibitory processes in driving aggressive behavior. The Karolinska directed emotional faces: a validation study.

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psychodynamic perspective on aggression