tamurkhan: the throne of chaos

Day after day the storm went on unabated, unnatural and horrific in its intensity, driving Chimera and other fell creatures down from the heights to rip apart fleeing refugees and their pursuers, driven mad by the ceaseless hammering of the rains and the unearthly howling on the wind. Arcane fire burst upon Tamurkhan and swaddled him in torment, causing him to stagger. He had led the horde where warlords before him had feared to tread and the number of bodies that lay at his feet could not easily be counted, but the city of thrice-cursed Magnus he had promised the Dark Gods, he had yet to deliver. [1k], Within a short time the artillery duel grew intense. Those who favoured differing masters succumbed to infighting, scorn and recrimination. Night Goblins were wicked and cowardly creatures that would not have dared to bar his path, even in such numbers, unless the spite-filled warbosses that led them felt assured of some chance of victory. [1e], Those of the horde of Tamurkhan that did not share Nurgle's faith steered well clear of the noisome encampment of their leader at this time, and instead roamed the hill country nearby, foraging and culling the primal beasts that roamed the hills for meat, setting up store for the arduous lands they knew lay ahead. [1b], Instead, Sayl planned to use Tamurkhan's ascendancy to his own advantage in some way. Along the banks of the Upper Reik, the defences centred on Asher's Levee were commanded by Graf Esmer Tolbruk, and four regiments of State Troops from the Nuln Grey Cloaks, backed with a detachment of the Knights Bloodied Spur and a strong battery of cannon, some four hundred troops and a score of war machines, but it was as nothing against the onslaught of the Kurgan. It did not matter to Tamurkhan, it was no longer important. The new Chaos Dwarf experimental rules have been superseded by Tamurkhan: The Throne of Chaos . ] The combatants parted, both sporting wounds, and the battle was joined in earnest. They were a bizarre and frightening sight to behold. The Ogre staggered back clumsily, dropping his axe and waving his arms jerkily about as if fending off an irate wasp, but did not fall, and Tamurkhan lunged in to deliver the killing blow. Of all the war-leaders present only Drazhoath the Ashen kept his own council and viewed the gathering with an unreadable, cold contempt. Every time his warriors appeared to make a breach in the wall, a huge and fierce Ogre chieftain, a creature whose immense girth outmatched even the brutes around him, rushed into the gap and immediately turned the tide of battle against the horde. [1k], Sayl and the khans restored some semblance of order eventually and succeeded in pulling their riders away from the river and towards their intended target, but they had wasted precious time. Page 184 and 185: Replace the Blazing Body rules text with the following: 'Any model (friend or foe) in base contact with one or more Bale Taurus or. [1j], Meanwhile, as the days ticked by like the passage of a clock's hand, the rest of Tamurkhan's Chaos horde began to slowly fracture into desperate warbands, pillaging almost aimlessly across the lands to the south of Nuln while the forces of the Empire were content to rally in the great city and wait for the inevitable attack, each day bolstering their power slowly but surely. The glittering, armoured knights of the Empire counter-charged and were instantly smashed apart and sent reeling and splintered through a vortex of stabbing spears and flailing axes, and at the heart of the storm was Sayl the Faithless, raining down blasts of bale-lightning and malevolent curses from his high throne like a wrathful god, as the shifting horror that was Nightmaw the Chaos Spawn screamed and flailed behind him to be let loose in the carnage below. So it was that after a day of almost continuous harassment the forward column of the horde turned into the shadowed vale beneath the high peaks and was faced by a vast sea of black cloth and leering green faces spread across the stony expanse, lurid banners flapping and snapping in the chill wind. They cut a swath through the armoured knights and opened great gaps in the Chaos ranks. [1c], At the outer gate, hulking, multi-armed Ghorgon pounded at the gates with petrified tree-trunks as hard as iron, only to fall back maimed and dying as Dragon-blooded Shugengan wizards hurled blasts of white fire and blizzards of murderous ice-shards against them. [1k], Redoubts were overwhelmed in moments, Kurgan Marauder Horsemen trampling down fleeing artillery crews and a whirlwind of flashing blades cleaved bloody slaughter through those brave enough to stand before the storm. Foul and unutterable things dwelt beneath its canopy, the tree being a living gateway to the horrors beyond this plane of reality. Tamurkhan knew well the stories of the battles and warlords that had gone before him, and knew that the cannon of the Empire were to be feared as much as those of the Chaos Dwarfs. [1k], The day well advanced now passed noon, and the entire battlefield was a shifting mass of mud and mayhem, with thousands toiling and killing in the mire. Whilst captives lived he oversaw the work of their torturers, and when they died Sayl watched as the shaman bound their souls and continued to question them long into the night. In mortal form he had been transformed into a befouled, maggot-like creature the size of a Human child, grey-green and rotting, studded with lambently glowing corpse-light eyes and a needle-like snout that split open to reveal row upon row of glassy, razor-barbed teeth. [1j], Unseen, silent and shrouded by subtle magics, the lone assassin had stalked through the cinders and scorched ruins of Pfeildorf to the noisome encampment of the Maggot Lord's closest acolytes, which was made in the broken and burned remnants of Sigmar's temple that now jutted from the ruins like a cracked ribcage. [1f], The great horde of Tamurkhan ascended the southern sides of Winter Tooth Pass, and the chill of the high mountains quickly fell upon them, a cold mist clinging to the shadowed sides of the near-vertical network of wide ravines that awaited them after the steep central, zigzag pathway that rose up from the forest below. Far to the south, the broken valley walls gave way from a narrow, high-sided ravine to a wide plateau of rock, which itself sunk in its outer reaches towards endless hills of lifeless grey and a wide stagnant river flowing westward from a soot-black lake. [1i], Beneath the fog of decay, with a deafening roar, the brazen and black-iron vessels of destruction began to battle, eerily glowing projectiles arcing up through the dense mist and into the closely-packed Imperial batteries. While the margrave raised his banners and stirred his far-flung principality for war, in the great city-state of Nuln, in whose thrall Wissenland largely stood, the impending Chaos invasion was treated with growing concern. Sponsored Sponsored Sponsored. He was granted the ability by his divine patron to burrow into, take over and control the body of another mortal as if he were its puppet master. . With victory in Tamurkhan's grasp, the skies were rent with sickly green lightning and the foul rain fell in a great downpour, tainting the dead stones of Zanbaijin with filth, and the sound of the great storm's thunder carried with it the bleak echoes of Father Nurgle's laughter. But they want to do 3 Lords a pack so you get Dwarfs and the Crown. [1l], More awful yet than even his true form was the creature's ability to fall upon a Human or near-Human victim and spear into its flesh, bore deep within and devour it from the inside out, inhabiting its dead flesh like a puppet, turning his victim into a stolen second skin in which to do battle. From Forgeworld Tamurkhan, Throne of Chaos seems to be delayed. Soon the pass before the defile was heaped so high with bodies, that they threatened to rise above the deceptively crude barrier the Ogres had raised, and beady-eyed Gnoblars, the degenerate race of Greenskins that served the Ogres, were soon frantically scouring the corpse piles and using armoured bodies and whatever else solid they could find to make the barrier higher, even while the battle thundered around them. Players MAY NOT mix Warriors of Chaos/Daemons of Chaos and Chaos Dwarf units. At great cost in blood and sorcery was the Dragon-god herself gravely injured and driven away to slumber beneath the bones of her dead kin, her threat to the Desolation of Azgorh broken -- at least for a time. Hauled slowly forward by the smoke-belching Iron Daemon engines, they unleashed a steady, creeping barrage on the foe, keeping their fire ahead of the battle line until the walls and towers of the city shook with their wrath and burst aflame one after another. [1i], Horsemen from both sides clashed over the open ground between the two armies. The town, well-used to raids being situated in the barrens of the former realm of Solland, was protected by a wide moat before its banked walls and the town's bridge had been destroyed by its inhabitants, but the terrified townsfolk could do little but look on in horror as the Dolgan war mammoths simply waded through the water under their guns and sundered the gates; not one of the men and women of Hornfen lived to see the dawn after the ritual orgy of violence to honour the Dark Gods that was to follow. Units, Special Characters and the Chaos Dwarfs (The Legion of Azgorh) army list from Tamurkhan: Throne of Chaos will be allowed in the Warhammer Fantasy It's How You Use It Tournament. At the head of this monstrous horde was a rotted yet living cadaver astride a mighty Toad Dragon, a cadaver that called itself Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord, servant of the god of pestilence and father of all diseases: Nurgle. [1k], Nor would the Imperials allow the strange and devastating war machines that had crushed Pfeildorf to advance within range of the city -- the plan called for their destruction at any cost. It should read: Any model (friend or foe) in base contact with a Great Taurus, except a Chaos Dwarf using it as a mount Page 188: The . The alchemist-wizards of the Gold Order, long allies of the Ironsides by ancient bond and contract, wielded their arts to burn and scorch the enemy, igniting their foes' weapons into molten fire in their hands while hidden mines were detonated in the ground below, ripping apart horses and causing one war mammoth to rampage through the Kurgan's own ranks, blinded and driven insane by pain. the Throne of Chaos." Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord[1b] The Gallows Tree was a warped and horrific entity dedicated to Nurgle, the Chaos God of disease and decay, in its own right, located deep within the northern Chaos Wastes. First from the west came the brazen-armoured warriors of Hakka the Aesling, his axe-men drawn up in brutal column, each accompanied by packs of blood-crazed gore-spawn and flayed hounds snapping at their leashes. [1j], With the dread Carmine Dragon that was her steed, enslaved to her will by the Amethyst magic that flowed like blood through its veins, she had followed the invisible currents of death into the ravaged Border Prince Confederacy and hovered like a carrion crow above the fields of the slain and stolen secrets from the dying souls she had found there. [1h], Where the Stone Trolls attacked in number, the Infernals' lines began to buckle and fray, and even though some of the bestial Trolls were cut down or hacked apart and dismembered beyond even their abilities of regeneration, Chaos Dwarfs lay shattered and slain in their wake and the teeming Night Goblins -- still spilling in great number from beneath the earth -- rushed in to press the advantage. Among them were regiments bedecked in the crimson and sable livery of the countess's personal men-at-arms, steel-plated Empire Greatswords of the Exchequer Guard with gold chased, double-handed blades as tall as they, and grim, grey-cloaked sell-swords with the coin of a dozen realms nailed to their bucklers. A stranger in a strange land, but far from helpless. The Chaos beast's enormous bulk easily pushed aside the few remaining boulders and toppled what little was left of the Ogres' crude barrier. The Ogre stepped forwards and bellowed a challenge in the coarse, guttural tongue of Chaos, daring Tamurkhan to face him in person rather than let the Toad Dragon fight his battles for him. [1e], The pact the Maggot Lord had long since sealed with his foul master Nurgle earned many strickens and boons - boons which to others would be no more than nightmarish torture and sickening abasement, but to one devoted to the god of decay and disease were instead signs of favor and divine grace. And so it was that Sayl felt the twisted skein of magic being drawn tight and the Winds of Magic, drawn in an ever intensifying vortex by the blood spilled before him, pulled into a deadly pattern by a will other than his own. [1k], Regardless, the hideous creatures and mutated warriors of Tamurkhan came on unchecked, clambering over the bodies of their fallen. [1c], Like a storm-tide, the Chaos horde washed over the Orcs and ground them into the stony dust, and they were but the first of many armies to be destroyed by the horde of the Maggot Lord. It was Tamurkhan alone that braved the deadly paths to the foot of the Gallows Tree and stepped within. A Bile Troll came howling from the darkness, its long, boneless arms reaching out to claim the assassin, but it was too slow and a burning blade plunged into each of its eye sockets as the assassin spun on past it, knowing it had to reach its quarry before it was too late, and it was overwhelmed by the nightmarish forces which filled the crypt. [1h], As the ground was closed by the horde, cloud after cloud of black-fletched arrowswent up from the Night Goblins, and the carnage in the pass was doubled, and suddenly intensified as shaman-cast spells began to crackle and spatter amongst the charging Kurgan. At the head of one great thrust of Nurgle's blessed warriors which punched into the Night Goblin throng was Tamurkhan. They had sent such weaklings to flight and slaughter many times before. Tamurkhan promised the warlords gathered before him that the weak would perish along the way, and the strong be made stronger; tempered by battle and blessed by the Dark Gods for their victories and the carnage inflicted in their name. [1d], As Orhbal had drawn close, the stirrings of bulky figures could be seen in the caves above the ravine, and he was met with volley upon volley of great, iron-shot bolts hurled from concealed war engines, some fitted with grappling barbs and great chains to drag him down. [1h], The sun was past its zenith, and the high pass taken in by gathering shadow when the Chaos horde first sighted the enemy. Even as Sayl watched he saw the first of the hulking monsters throw itself heedlessly into the press of the battle, uncaring whether it crushed friend or foe beneath its bulk, its impossibly wide mouth working hungrily, devouring fangs dragging out screaming-rasps of tortured metal as they pierced and severed its steel-plated prey. Bruckner's role in the battle plan was a simple if almost impossible one; he was to seek out Tamurkhan, the master of the horde, and slay him, an act that alone might make the difference this day between victory and defeat. The enraged Tamurkhan, fearless and defiant, was swift to answer, yanking out his great axe from the tainted earth beside the body of his Toad Dragon and running full pelt towards the Demigryph with staggering gait, bones rattling wetly within his decaying Ogre flesh. They were as a stain upon the land, a spreading plague of despoil and devastation that burned like a fire through the arid grasslands of the Eastern Steppes, driving all before it. [1f], No doubt was in Drazhoath's mind that these purely Human creations would prove inferior to the craftsmanship of the Daemonsmiths of Zharr, but there would be great merit in their measuring. The Ogre staggered back and clawed at his eye and mouth, pulling away great handfuls of the vile worms that even now burrowed into the open wounds in his face. Tamurkhan: The Throne of Chaos; Bale Taurus; Chaos Siege Giant [1h], Knowing that the disordered charge would lead to disaster for the horde, Tamurkhan, roaring in rage, was forced to sound the general attack, the blaring cry of war mammoth-tusk horns momentarily drowning out even the din of the Kurgans' war-cries. [1c], The great horde of Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord moved ever onwards, on into the bleak lands that bordered the darkly-storied Ghost Fells -- ragged upland moors and desolate foothills; many leagues in expanse that flanked the eastern side of the Ancient Giant Lands, and mountains higher and more primordial even than the fabled Mountains of Mourn dominated the horizon. Giants dwelled here still in an abundance not seen elsewhere; man-like creatures, Bonegrinders and Foecrushers, colossal in stature, steeple-tall, slow-witted but bellicose and with a hunger to match their size. Timur was considered the last of the great conquerors to come out of the steppes of Central Asia after the death of Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan. [1h], As the hours progressed towards true nightfall the Chaos horde's casualties started to mount, but Tamurkhan ordered the horde onward. The flood of refugees fleeing ahead of the danger had been suddenly stilled, which offered a dire suggestion of what had happened on the other side of the Black Mountains, but it was not till the arrival of the infamous mercenary warlord Lietpold the Black, bloodied and battered at the frontier fortress of Mendhelhof which guarded the approaches of Black Fire Pass, that an impending threat to the Empire was first truly realised. But it was not enough, and one by one the Cathayan bannermen fell. To this end, nearly a full thousand knights, mounted pistoliers and free riders had drawn up on the rolling downs to the west of the city, while serried ranks of State Troops: spearmen, halberdiers, handgunners and cannon batteries awaited the horde upon the raised banks of the flood levies that dominated the peninsula where the mighty rivers of the River Aver and the Upper Reik met. A deep moan came from the Chaos host as they saw their master fall. [1b], As the days went on Sayl, seeking to establish himself as a power in the horde, sent parties of Dolgan horsemen roaming the wastes, gathering together such reinforcements as they could, as well as stealing the lion's share of the forage available in the windswept and desolate land about them. They passed the grisly, mutilated bodies of former comrades staked or hung beside the path where the pitiless Greenskins had left them to be found while heat-cracked Human and horse bones littered throughout the campfires spoke of the fate of others. No second attack came, the enemy had been spent, not only in numbers but in the will to resist. Some were simply awed by the Maggot Lord's victory, but in any case they knelt in submission to a new and terrible master. The carnage the flying metal caused to the onrushing knights was abruptly ended when the Giant toppled screaming to the ground as a wound-crazed Griffon, a riderless and bloody saddle trailing behind it, slammed like a cannonball into its chest and powered away with swooshing wing-beats, taking what was left of the Giant's face with it as red tatters trailing from its gleaming claws. As they approached closer to the barrier they were pelted with rocks and bombarded with huge spears and volleys of scrap thrown from the pinnacles above, and were soon thrown back in disarray. [1i], The driving pace was nor without its cost however, and as the siege engines and wagon trains lumbered along and the Chaos vanguard pressed ahead, soon the column became so strung out that an attack would have surely destroyed many of the machines and wreaked great slaughter amongst the army, but of the enemy there was no sign. Both sides knew instinctively that whoever won this deadly gauntlet would win the day, and more and more reinforcements from both sides were fed into this vortex of blood and the skies above grew black and turbulent, as if the sun refused to look upon the horror visited below. High above at the entrance to the valley and at a dozen other narrow places along the pass, vast slabs of rock and ancient Dwarf statuary untouched by time slowly shuddered into motion and began with almost galling slowness to slip from their foundations and tumble with cataclysmic force into the pass below. He was one of the first to pledg himself to Tamurkhan in the Chaos Wastes and was part of his horde that Maggot Lord led to Zanbaijin. Sayl the Faithless counselled speed, lest the Empire of Man know their danger and block the passes over the Black Mountains against them, and yet he seemed to frustrate his stated goal at every turn, allowing his Dolgans to wreak havoc ever further afield despite pretense to unite them once more. Behind them the black-shrouded figures of Night Goblins teamed and swarmed forth like rats, their wicked knives flashing in their hands. [1i], The emperor's army had taken up position before the city walls on a low, palisaded rise with cannon arrayed across its front, as well as on the walls above so as to maximise its firepower; the mass of the opposing army standing behind the line, with ranks of armoured spearmen and gunners set to receive the horde's charge, while providing room for swift withdrawal should the Chaos horde press too close. It struck dead-centre on the fortress compound with a roaring blast that shook the earth and a blinding flash of power that caused even the war mammoths to buck and bellow in pain. The warriors of the Far East stood their ground, though vastly outnumbered, their emerald green back-banners flickering in the gaudy light from above, their long blades of thousand-folded iron weaving and cutting a dance through the rough flesh and snarling jaws of the cloven-hoofed ones. Story 1: Tamurkhan vs Nuln. With their leader taken flight, the rout of Night Goblins became an insane stampede to escape, and the victorious slaughter belonged to the Chaos horde. The Night Goblin archers and soon their war machines began to fire into the very thick of the battle in desperate fear of their own lives. [1k], At the centre of the Chaos battle line was the Maggot Lord himself riding on the back his Toad Dragon Bubebolos, the great beast cowed somewhat by what its master had become, the foul miasma that poured in brackish floods like ocher-black fog from Tamurkhan's body a heady elixir for the devotees of the Plague God who clustered around him.

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tamurkhan: the throne of chaos