what causes othello's downfall

Killing her seems to be the answer to keeping her from doing the same to him again. This is another reason that Iago would feel hatred towards Othello. Note how he refers to himself in the following lines: Of one that loved not wisely but too well,Of one not easily jealous but, being wrought,Perplexed in the extreme Othello's failing in loving "too well" and being insanely jealous as a result is his own "hamartia" or tragic flaw that is part of the path to his tragic downfall. In Othello's case he thinks he has already disposed of Cassio, so it is just a question of killing Desdemona. Numerous characters in the play refer to Othello as a Moor. Entire Document, See Expert Answers. He shows a naivete and innocence of the real world, particularly where women are concerned (as opposed to his wide understanding of the male dominated world of the military where he would have felt more comfortable). Iago's Throughout the play, since Iago is trustworthy to Othello, Iago plants seeds of jealousy in Othello's mind. Othello is gullible and has a violent temper. Jealousy is a card no one should or ever want to play with a deck full of. eNotes Editorial, 1 Sep. 2019, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/how-does-the-tragic-flaw-of-othello-cause-his-419136. What reason does Iago give for his hatred of Othello? Iago convinces Othello that Desdemona has been unfaithful to him with Cassio. William Shakespeare wrote a romantic drama called The Fall of Othello. Othello allowed the emotions of rage and jealousy to take over, causing him to become irrational. The most apparent topic throughout the play is jealousy. In William Shakespeare 's Othello they had many different problems between characters. The average student has to read dozens of books per year. He actually feels that he is helping the male sex by, in his mind, executing Desdemona. He is unnamed in the whole of Act 1 scene i, instead being "the Moor" implicitly othering him from his contemporaries. Why does Iago think that Emilia has slept with both Othello and Cassio, and where in the play does he voice these suspicions? resulted in his downfall. The root of Iagos evil intentions is jealousy, which he describes to be like a green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on (III,iii. What are the character flaws of Othello that enabled Iago to engineer his downfall in Shakespeare's Othello? Hire a verified expert to write you a 100% Plagiarism-Free paper. | Certified Educator Iago is primarily responsible for Othello 's downfall because he carefully plans and executes a malevolent scheme to make Othello jealous, which influences the esteemed. He knows that he did not fully appreciate Desdemona's value as a person. The constant othering of Othello truly reveals itself in his final words: one that loved not wisely but too well; [] one not easily jealous. The use of third person shows a sense of detachment, something which differs from his first scenes. As the audience receives more information about his hatred for Othello, it is still vague on how and why exactly Iago wants to destroy him. In this way, he trusts men's opinion of him above his wife's and his own. You don't have any Studylists yet. What is Iago's plan and purpose in act 1, scene 3 of Othello? To lose face in his society would be unbearable and would require him to take revenge or impose self exile or even suicide, when people found out about his wifes unfaithfulness. He is approachable and straight forward man who supposedly has favourites, unfair, and always and must have his own way. Although, Othello is not the only play where William Shakespeare has made jealousy a central motivator. Othello's fall is the result of the following: 1. Othello reaches a point of no return, where no matter what anyone else says, including his wife, he believes she was unfaithful to him. Othello illustrates that jealousy often leads to revenge, jealousy can prevent a successful relationship, and jealousy leading to ones downfall. He's trusting and believes the best of people, which blinds him to the fact that Iago is using and manipulating him for Iago's own benefit. Othello written by William Shakespeare revolves around this protagonist who is depicted as strong and powerful. 4. 6. No one has time to read them all, but its important to go over them at least briefly. I am not what I am. Be careful, this sample is accessible to everyone. 11 June 2021. Iago's psychopathic manipulations of Cassio then ultimately cause his downfall once Othello discovers that Iago has been dishonest, his punishment of torture and imprisonment at the end of the play is his downfall. His fatal flaw in the play is presented to be his jealousy and this interpretation makes him solely culpable. It would have been better if he had caught them together in bed (which is the usual scenario in these old, old stories), but he couldn't do that if Cassio was already dead. This simile is implicative of Othellos realisation of Being a person of color, a military leader in a setting of the politically established, and falling in love with a woman who is of this elite status all help to contribute to Othello's feelings of insecurity about who he is and whether or not he "belongs" in such a configuration. Log in here. Yet, I also believe that other factors contribute to his downfall as well. Copyright 2023 IPL.org All rights reserved. A man who has a great deal of goodness about him, has trust in human kind and is popular amongst others. Male pride: placing too much emphasis on male status, rank, age, and place within society. Desdemona and Emilia never lie to Othello, but he still chooses to maintain his trust in Iago because they are women. "How does Othello's tragic nature lead to his downfall?" The main cause of Othello's downfall at the end of the play is jealousy. Those problems being distrust, lies, honor, and jealousy. With our service, you will save a lot of time and get recognition for the academic assignments you are given to write. The stage villain, Iago knows of this weakness and so by hinting at Desdemonas disloyalty, he knows that Othello will become highly apprehensive and presume that Desdemona is starting to believe in the remarks that her family would be saying to her about foreigners. It is Iago who causes Othellos downfall, not a tragic flaw in Othello. Iago slyly tells him to calm town after deciding that Desdemona and Cassio undoubtedly had relations, but Othello responds with, Oh, blood, blood, blood! However, he gradually becomes more rash and The idea that one can fully overcome their outsider status with good works and deeds is put on its head in this setting. In some cases he gets off without punishment because of the so-called "unwritten law." While some may argue that Othello has overcome his racial difference through marriage and military achievement, Shakespeare constantly associates Othello with darkness, separating him from the rest of the characters. Adhering to logic would have kept Othello from making such a tragic mistake. Othello would not have been jealous of Cassio if Iago had not been jealous of him and Cassio first. The downfall of Othello is a story by William Shakespeare which is a romantic tragedy involving some themes such as jealousy, revenge, greed, reality versus appearance which all play a role in bringing the play into a tragic end. 5. Shakespeare gives the audience some motivations for why Iago wanted to plot the downfall of the great soldier, Othello: In Act 1, Scene 1 we discover that Iago was overlooked for promotion to Othellos lieutenant in favour of Cassio. You will wind up with different reads on this. 323-324). We see this idea early on when Iago tells Brabantio that he has been robbed. He also says he is an open and a straightforward person. It can also be said, after having read the story, Othello's own insecurities were the product of his own self demise. Sophocles is the author of Oedipus play, which has enjoyed audience and support from other scholars. Order preparation While our expert is working on your order, you will be able to communicate with them and have full control over the process. Iago is filled with narcissistic characteristics that are apparent through his villainous actions. It is evident that his contrasting race is one of his insecurities. Othello's lack of judgment causes his downfall in that he chooses to trust Iago, even to the exclusion of others. Our team of paper writers consists only of native speakers coming from countries such as the US or Canada. All rights reserved. In some cases, like Iagos, this is a bad thing as he can be fooled easily by false assumptions. When she pleads with him to ask Cassio about the handkerchief, he tells her Cassio is dead. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. The exotic aspect appealed to Giuseppi Verdi who turned the tale into an opera in 1887. How does Iago convince Othello that Desdemona is cheating? Iago Causes Othello's Downfall Essay. Desdemona is from a wealthy, Venetian family that dislikes non-Venetians, so the fact that he has fallen in love with this woman does not help with his self-esteem issues. Given what Othello says at the end of the play, and Iagos refusal to explain his motives, it seems that Othello has learned of and understood a large part of his situation. However, no character falls victim to jealousy more than Othello. your personal assistant! compares himself to being like the base Indian who threw a pearl away He's not so good in peacetime, at home, talking. In The Tragedy of Othello: The Moor of Venice those three themes are present. contemplative Othello, as he reflects on his homicidal actions and This left Iago flabbergasted saying Cassio "never set a squadron in the field" (I.i.22) and he sarcastically says "And I-God bless the mark! In doing so, Shakespeare questions contemporary attitudes towards race. He should have questioned the facts and dug deeper into the issue to determine if what was said to him was true. original papers. In Othello, Othello mutters: "It is the cause, it is the cause, my soul." The overwhelming nature of jealousy - Studocu Summary about downfall of Othello what causes downfall? Share Cite. From the beginning of the story, this emotion is represented in Iago, as well as in Roderigo. So, while he himself appears to counter Elizabethan expectations, he is still presented by his contemporaries as being the stereotypical lascivious and jealous Moor. Othello expresses his inadequacy in speech; he compares himself to Cassio and finds that he comes up short . Othello's jealousy was his downfall that cost the deaths of . Lastly, one of the more tragic, and in Shakespearean times, unavoidable flaws, is Othellos vice of pride. Monash University University of Melbourne University of Technology Sydney University of Sydney Conversely, if he had allowed his calm nature to rule like he did in the first act, he would have acted more rationally and not jumped to conclusions without directly seeking the truth from those involved. I think the play may well have resulted in the exposure of Iagos schemes if Othello had any of. Because Othello is not a native Venetian, Iago has another bit of control over him. 8 study hacks, 3 revision templates, 6 revision techniques, 10 exam and self-care tips. The topic of jealousy will ultimately lead to the demise of many characters throughout the tragedy. Othello displays a great dependency on Desdemona and her love. Hi! Make sure your essay is plagiarism-free or hire a writer to get a unique paper crafted to your needs. Log in here. No, Othello does not create his own downfall. But, Othello did not seem to think so. William Shakespeares Othello was written around 1601-1603, and was first performed in 1604 by the Kings Men. In following him, I follow but myself. Othello has the ability to love and be loved, which is something that Iago doesnt seem to have, judging by the scenes with his wife, Emilia. character with tragic consequences. Macbeth had previously received prophecies from three witches which had proven to be true up to that point, the prophecies included being king. These relationships can either bring great joy or can become the very cause of human frailty. It would seem like old news. The overwhelming nature of jealousy - StuDocu You don't have any courses yet. So, in answer to the question, it would seem to be impossible to agree or disagree to any extent, because the statement itself, as I have demonstrated, is quite like asking what came first, the chicken or the egg? Iago uses an element against Othello that causes his hatred in the first place, jealousy. Othello 's tragic flaw is often identified as jealousy, and he is indeed a jealous man.. How Does Othellos Pride Lead to His Downfall. This essay is available online and might have been used by another student. One-to-one online tuition can be a great way to brush up on your English Literature knowledge. Jealousy has the ability to cloud your judgement and cause you to think. 2023 www.northjersey.com. Of course, both stereotypes are faulty generalizations, but it is Othello's faulty perceptions of women that prove most dangerous because he has the power and the will to act upon his beliefs. The contrast between the basso profundo voice of the male and the coloratura soprano of the female would be extremely effective. The tragic flaw of Othello is his overwhelming sense of jealousy that Iago is able to identify and exploit in order to goad him beyond all bounds and sense of reason to act . Rather than trust in his wife, Othello is too quick to believe she would be willing to betray him and has, in fact, already betrayed him by sleeping with another man. Powered by WordPress & Theme by Anders Nor, Rhetorical Analysis Of Ballad Of Birmingham By Dudley Randall, Analysis Of The Main Character In Boyles Greasy Lake. Othello shows the two types throughout the story and the play, envy and fear, and how they can claw and chew away the the fragile human psyche, like a monster, trying to claw out of a deep dark hole that has had a trap on it for days without end. In the play of Othello, we firstly see a perfect, loving relationship between two of the main characters, Othello and Desdemona. These themes all contribute to the tragic ending. What everybody remembers about the play Othello is that the hero was big, powerful, virile, and black. Roderigo, who is in love with Desdemona, is upset due to hearing that Othello and Desdemona have recently married. He lacks faith in the reality of her love because he lacks faith in his own worth as a lover. Latest answer posted December 03, 2020 at 4:29:02 PM. His final soliloquy provides insight to a Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. How does Iago's envy contribute to the downfall of Othello. ), Lawyers' Professional Responsibility (Gino Dal Pont), Financial Accounting: an Integrated Approach (Ken Trotman; Michael Gibbins). I am a 32-year-old educational blogger and student. Tamara Willard, the chief deputy coroner for Horry County, told the newspaper that one person died shortly after being taken to a regional hospital while the others died at the crash. In fact, Othello is written by William Shakespeare in the early 17th century. After accusing her of being a whore, she adamantly denies this fallacy. Had all his hairs been lives, my great revengeHad stomach for them all. Othello is frequently observed allowing passion to lead the way and he even strikes his wife at one point. Reasons Of Othello's Tragedy. Iagos plan is successfully and easily executed. How does the tragic flaw of Othello cause his downfall in Shakespeare's Othello? Iagos wife, Emilia, even defends Desdemona against the claims of unfaithfulness by Othello. Why does Iago think that Emilia has slept with both Othello and Cassio, and where in the play does he voice these suspicions? Given that Othello trusted who he thought was his best friend, it was easier for Iago to bring Othello down. However, since he has come to identify with the dark, evil, racialized villain that Iago has moulded him into, he can only take responsibility for his actions without understanding the true motives that caused them to come about. Shakespeare must have felt that his story idea wouldn't work unless he added something to make the plot look new. Entire Document, Macbeth and the Witches Prophecy: A Dramatic Dramatic Play Book Review, Look Back in Anger as an Extraordinary Play: A Dramatic Play of a New Generation Book Review, Hamlet and Schizophrenia: A Dramatic Dramatic Manifestation Book Analysis, Othello and Iago: A Tragic Hero in Shakespeare's Play Book Review, Shakespeare's Tragic Play "Othello": A Dramatic and Domestic Setting Research Paper, Theoretical Achievements of a Master in Public Management Case Study, Theoretical And Practical Approach To Theatre Making Theatre Essay. Introduction Othello, The moor of Venice is a play that was written by William Shakespeare. The first reason that Othello can think of for his wife cheating on him is his race, which proves that it is one of his major insecurities. He cannot believe his luck (he is too much of joy) and believes that without her he would descend into madness. His jealousy and lack of judgment leads to his downfall. Why does Iago think that Emilia has slept with both Othello and Cassio, and where in the play does he voice these suspicions? Even though it is not this alone that results in his tragedy, it is this that Iago is able to exploit in order to bring about the death of his master. Another motive for why Iago wanted Othello to be brought down is that there are rumours that Othello has slept with own wife, Emilia. This act scarred the two sons of Duncan so they fled the country and Macbeth was crowned. transformative jealousy, elucidated through Othellos progressive ", Latest answer posted November 27, 2020 at 10:36:09 AM. Othello's downfall was a resultant of a combination of interdepended factors. '(1.3.338-339) Othello can be lead into anything just because he believes everybody is a good honest person. William Shakespeare wrote a romantic drama called The Fall of Othello. The Moor is of free and open nature That thinks men honest that but seem to be so(1.3.336-337). | Certified Educator Share Cite This story is as old as the world. Latest answer posted April 06, 2020 at 3:38:13 PM, Explain this quote from act 1, scene 3 ofOthello: "Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see: she has deceived her father and may thee. Jealousy has the ability to cloud your judgement and cause you to think Show More Friendship In Othello 1474 Words | 6 Pages Throughout the play, he would often talk about Iago in the same manner as in Act 2, scene 2, "a man he is of honesty and trust" ( II,ii. What causes Othello's downfall - What causes Othello's downfall? The tragic flaw of Othello is his overwhelming sense of jealousy that Iago is able to identify and exploit in order to goad him beyond all bounds and sense of reason to act irrationally, to the extent of killing his wife that he loves so much. And no doubt the Italian composer was captivated by the possible duo between Desdemona and Othello while he is threatening to murder her and she is pleading for her life. There is also a profit motive for Iago. He shows an unwavering trust in Iagos comradeship, judgement and honesty which Iago unmercilessly manipulates. In his personal life, Othello does the opposite, and he allows his anger to take control. The Monday update raised the death toll from initial reports that one person had passed. Already a member? I'm Amy, At times, the tragic flaw of Othello seems more to be that he appears to be a puppet manipulated by the capable hands of Iago than a thinking human being in his own right, and Iago's treatment of Othello is masterful in how he manipulates him. From the arguments I have set out above, we can see that the two characters of Othello and Iago are the perfect antithesis of each other. What exactly happened?" the above different personality traits. 3. Already a member? Some believe that the cause of Othellos downfall was due to Iagos aim to destroy Othello and his relationship with Desdemona. temperament is described by the Duke and senators of Venice in the Yet, I also believe that other factors contribute to his downfall as well. Jealousy within Othello is easily conjured by Iago, who is the master of exploiting peoples weaknesses. Othello should not have let this circumstantial and false evidence cause him to become overwhelmed with rage and jealousy. Denial of the enemy. Roderigo is resentful towards Othello because he marries the love of his life, Desdemona. Inability to be a domestic: Othello is a general, a man of war, good at fighting with his hands. Through the story of Othello by William Shakespeare comes the developmental analysis on the behavior and characteristics of the number one antagonist throughout the telling of the journey through Othello and his tragic downfall. Even though Othello is a "departure from the stereotype" (Butcher, 247), his insecurities still get the best of him in the end. In a tragedy, there must always be a stage villain and a tragic hero.

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what causes othello's downfall