what is dune stabilisation

Dunes are a natural coastal feature on moderately exposed and exposed coasts. J Coast Conserv 15:227236, Clemmensen LB, Hansen KWT, Kroon A (2014) Storminess variation at Skagen, northernmost Denmark since AD 1860: relations to climate change and implications for coastal dunes. A commentary, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11852-019-00716-9, https://www.gov.uk/government/news/threatened-sand-dunes-given-a-new-lease-of-life, http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/project/Projects/index.cfm?fuseaction=search.dspPage&n_proj_id=6812, https://naturalresources.wales/about-us/news-and-events/news/restoring-newborough-s-sand-dunes/?lang=en. As we noted earlier, there are sufficient differences in the abiotic properties, processes and evolution of the dune landscape in the coastal dunes of Britain and Western Europe to produce a wide range of habitats and an equally wide range of flora and fauna. Retrieved from: https://naturalresources.wales/about-us/news-and-events/news/restoring-newborough-s-sand-dunes/?lang=en, Nordstrom KF (2003) Beaches and dunes of developed coasts. Evaluating the geomorphic response from sand fences on dunes impacted by hurricanes. 2010; Wouters et al. In some cases, such as many coastal dunes in Britain, this has also led to low controls on visitor pressure and allowing/promoting human trampling as a natural way to free up areas of bare sand. Reactivation of vegetated dunefields by wind alone, for example, as a result of increased storminess, is much more difficult because of the hysteresis effect which requires much greater wind activity to disturb established vegetation than to maintain a vegetation-free surface (Tsoar 2005; Yizhaq et al. Coastal Engineering Manual. The eroded material supplies material to the littoral budget minimising the general erosion along the entire section of shoreline. J Veg Sci 2:255258, Zunzunegui M, Esquivias MP, Oppo F, Gallego-Fernndez JB (2012) Interspecific competition and livestock disturbance control the spatial patterns of two coastal dune shrubs. 2019) and that it can increase the risk of coastal erosion (Lindell et al. Again, the true reason is not well understood. Geomorphology 266:146167, Pye K, Blott SJ (2016b) Dune rejuvenation trials overview report. Sand dune stabilisation. In Britain there have been similar concerns over dune stabilization and sealing (Rhind et al. Sand dune stabilization is a process that makes use of poverty grasses, like European beachgrass. NRW evidence report series no: 43, 38pp, Natural Resources Wales, Pye K, Blott SJ (2016a) Assessment of beach and dune erosion and accretion using LiDAR: impact of the stormy 201314 winter and longer term trends on the Sefton coast, UK. Ministerio de medio ambiente, Spain, Lindell J, Fredriksson C, Hanson H (2017) Impact of dune vegetation on wave and wind erosion: a case study at ngelholm Beach, South Sweden. If natural dune processes are permitted to operate without intervention, the only management required is to ensure that there is sufficient area inland for dune translation or migration to take place i.e., that coastal squeeze does not occur (Pontee 2013). Ecology-led approaches to coastal dune management perceive this change as undesirable because the increase in plant cover leads to a reduction in partially vegetated to bare sand habitats and the species depending on them. 2013; Lithgow et al. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 523 pp, Davidson-Arnott RGD, Hesp PA, Ollerhead J, Walker I, Bauer BO, Delgado-Fernandez I, Smyth TAG (2018) Sediment budget controls on foredune height: comparing simulation model results with field data. Tour Manag 58:175183, Pickart AJ (2013) Dune restoration over two decades at the Lanphere and Ma-lel Dunes in northern California. Vegetation reduces wave run up dune erosion by approximately 40% (Feagin et al. Hydrobiologia 478:181. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1021086832201, Article While some species might be key from an ecology point of view there is a need to consider the bigger picture and investigate the consequences of displacing the system from its evolutionary path, especially in the context of recent evidence suggesting that rejuvenation can be short-lived and hence unsustainable (Arens et al. Appl Veg Sci 13:100112, Pontee N (2013) Defining coastal squeeze: a discussion. The changing temporal and spatial nature of coastal dune systems has been captured in many studies (e.g., Nordstrom et al. and Barrineau, P. 2020. The mechanical explanation for this process is General Description Construction of semi-permeable fences along the seaward face of dunes will encourage the deposition of wind blown sand, reduce trampling and protect existing or transplanted vegetation. Dune Nourishment. Danish Coastal Authority, 1998. 2018). Advantages. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Correspondence to Every dune has a windward side and a slipface. 2013). The most effective long-term method of dune stabilisation is through the use of vegetation. Aside from efforts to remove, and at the very least, control the further spread of invasive species, there is no evidence that removing native dune grasses and mature vegetation is restoration but rather landscaping to create desirable dune habitats. Tax calculation will be finalised at checkout. Can J Earth Sci 47:273290, Maun MA (2009) The biology of coastal sand dunes. This is a natural quasi-equilibrium situation. 2005; Hesp and Hilton 2013) which produced significant contrasts in the dune form and mobility between native pioneer species and the introduced Ammophila. Earth-Sci Rev 171:220253, Wouters B, Nijssen M, Geerling G, Van Kleef H, Remke E, Verberk W (2012) The effects of shifting vegetation mosaics on habitat suitability for coastal dune fauna - a case study on sand lizards (Lacerta agilis). J Coast Conserv 14:8190, Brooks SM, Spencer T, Christie EK (2017) Storm impacts and shoreline recovery: mechanisms and controls in the southern North Sea. 2010), and the rabbit populations have been reduced (Ranwell 1960b), there is little evidence suggesting that the trend towards vegetation colonization and stabilization of dunes and dune sealing observed over the last few decades is also not natural. In: Johnson EA, Miyanishi K (eds) Plant disturbance ecology: the process and response. What is dune stabilization? Indirect human-induced changes such as nitrogen deposition could be aiding in dune stabilization, but the extent to which these have played a significant role remains to be clearly established (Aggenbach et al. In fact, it usually represents just one stage of several possible evolutionary stages (Hesp 2013; de Groot et al. However, these habitats are currently being smothered and fixed by a tide of invasive non-native plants turning it into scrubland. Nature Sci Rep 8:12778, Grootjans AP, Adema EB, Bekker RM, Lammerts EJ (2004) Why young coastal dune slacks sustain a high biodiversity. Proceedings of the European Symposium Coastal Dunes of the Atlantic Biogeographical Region, Southport, NW England, September 1998, Liverpool University Press, pp 345379, Rhind PM, Jones PS (1999) The floristics and conservation status of sand-dune communities in Wales. Finally, 4) Encouraging people to access and enjoy dunes is actually a call to allow visitors to trample the dune vegetation and create random bare sand pathways. volume23,pages 10931103 (2019)Cite this article, A Commentary to this article was published on 13 January 2021, A Commentary to this article was published on 11 May 2020. 2019). It is one thing to act against habitat destruction due to human activities (e.g., habitat encroachment due to urbanization or the introduction of invasive species) and quite a different one is to act against habitat change due to the evolution of the system (as in many sites in Britain, where native grasses are removed to artificially inject dynamism into the landscape). Cambridge University Press, Rhind PM, Blackstock TH, Hardy HS, Jones RE, Sandison W (2001) The evolution of Newborough Warren dune system with particular reference to the past four decades. 18, 8993. In planning the conservation and restoration of coastal dune systems it is important to recognise the critical role of abiotic properties (e.g. have been carried out in Europe for this purpose since the fourteenth century. Newly planted vegetation in particular can be strengthened by using fertiliser. Examples of mismanaged (above) vs. managed (below) recreation and land uses. 2001). The Dutch have a clear driving need to manage or intervene in their dunes, in particular maintaining them as dykes and defense structures, and to prevent a re-occurrence of the 1953 storm surge event. The enthusiasm with which this paradigm has been adopted is epitomised in a post on the web site (https://www.gov.uk/government/news/threatened-sand-dunes-given-a-new-lease-of-life) with introductory paragraph stating Sand dunes across England are set for a golden future (our emphasis) accompanying the funding announcement to the effect that: Re-enlivening the sand dunes - much of them now suffocated under a blanket of thick grass and scrub - is urgent if we are to save dune flowers such as the plucky little fen orchid from extinction. Updates? (in Danish), (Man, Sea Coast and Sand in English). Planting marram grass and setting up spruce fascines for trapping of sand and enhancement of dune build up. There is no geomorphological basis for this that we are aware of. 2019; Delgado-Fernandez et al. And the really great news is that everybody who visits the dunes can make a difference: we know now that trampling feet is a great way to free up space for rare plants. 2018). IDF thanks Graham Weaver and Natural England staff for critical discussion and on-going dialogue. Such action has certainly been a general characteristic of past conservation management. This was done within a paradigm of restoring natural functioning of the dune system particularly the foredune system - and of revegetating bare areas produced by human activities using typical pioneer plants such as marram. This was done with the aim of protecting infrastructure and was a result of poor management leading to the destruction of dune vegetation by trampling and the introduction of invasive species to deal with the consequences of it (e.g. Relatively cheap. Altmetric, Part of the Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series book series (EESS). Dunes form when wind blows sand into a sheltered area behind an obstacle. Dune stabilisation requires a planned and co-ordinated effort. Shared experience of European conservation practice. Jour. 2014; Moulton et al. In: Martnez ML, Gallego-Fernndez JB, Hesp PA (eds) Restoration of coastal dunes, Springer series on environmental management. 2017). This is all guided by a desire to restore the dunes to an idealised, more dynamic, form that is intended to provide a landscape that will: a) maximise biodiversity within each dune system; and b) will provide within it more habitat space geared to promoting the survival of a small number of species of flora and fauna. In: Herrier J-L, Mees A, Salman J, Seys H, Van Nieuwenhuyse H, Dobbelaere I (eds) Proceedings dunes and estuaries 2005 international conference on nature restoration practices in European coastal habitats, September 2005, Koksijde, Belgium, pp 211217, Tsoar H (2005) Sand dunes mobility and stability in relation to climate. More emphasis should therefore be devoted towards assessing the direction of the current trends, and on extending the timescales over which future management is considered. 2016) and in New Zealand (Hilton et al. The erosion of dunes as a result of a severe storm surge is also referred to as dune erosion. Prog Phys Geogr 17:413447, Sigren JM, Figlus J, Armitage AR (2014) Coastal sand dunes and dune vegetation: restoration, erosion, and storm protection. 2018). 2019) and has in turn given rise to studies that attempt to determine the causes of this phenomenon and others which have focused on describing what effects the changes in vegetation and reduced dune mobility have had, or may have, on the dune ecology and geomorphology. What is dune regeneration in geography? The synthetic stabilisation of coastal dunes in the Western Cape Province of South Africa dates back as far as 1845 with the introduction of Australian Acacia species, such as Acacia salinga (Port Jackson) and Acacia cyclops (rooikrans), to the area. J Coast Conserv 14:91102, Jackson DWT, Cooper JAG (2011) Coastal dune field in Ireland: rapid response to climatic change. In particular dune sealing (loosely defined here as the growth of vegetation across the front of, or within active dunes) has been identified as leading to a decrease in ecological diversity and species richness, as well as posing a threat to rare or endangered species (Smith 2009; Jones et al. J Coast Conserv 13:1523, Rhind P, Jones RE, Jones L (2013) The impact of dune stabilization on the conservation status of sand dune systems in Wales. While there are many benefits associated with living shorelines, they are not appropriate for all geomorphic environments. The upper parts of plants help protect the soil from surface winds, whereas the root network below keeps the soil together. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, https://doi.org/10.1007/0-387-30843-1_160. Geomorphology 283:4860, Burton P (2001) Grazing as a management tool and the constraints of the agricultural system: a case study of grazing on Sandscale Haws Nature Reserve, Cumbria, northwest England. In some cases authorities have been eager to protect the dunes by planting marram grass and placing fences or fascines (placing of pine or spruce branches) in the wind alleys to trap the sand [1][2]. the dune ecosystem are capable of either layering or root suckering. However, artificial enhancement of inland sand transfers may leave the foredune more vulnerable to enhanced scarping and/or overwash and thus to destruction of inland habitats that are protected by the presence of the foredune. 2010) and whether it is sustainable under existing abiotic conditions (Delgado-Fernandez et al. DHI https://www.dhigroup.com/marine-water/ebook-shoreline-management-guidelines. In: Martinez ML, Psuty NP (eds) Coastal dunes, ecology and conservation. 2013; Pye et al. This is highlighted by the results of recent attempts to remove introduced Ammophila sp. Vegetation is the least expensive, most durable, most aesthetically appealing and only self-maintaining technique available. V.7.17-V.7.21. It moves backwards parallel with the eroding coastline and at the same time it maintains its form and volume as well as a wide beach.

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what is dune stabilisation