wife committed zina in the past

Do I wait for him? are those who walk humbly on the earth. A: Think about the wrongs and mistakes that you have committed and how Allah Ta`ala has covered your faults and forgiven you. Her question is whether she should/has to tell her husband about it or not. If a married person does zina, and 4 people witness it (or their spouse witnesses it, even if it is only them) they are killed. The evidence for this is the fact that the Prophet ( ) turned away from Maaiz and from the Ghaamidi woman at first. You are permitted to deny having a past. https://quran.com/83/1-3 "a man if he is sane enough can easily identify from the gait of a women about their virginity and allah has given hymen to women for a reason". Now he wants to move on from all this and it's been 6 months since I found out but I cry almost everyday. The zina thing i already quitted and i will not commit again. If he[/she] is clearly living a good and righteous life now, then it is wrong to dig up the past. Repent:.1. cheating is normal and now a days revenge is so much common that boys put acid on girls face just to take revenge on cheating and also girls face accidents on the road that are not accidents. zina (fornication or adultery), as Allaah says (interpretation of the So if as a boy I can control myself why not girls??? fact, one who repents and does sincerely repents for those sins, and a boy rub his penius on my hips but didnt touch my vigrna do nothing with it plzz tell me what is the punishment of it in islam ?? Having difficulty finding a wife to marry, The Validity of the Marriage of an Adulteress before Repentance, Marrying a Man Who Has a Child Born of Fornication, Marriage of the Adulterer with the Woman Whom He Committed Zina with: Difference of Opinion, A Man Who Committed Fornication Is Permitted to Marry A Chaste Woman If He Repents, Choosing A Religiously Committed Suitor in Marriage Is Recommended, Religions, Sects and Da'wah (Call to Islam), Jinaayaat (Criminology) and Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Politics and International Affairs, Medical Issues, Media, Culture and Means of Entertainment. Allah is Rahman he in Shaa Allah has forgiven your sin. In the Qur'an, right after the prohibition of killing one's children, Allah Most High says: If he contacts you again and is willing to give you another chance, then that is a sign for you to pursue marriage. May Allah give you more strength, health, happiness, well being and above all best of Imaan. But no one knows that we both committed zina. If he asks than be honest, if he doesn't want you because of that then he is a fool and this was not meant to be anyway! JUST SEARCH NAUMAN ALI KHAN >. And from men point of view any virgin man will not accept you. A virgin women can have her hymen changed for many reasons, and there's no need for her to bleed. The girl, had a wonderful husband, and his reply to that man was you should not be disclosing others sins. into good deeds, and He is very First and foremost a man if he is sane enough can easily identify from the gait of a women about their virginity and allah has given hymen to women for a reason - this means that chastity is regarded with so much importance in islam.Its so easy to say I have committed zinah and now i am repentful. Thank you, Ahmet. -Most Important, Seek forgiveness with your true heart, with your deepest and most sincere intentions whenever and where ever possible, all the time, with the hope Allah will forgive you some day before you, leave this world, -(These are not my opinions, only the inferred pointers after decoding of hadiths and Quranic sayings). In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. While I think it is always wise to have the family involved in the marriage process, there is nothing you can do if they refuse.You have to ask yourself which option is worse. prophet, no imam, no dai, It will be bad ones and this fact cant be make hidden. Mental Illness My husband is a mental health patient who has committed Zina many times without any feeling of remorse or guilt. Since you have made tawbah sincerely and are no longer involved in those sins, you are as deserving as anyone else of a good spouse. Muslims can be so hateful. My future mother-in-law refuses to initiate relations in an acceptable manner, How to marry her, a complicated situation. again; it is expected that you will No man would be able to detect with his penis that you're not a virgin, but if you don't bleed, etc. In the future please refrain from insulting other people - which is haram in Islam by the way. 2. he thinks i am pure and says you r pure and what to do if i feel ashamed? Some Prophetic Supplications for Difficulty and Distress benefit is only due to Allahs Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error He said he won't change his mind. Try to pray navafly hajat for your wedding night. How would a husband and a wife repent if they committed "Zina" before their marriage? To make a change for the better as a result of remorse or contrition for one's sins. You committed zina and you repented. Nayra, did your old boyfriend do that deliberately to destroy your marriage? If this sin is not known to your family, husband, future husband, parents, or whoever that doesn't know, Allah (hijab/cover) that sin so don't tell anyone who don't know. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Question # 483: Delay in Holding Waleemah, Question # 102: Zakat to Dependent Siblings. We All rights reserved. . Thanks for rplying me and respect for d commendable work u ppl are doing.i posted my question 5 days ago with the same username regret and email id.for me its being showed in d pending column.do u now find my question? The Prayer of Need (Salat al-Hajah) or Istikhara? Muhammad. I know, it's hard advice, and really I think the question you're really asking is can you get away with NOT telling your future spouse. She must marry the man with whom she slept already. Is doing this correct? Assalam o alaikum, muslim brothers and sisters. Thanks for replying, but still i am so confused. no person, no grave, no Allah ( ) accepts peoples repentance without their having to confess or expose their sins to any other person. Do u kbow the consequences, when her man will know on wedding night that she is not virgin? We use cookies on IslamQA to measure visitor stats. They do it because they genuinely want to do better. can forgive sins? Women impure are for men impure, and men impure for women impure, and women of purity are for men of purity, and men of purity are for women of purity: these are not affected by what people say: for them there is forgiveness, and a provision honorable. When registration reopens, I encourage you to do this course Islamic Marriage: Guidance for Successful Marriage and Married Life. worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that What about the woman?where should she go if she had done something wrong because no man on this planet wants a human wife.They want angels. You will either marry a non virgin man which you should, or marry a man who has restricted his strong sexual urges all his life for that one special person, only to settle for a girl who gave herself away to a man who I am guessing is no longer in your life, before marriage. If you can accept that then ma-sha-Allah, let us proceed. therein forever! Aameen. Home Hanafi Fiqh DarulIftaBirmingham Should a Wife Who Has Done Tawbah From Zina Inform Her Husband of Her Actions. Many people believe that bleeding after intercourse is a sign of virginity because it proves that the hymen a thin, fleshy membrane that partially covers the vaginal opening "broke." After changing myself I told my wife to wear hijab and leave free mixing with her male friends and follow Islamic path with me. Moose. Also, Allah has told us not to reveal our sins. Is It Allowed To Send Islamic Book by Post Duas and Quranic Surah Verses, An Imam Recites an Aayat of Sajdah and Goes Into Ruku and Makes the Intention of Sajdah Tilawah, Can we preach to women about Islam on facebook and on other networks, The Status of a Job Acquired with False Certification. If future husband don't ask this stuff then question of disclosing this secret never comes .. by Allaah, if you believe in Allaah and the Last Day. -Allah s.w.t is merciful benevolent. Muhammad(saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers. What difference does it make, at this stage, if she had pain or bleeding when he abused her? It's been one year since I commited zina. It may be hard to tell but if it's something that pops back in a couple years then that marriage will be either broken up super fast or dragged through the mud so bad that it affects the children. Only if she has repent and changed herself, nobody is perfect in this world even though zina is a Big sin. So they deserve to know and decide. Allah Alone, nor kill a soul I pray that Allah grants you the blessings of a loving, righteous husband and children who will be the coolness of your eyes. What is zina? Have I lost all my good deeds? Mryyam Khan: You still have your hymen intact and technically you are still a virgin. If wife committed zina should husband know? There is no need to tell anyone about your past. Do I wait for him? In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. May Allah protect us all from all evils and show us the righteous path..its a blessing and pride if you are protected.i would suggest you not to reveal any such secret to your husband or anyone.if Allah is concealing your sins just be grateful to him and ask for forgiveness for the sins you have committed.stop thinking too much for the future and what kind of husband you should get. All Merciful. above statement. I have been told that if I had sex after I converted I would not be able to islamically get married under the ways of islam. Pious men are for pious women and pious women are for pious men. Secondly, to say that a woman who has commited zina can never again be pious is extremely unforgiving. Allah says in the Holy Answer All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. Answer. of marriage. And secondly how can you start your life with a LIE, Well if a sane man can just look at the gait of a girl and determine if she is virgin, question of lying should not arise to begin with. If those who repent and believe (in Islamic Monotheism), and do righteous Quran Chapter 39 Surah Zumur verses 53-54:(O Prophet) say: O My servants who Instead of telling your future husband about your shameful act tell your parents so that they marry you to the man you already slept with. The bond is strengthened. base deed or wrong their own soul by the commission of a sin, remember Allah instantly, and ask for forgiveness from Him for their Hell, for its torment is killing! I appreciate the answer from the short answer, and long answer, that's really helpful for me and prevent me from misunderstanding In shaa Allah Bi idhnillah. Abu Hurayra, Allah be pleased with him, reports that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and give him peace, said . Her husband will realise on first night that she is not virgin. I think she has to tell him as marriage is a transaction that involves values and money. If the married person who committed zina (or is accused of it) by their spouse, they can swear that they never did it, and will escape punishment. If someone judges her based on a past history she has repented from they are doing something wrong because only Allah can judge. . P.s She may not be able to marry the man she slept with and she certainly doesn't have to. (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): Receive (teaching) from He said he didn't tell me because he loved me and wanted to marry me. They were not gilfriends of someone and harm relationship. I met a good Muslim guy. So in your sight what is the meaning of that ayah? Malik reported in his Book of Hadith that a man offered to marry the sister of another. There is a difference of opinion concerning marriage of the zaani to the woman with whom he committed zina. It's presumptuous of me true, but I feel I have the 80% chance of being correct that she is within that demographic of possibly a member of an underdeveloped or currently developing country and subject to the patriarchal laws of her family. I hid my addictions from my girlfriend but we are both revertingshould I confess to her? repented, and subsequently amended The man you are paired with should have never had sex. He has already made it clear that he is devastated and will not change his mind. A hymen can stretch or break for any number of reasons other than sexual intercourse - for example, horse-riding, gymnastics, a medical procedure (some girls might need operations down below, which would mean the hymen may well be broken for that to happen) - so its presence or absence isn't proof by itself.

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wife committed zina in the past